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Your future. Our Mission. Founded 1870 | Rolla, Missouri.

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1 Your future. Our Mission. Founded 1870 | Rolla, Missouri

2 25 th Annual Missouri S&T Transfer Conference Debbie Schatz Assistant Director of Admissions Welcome!

3 Missouri S&T Transfer Conference Agenda October 8, 2009 8:30 a.m. Check In and Continental Breakfast Havener Center, St. Pat’s A and B 9:00 a.m. Welcome Debbie Schatz, Assistant Director, S&T Admissions Jay Goff, Dean of Enrollment Management Dr. John F. Carney III, Chancellor 9:20 a.m. Transfer Students at Missouri S&T 9:40 a.m. Break 9:50 a.m. Curriculum Updates 11:00 a.m. Transfer Assistance Program Updates 11:25 p.m. News and Changes at Missouri S&T 12:00 p.m. Lunch Dr. Kent Wray, S&T Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 12:30 p.m. Missouri S&T Research Highlights 1:45 p.m. Break 2:00 p.m. Tours and Demonstrations 3:30 p.m. Transfer Student Reception 4:00 p.m. Optional Campus/Residential College Tour 2009 Transfer Conference Agenda October 8, 2009 8:30 a.m. Check In and Continental Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Welcome Jay Goff, Dean of Enrollment Management Dr. John F. Carney III, Chancellor 9:20 a.m. Transfer Students at Missouri S&T 9:40 a.m. Break 9:50 a.m. Curriculum Updates 11:00 a.m. Transfer Assistance Program Updates 11:25 p.m. News and Changes at Missouri S&T 12:00 p.m. Lunch Dr. Kent Wray, S&T Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 12:30 p.m. Missouri S&T Research Highlights 1:45 p.m. Break 2:00 p.m. Tours and Demonstrations 3:30 p.m. Transfer Student Reception 4:00 p.m. Optional Campus/Residential College Tour

4 25 th Annual Missouri S&T Transfer Conference Jay Goff Vice Provost and Dean Enrollment Management Welcome!

5 25 th Annual Missouri S&T Transfer Conference Dr. John F. Carney III Missouri S&T Chancellor Welcome!

6 Your future. Our Mission. Founded 1870 | Rolla, Missouri

7 Missouri S&T Transfer Students Fall 2009 Debbie Schatz, Assistant Director of Admissions October 8, 2009

8 2009 New Transfer Students 441 in 2009 (104 Spring, 337 Fall) 27.5% female, 72.5% male 13% Under-represented minority 11% International 66% engineering, 34% other majors

9 56 average transfer credits 3.09 average transfer GPA 3.02 average Cumulative GPA after 1 or more S&T semesters 30% female, 70% male 11.1% under-represented minority 2009 S&T Transfer Students All Currently Enrolled Transfers

10 East Central College163 St. Louis CC140 Metropolitan CC72 Jefferson College48 Ozarks Technical CC41 St. Charles CC35 Mineral Area College30 AUC DDEP27 SEMO26 Three Rivers CC26 MO Southern19 Univ of Central MO18 Southwest Baptist16 SWIC16 State Fair CC16 Enrolled Students by School

11 Fall 2009 Transfer Student Survey

12 Survey completion 62/305 (20%) Age 18-24 (82%) (22 Average Age) Age 25+ (18%) Missouri Resident (74%) Non-Missouri Resident (26%) Survey Demographics

13 From how many institutions did you transfer credit?  One (50%)  Two (36%)  3+ (14%) Transfer School

14 As a result of your transfer school experience, how prepared do you feel to be successful at Missouri S&T? Academic Preparation Satisfied: 82% Unsatisfied: 18% Did not respond: 0% How satisfied were you in the academic preparation you received at your transfer school? Prepared: 87% Unprepared: 13%

15 Met with Missouri S&T Representative Getting Ready to Transfer Yes: 77% No: 23% Visited Campus Yes: 42% No: 58% Before transferring to Missouri S&T I...

16 Information About Missouri S&T Before transferring, I received information from the following sources »My transfer school advisor (29%) »Printed information at my transfer school (31%) »Website and emails from Missouri S&T (74%) »Mail (73%) »Visits to my transfer school by Missouri S&T representatives/faculty (40%) »Friends, family, and/or fellow students (56%) »Other (15%) Before transferring, I had access to the following types of information »Transfer course equivalencies (69%) »Degree Requirements (82%) »Transfer scholarship information (90%) »Admission applications and procedures (87%) »Housing in Rolla (63%) »Other (7%)

17 My transfer school has a coordinated transfer program for students transferring to Missouri S&T:  Yes (52%)  No (32%)  Do not know (14%)  Did not respond (2%) I had access to a transfer guide to help me select classes at my transfer school:  Yes (66%)  No (29%)  Do not know (5%) My transfer school advisor was able to advise me on classes that would transfer to Missouri S&T:  Yes (53%)  No (34%)  Do not know (13%) I am satisfied with the advising services I received at my transfer school:  Yes (76%)  No (21%)  Do not know (3%) Coordinated Transfer Program

18 Area of Study  Business/Management (5%)  Computer/Technical (8%)  Engineering (73%)  Liberal Arts (0%)  Science and Mathematics (13%)  Medical Fields (2%)  Undecided (0%) A+ Program  Eligible (24%)  Not eligible (47%)  Do not know (29%) Major Changes Before Transferring  Zero (63%)  Once (34%)  Twice (3%)  Three times (0%)  Four or more (0%) Academics No Degree

19 Credits Completed Before Transfer

20 Cumulative GPA of Transfer Credits

21 After transferring to Missouri S&T, I expect my GPA to…

22 On average, how many hours per week did you work while at your transfer school? …expect to work at Missouri S&T?

23 Number of hours per week you studied outside of class at transfer school? …expect to study at Missouri S&T?

24 Housing Choices

25 Number of miles round-trip you commuted while attending your transfer school? …plan to commute at Missouri S&T?

26 Satisfaction with Transition Decision to TransferApplication Process Meeting with Advisor Class Registration Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Did Not Access Satisfied: 89% Unsatisfied: 11% Satisfied: 97% Unsatisfied: 3% Satisfied: 98% Unsatisfied: 2% Satisfied: 84% Unsatisfied: 8% Did Not Access: 8%

27 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Did Not Access Does not Apply Agree: 42% Disagree: 2% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 53% Agree: 65% Disagree: 14% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 20% Agree: 25% Disagree: 11% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 63% Agree: 90% Disagree: 8% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 2% How satisfied were you with…?

28 Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Did Not Access Does not Apply Agree: 79% Disagree: 14% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 6% Agree: 65% Disagree: 14% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 20% Agree: 85% Disagree: 12% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 2% Agree: 31% Disagree: 40% Does not apply/Did Not Access: 29% Transferring Credit

29 Did you have to take extra courses at Missouri S&T Transferring Credit Yes: 16% No: 69% Do not know: 13% Did you have to repeat course at Missouri S&T Yes: 11% No: 63% Do not know: 26% Reasons given for credits not transferring »Limit on the total number or credits I can transfer (3%) »Course grade was not high enough (3%) »Missouri S&T doesn’t accept any transfers of credits from my old institution (0%) »Missouri S&T doesn’t accept career and technical education course for credit (5%) »Course not considered to be at college level (3%) »Missouri S&T requires that certain courses be taken only there (0%) »I do know why my credits did not transfer (16%) »Other (47%) »Did not respond (21%)

30 How were you advised at Missouri S&T?  76% Transfer Advising Day Event  13% Individual Advising Appointment  3% Email  0% Phone  6% Other  2% Did not respond Transfer Orientation was a worthwhile event: Orientation & Advising Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied Did Not Access Agree: 52% Disagree: 13% Did Not Participate: 35%

31 Activities You Plan to Participate In at Missouri S&T

32 Your future. Our Mission. Founded 1870 | Rolla, Missouri

33 25 th Annual Missouri S&T Transfer Conference Dr. Scott Miller Assoc. Director Freshman Engineering Assoc. Professor Metallurgical Engineering Curriculum Updates

34  All 16 engineering programs, including Interdisciplinary, were reviewed last fall.  Outcomes  IDE was newly accredited.  All other maintained accreditation with no deficiencies.  A few programs will submit interim reports about assessment of objectives and outcomes.  Next full review in 2014. ABET Accreditation

35  Discontinued as of Fall 2009.  Most junior/senior majors may continue.  Accreditation process will continue for past/future grads.  Students could accomplish IDE goals through other majors. Interdisciplinary Engineering

36 Pursue a EE degree with:  EE 267/268 Linear Systems II with Lab  EE 253/255 Electronics I with Lab  EE 254/256 Electronics II with Lab  Math 325 Partial Differential Equations  Phys 345 Acoustics, ME 309 Engineering Acoustics I, EE 341 Digital Signal Processing (select two) Pursue an Environmental or Geological Engineering degree with:  CE 1 Surveying  GE 50 Engineering Geology  EE 207 Electrical Power Systems  CE 217 Structural Analysis I  Env E 261 Intro Env. Eng. & Sc.  Arch E 319 Applied Mechanics in Structural Engineering  Arch E 322 Analysis & Design of Wood Structures Example Track 1 – Acoustic and Electronic Systems Example Track 2 - Disaster Management Interdisciplinary Engineering

37 Specially designed Chemical Engineering track incorporating:  Cellular Biology  Microbiology  Molecular Chemical Engineering  Molecular Genetics  Biochemical Separations  Biochemical Reactors Materials Minor with courses in:  Metallurgy for Engineers  Material Processing  Tissue engineering  Biomaterials I  One additional elective Chemical Engineering – Biochemical Engineering Emphasis Biomaterials Minor Bio Engineering

38 Free electives – for Engineering programs, these CANNOT include deficiency courses, such as algebra or trigonometry. The following engineering departments restrict any free electives to 3 credit hours if not in Science or Engineering: Aerospace,, Architectural, Chemical/Biochemical, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Mechanical Three departments have some (xx) hours of free electives and they are NOT restricted: Engineering Mgmt (6) Metallurgical Engineering (5) Nuclear Engineering (6) These five engineering departments don’t currently have any free electives in their curricula: Ceramic, Civil, Geological, Mining, Petroleum Technical electives – usually must be approved by major advisor. Specific degree programs and emphasis areas may require specific courses (see Course Catalog) Elective Classes

39 128 Hours All Engineering Geology and Geophysics 120 Hours BA: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Economics, English, History, Psychology BS: Business and Management Systems, Economics, Invormation Science and Technology 130 Hours Biochemical Engineering Biological Sciences BS 131 Hours Chemistry BS 132 Hours Mathematics BS 124 Hours Psychology BS 126 Hours Technical Communications BS Total Hours for Degree

40  2009 guides out for partner school review.  Students will keep their original catalog year.  Will be posted online as soon as approved.  Front page shows courses typically taken during the first two years, and equivalent courses at the partner institution  Back page outlines specific requirements and courses necessary for each engineering degree program at Missouri S&T 2009 Engineering Transfer Guides

41  New guides for STEM disciplines for all community colleges.  Biological Sciences BA, BS, Teacher Certification  Chemistry BA, BS, Teacher Certification  Computer Science BS  Geology and Geophysics BS  Math BS, Teacher Certification  Physics BS, Teacher Certification  Draft in your folder, if available. 2009 STEM Transfer Guides

42  New guides for “other” majors for selected community colleges.  Business BS  Economics BA, BS, Teacher Certification  English BA, Teacher Certification  History BA, Teacher Certification  IST BS  Philosophy BA  Psychology BA, BS, Teacher Certification  Technical Communication BS  Summer 2010 goal. 2009 Humanities, Social Sciences, Business

43 Free Electives  Architectural Engineering Decreased from 6 to 3 hours.  Civil Engineering: Decreased from 6 to 0 hours.  Computer Engineering: Decreased from 6 to 5 hours.  Electrical Engineering: Decreased from 6 to 5 hours. Transfer Guide Changes for Fall 2009

44 Humanities and Social Sciences  Architectural Engineering: History 112 Modern Western Civilization is preferred but History 175 American History to 1877 and 176 American History since 1877 are also acceptable.  Computer Science As of Fall 2010, one of the HSS electives will require an ethics elective. Transfer Guide Changes for Fall 2009

45 Computer Science Programming  Architectural and Civil Engineering ArchE/CvE 003 Engineering Communications is required instead of programming. Department will no longer substitute programming for ArchE/CvE 003.  Petroleum Engineering Programming no longer required.  Programming Requirement Summary  Required for Aerospace, Chemical, Computer, Electrical, Engineering Management, Mechanical, Nuclear  Not Required for Architectural, Ceramic, Civil, Environmental, Geological, Metallurgical, Mining, Petroleum Transfer Guide Changes for Fall 2009

46  Petroleum Engineering: Statistics/linear algebra no longer required.  Petroleum Engineering: None. EE 281 no longer required. Statistics Circuits Transfer Guide Changes for Fall 2009

47 2 nd Communication Requirement  Architectural: None required. ENG 060, ENG 160, or SPMS 085 will count as Gen Ed electives.  Petroleum: ENG 065 Intro to Technical Communication required. Transfer Guide Changes for Fall 2009

48 Math Placement Testing for New Transfer Students Math placement testing is a tool to help insure that new students are taking the appropriate math class. There are two math placement tests: algebra and trigonometry. Students who need testing should be referred to to brush up on their skills before the test. Math Placement

49 Testing Guidelines for Engineering, Math, Science, and Computer Science Majors Follow these guidelines for any major that requires Math 008 or 014. Students who have completed the equivalent of Calculus II with a grade of C or better ARE NOT REQUIRED TO TEST. Students who will have completed the equivalent of Calculus I with a grade of C or better by the time they transfer to S&T and DO NOT have AP or college credit for trig ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE THE TRIG PLACEMENT TEST ONLY. Other students must take both the algebra and trigonometry placement tests. (Note: Low grades in Calculus I or II may indicate problems with algebra or trig skills. Math placement scores can help the advisor to better advise the student.) If a student who requires math testing has never taken a trigonometry class and has no trig background, the student MAY CHOOSE to not take the trigonometry test and, consequently, will be required to take trig (Math 6) at Missouri S&T. The student must still take the algebra test. Math Placement

50 Testing Guidelines for IST, Business, Economics Majors Students who have completed the equivalent of Business Calculus (Math 012) ARE NOT REQUIRED TO TEST. Other students must take ONLY THE ALGEBRA TEST. Testing Guidelines for Other Majors Follow these guidelines for any major that does not require calculus or business calculus. History, English, psychology, majors do not need placement testing as new students. Students who have completed the equivalent of College Algebra (Math 004) or a higher math course with a grade of C or better ARE NOT REQUIRED TO TEST. Others must take ONLY THE ALGEBRA TEST. Again, when advising “exploratory” students, be careful to keep their options open by choosing a math sequence that could lead to Calculus 1 Math Placement

51 CHEME 120 and 141 are Key Pre-Requisites Chemical Engineering FALL TRANSFERS are strongly encouraged to take the following courses at S&T the summer before they transfer: ChemE 120 – Chem Engineering Material & Energy Balances and ChemE 141 – Chem Engineering Thermodynamics I Spring Chemical Engineering transfers will take those courses their first semester here. Prerequisites for Chemical Engineering 231 and 245. Chemical Engineering Note

52 Chemistry Courses are Key Pre-requisites Biological Sciences majors are strongly encouraged to complete 2 semesters of general chemistry and of organic chemistry before transferring. These are pre- requisites for many upper-level biological sciences courses. Biological Sciences BS requires: 9 hours of general chemistry (Chem 1,2,3 &4) 8 hours of organic chemistry (Chem 221 & 226, 223 & 228) 3 hours of general biochemistry (Chem 361) Biological Sciences Note

53 Physics Syllabus EE Practice Advancement Exams IDE 20 Syllabus IDE 50 Syllabus IDE 110 Syllabus IDE 120 Syllabus Computer Science Syllabi Statistics 215 Syllabus Math 22 Syllabus Online Syllabi for Core Courses

54 Posted on Conference Website Math 008 Calculus with Analytic Geometry I Math 014Calculus for Engineers I Math 015Calculus for Engineers II Math 021Calculus with Analytic Geometry II Math 22Calculus with Analytic Geometry III EE 281Electrical Circuits EE 151Circuits I EN 065Intro to Technical Communication Syllabi for Core Courses

55 Your future. Our Mission. Founded 1870 | Rolla, Missouri

56 25 th Annual Missouri S&T Transfer Conference Stephanie Bouse Transfer Admissions Counselor Tanzeena Francka Transfer Admissions Counselor Transfer Assistance Program Updates

57 Transfer Students and Academic Success 56 Transfer Credits Consistent GPA 3.09 Transfer GPA 3.05 Cumulative GPA at S&T 56 Transfer Credits Consistent GPA 3.09 Transfer GPA 3.05 Cumulative GPA at S&T 26% of All New Students 75% to 95% Graduation Rate All College-Level Credits and Grades Transfer Transfer GPA Part of CGPA

58 26% are Transfer Students Students Processes that work for students. Transfer Advisory Council Faculty A good student is a good student Administration Partnerships with more than 50 colleges University Great jobs for Missouri S&T grads A degree that opens doors Business and Industry University Culture of Success for Transfer Students

59 Classroom Visits – Student Success Classes – Intro to Engineering – Math, Science, Business, History, and more Informational Table Transfer Outreach

60 Before Transfer:  Sign up for TAP  Explore degree options  New brochure  Follow degree requirements/transfer course guide  Visit! Transfer Timeline

61 Engineering  All Engineering Degrees on one sheet  Three Main Sections  Required for all majors  Humanities/Social Sciences  Required for some majors  Individual Degree Requirements  Lists S&T requirements  Equivalencies on front STEM Degrees  All Community Colleges Transfer Guides Business, Arts, Social Sciences Targeted Colleges

62 Transfer Days October 16, 2009 March 9, 2010 March 16, 2010 Open House November 7, 2009 February 15, 2010 April 9, 2010 Individual Visit Group Visit Visit Campus 800-522-0938

63 9:30 a.m.Registration 10:00 a.m.Welcome and Transfer Process 10:25 a.m.Financial Assistance for Transfer Students 10:50 a.m.Career Opportunities and Co-op 11:10 a.m.Student Panel 11:30 a.m.Lunch 12:20 p.m.Student Design Center 1:00 p.m.Campus Tour 2:00 p.m.Department Visit 3:00 p.m.Department Visit 4:00 p.m.Optional Residential Life Tour 4:30 p.m. Evaluation and T-Shirt Transfer Day Schedule

64 10:00 a.m. Nuclear Reactor Tour and Radioactive Decay Lab 11:30 a.m. Lunch with former CC Students 12:10 p.m. Student Design Tour 12:45 p.m. Materials Tour and Demonstration 2:20 p.m. Geological Engineering 2:40 p.m. Geology 3:05 p.m. Mechanical Engineering Tour 4:00 p.m. Experimental Mine Tour and Explosives Demonstration 5:00 p.m.Evaluation and T-Shirt Group Visit Schedule

65 TIME TO TRANSFER Apply for admission early the semester before transfer  Spring 2010—Apply now. Request official transcripts now  Fall 2010—Apply now. Request official transcripts when Fall 2009 grades are posted Transfer Timeline

66   Request official transcripts. Must be received directly by mail in our office  Application fee $45. Only pay once  Automated email with SSO and password  Email from Transfer Admissions reviewer Application Process

67 University Admission 2.0 GPA, at least 24 credits Many Departments 2.5 GPA, 24 credits, and supporting course work -High-school transcript, ACT scores may help -Optional Personal Statement -We will contact the student with questions Transfer Admission Requirements

68 48-hour admission decisions Admission materials will be mailed Transfer Scholarship is automatically awarded Transfer credits entered, report generated Apply for Phi Theta Kappa, McBride, WISE, MEP, and Departmental scholarships Housing and On-Campus Employment Admission Information

69 GPAScholarshipRenewal GPA 2.75 – 2.99$500- 3.00 – 3.24$10003.00 3.25 – 3.49$15003.25 3.50 – 4.00$25003.25 Transfer Scholarships (Missouri Residents)

70 Transfer Evaluation Report Allows students to know how their transferring courses will apply toward their degree at S&T.


72 Degree Audit Report Allows students to know what courses are still required to fulfill required curriculum

73 Shelly Maedgen, Administrative Assistant Amy Cracraft, Enrollment Services Specialist Julie Parker, Student Records Coordinator Shevawn Tipton, Assistant Registrar Registrar’s Transfer Credit Team

74  Grades not included in the transfer institution’s GPA due to repeat or forgiveness policy may be removed from the Missouri S&T cumulative GPA by filling out a Grade Replacement form through our Registrar's office.  No more than 15 semester hours will be dropped from the calculation of the student’s cumulative GPA.  Students must submit the Transfer Credit Course GPA Adjustment form found in the Registrar’s Office or on the web at GPA Adjustment Policy

75 Transfer Advising Day Required Multiple Dates to Select Math Placement Testing Advisor/Dept Professor Registrar Financial Asst, Cashier ID Class Schedule Optional Tours Advising & Orientation Transfer Orientation Highly Recommended One Day Start of Semester Campus Resources Design Project Meet Other Students

76 Missouri S&T Transfer Admissions 800-522-0938 573-341-7255 We’re here to help! Questions?

77 TRANSFER ADMISSIONS TEAM Sherry Vance, Transfer Admissions Evaluator Tanzeena Francka, Admissions Counselor Stephanie Bouse, Admissions Counselor Debbie Schatz, Assistant Director

78 Your future. Our Mission. Founded 1870 | Rolla, Missouri

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