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School Happens. DO YOU What motivates us to learn?

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Presentation on theme: "School Happens. DO YOU What motivates us to learn?"— Presentation transcript:

1 School Happens


3 What motivates us to learn?

4 Interesting lessons motivate us

5 Good, kind teachers! motivate us

6 Learning from each other motivates us

7 The way we learn needs thinking about in new and better ways

8 We learn best when our work is varied

9 We all learn best when we are challenged and set interesting tasks

10 We learn best when we are asked to work together

11 We learn best when we are asked to come up with ideas, answers and suggestions

12 More chances to suggest what & how we are to learn motivate us

13 More choice of where and when we learn motivates us

14 DO YOU We think

15 Good teachers are open, firm and friendly

16 Good teachers ask interesting questions

17 Good teachers help us learn by giving the right amount of work

18 Good teachers plan for variation in our work and the way we learn

19 Good teachers are fun

20 Good teachers ask us …..

21 Good teachers make us think !

22 Good Teachers remember incentives help “make us bothered” – punishments don’t!


24 More choice means more involvement in our learning

25 Ongoing projects & challenges allow us more time to learn things well

26 Mixtures of length of periods for classes would help us learn better

27 Longer periods for practical classes are more efficient - save time on coursework, more in depth - less rushed

28 Rethink what is meant by core subjects – have more “extra curricular lessons” in the timetable

29 Give us more opportunities to work across subjects

30 More personalised online learning and access to ICT

31 More work- place & work related learning opportunities for all including teachers!

32 More choices each week where we can choose to do some in- depth learning……or

33 ….where we can go for extra help when struggling

34 Link year groups so we can work up or down as we need to

35 We need more non- sport related extra curricular activities

36 Give longer for Highers! - S4 exams not needed any more

37 Right now we are taught how to pass exams and not for learning

38 If we have to have exams, agree on one marking scheme – less confusing

39 Accept more folio work - so we can contribute our own ideas not more of yours!

40 Have more on-line exams

41 We all

42 School matters

43 Most of us work hard

44 Most of us behave

45 Most of us want to do well

46 So what do we mean?

47 School Happens


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