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Family Selection Required Policies & Best Practices.

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1 Family Selection Required Policies & Best Practices

2 Produce/Organize application packet. include: -Covenant Partner’s published Application Selection Criteria -Covenant Partner’s published Credit Requirements/ Income Guidelines -Covenant Partner’s Credit Release Form -Application Organize/Host Informational Meeting for potential applicants. Receive applications Process the Applications -Credit check -Home Visit Follow up with report and present recommendations/denials to the Board Send out denial letters for those not approved by Board. Turn over approved applicants to Family Partnering Committee- Or ientation and signing of Fuller Center Homeowner Partnership Agreement/Letter. Family Selection Checklist

3 Family Selection Best Practices Staffed and working Family Selection Committee Prepared application packet Host Informational meetings to receive applications Credit checks Background checks Home visits Home evaluations- documentation Develop rating policy for need Bring to board for a timely vote Send denial letters promptly Prepare other resource info for families denied

4 Family Selection Issues/Solutions Finding qualified Family Selection Committee members Finding qualified applicants Old applications in the organization Determining how to keep applicants in the queue

5 Family Partnering Checklist New Home-ReNew Home Checklist After Applicant is Board approved hold Orientation Meeting with homeowner candidate. Orientation Meeting should include: Review and signing of The Fuller Center for Housing Homeowner Agreement/Letter of Acceptance. Family Partnering Committee sets up a program and goals for the Homeowner candidate to obtain their sweat equity and homeowner education hours. Family Partnering Committee is the liaison between the homeowner candidate and the Board. Family Partnering Committee helps keep track of their sweat equity hours and their education hours. Family Partnering Committee establishes the homeowner education requirements. Family Partnering Committee helps the homeowner candidate understand all the aspects about their soon to be mortgage and supports them to the closing table. The committee will provide assistance in the procedures of finishing the home. Such as understanding the walk-through, the punch list, and the home warranty. In some Covenant Partners the Family Partnering Committee will help with providing continuing or follow up education that may be required.

6 Family Partnering Best Practices Set up working Family Partnering Committee Establish education and polices-set performance standards Prepare manual for homeowners Establish mentoring partners Connect to other support partners in the community Establish delinquent policies ahead of problems

7 Homeowner Manual Content Homeowner manuals vary in content from covenant partner to covenant partner. Many of the items included in the Family Selection Chapter should be included in the homeowner manual. Some of the most common pieces of information that should initially be included are:  Letter of Acceptance-Partnership Agreement.  Procedure for completing sweat-equity.  Sweat-equity tracking book.  Homeowner education requirements.  General information, mission statement and history of the Fuller Center for Housing.  Release and waiver of liability forms. Some of the more important pieces of information which should always be transferred to homeowner, whether in the form of a manual or some other resources, include:  Information on mortgage documents and resale restrictions  Guidelines for home maintenance.  Payment procedures.  Warranty information on the home and any appliances Revisions and Format A homeowner manual is never complete. Revisions are needed whenever the covenant partner makes changes to the home plan, homeowner options, sweat-equity requirements and any other policies and procedures that impact the partner family. The most effective format for these manuals is a sturdy binder and loose leaf pages to allow easy removal and replacement.

8 Greater Blessing Flow Chart Application Received Family Selection Construction Committee - Processes Application -Construction assessment -Home visit -Cost estimate Makes recommendation Board Votes Agreement/Waiver signed Schedules work Prepares Family for work Completes work Dedication

9 Greater Blessing Best Practices Takes applications when funding and volunteers are available only Educates homeowners in how Greater Blessing works-sets expectations Involve homeowner families Follow up with homeowner families

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