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Product Stewardship in Metro Vancouver Northwest Product Stewardship Council Tour of BC Stewardship Programs Surrey, BC October 2, 2007 Monica Kosmak,

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Presentation on theme: "Product Stewardship in Metro Vancouver Northwest Product Stewardship Council Tour of BC Stewardship Programs Surrey, BC October 2, 2007 Monica Kosmak,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Product Stewardship in Metro Vancouver Northwest Product Stewardship Council Tour of BC Stewardship Programs Surrey, BC October 2, 2007 Monica Kosmak, Policy Analyst Policy & Planning Dept. Metro Vancouver

2 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031

3 Metro Vancouver Solid Waste Disposal 1.8 million tons Construction, Demolition & Landclearing Recycling 841,000 tons EPR 157,000 tons Commercial Recycling 437,000 tons Residential Recycling 398,000 tons

4 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Non-Alcohol Beverage Containers 110 grocery stores 50 bottle depots 36,000 tons

5 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Beer & Alcohol Containers 200 liquor stores 50 bottle depots 49,000 tons (beer)

6 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Used Oil, Filters & Containers 160 locations 6.3 million ga oil 2 million filters 550 tons containers

7 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Paint, Pesticides, Flammables, Gasoline 18 paint depots 9 hhw depots 288,000 gallons paint 8,000 gal flammables 5,000 gal pesticides

8 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Medications 300 pharmacies 8 tons

9 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Tires 860 retailers 160 generators 9,000 tons since January 1

10 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Electronics 35 locations 300 tons since August 1

11 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Annual Savings to Metro Vancouver Used oil$4,200,000 Paint, pesticides, solvents $2,100,000 Medications $90,000 Subtotal $ 6.4 million Plus… deposit-refund, tires, electronics Plus… deposit-refund, tires, electronics

12 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Less Waste Disposed Containers Hazardous Waste

13 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Seek More Private Locations or… Compensation for Public Facilities

14 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Ban Disposal of Stewardship Products

15 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Perform Waste Composition Studies

16 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Research & Recommend Programs

17 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031 Host a Packaging Symposium in 2008

18 Livable Region Strategy Plan Review towards 2031

19 Contact Monica Kosmak GVRD Policy & Planning 4330 Kingsway Burnaby, BC V5H 4G8 Tel. 604.436.6808

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