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Effective Teachers Core Initiative of the Houston Independent School District Council for the Great City Schools Fall Conference October 21, 2010 Presenters:

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Teachers Core Initiative of the Houston Independent School District Council for the Great City Schools Fall Conference October 21, 2010 Presenters:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Teachers Core Initiative of the Houston Independent School District Council for the Great City Schools Fall Conference October 21, 2010 Presenters: Greg Meyers, Board President Julie Baker, Chief Major Projects Officer Ann Best, Chief Human Resources Officer

2 2 Analysis of HISD’s Human Capital Systems HISD’s Strategic Direction Quick Wins and Lessons Learned Next Steps Agenda

3 3 © The New Teacher Project 2010 Data Sources for this Analysis: Data from HISD on teacher hiring, separation, compensation and performance (including appraisal records and measures of impact on student growth). Online surveys administered to all HISD teachers and principals in March and April 2010 examining topics including appraisal, professional development, compensation, and working conditions. 6,279 teachers and 144 principals completed these surveys, response rates of 55% and 56%, respectively. In December 2009, HISD launched a partnership on the core initiative to ensure an effective teacher in every classroom. During the first phase of the partnership, TNTP conducted an analysis of current human capital policies and practices to guide the design and implementation of the core initiative. TNTP presented initial results of this analysis to the Board on April 29. This report provides additional results and an overview of TNTP’s objectives for the second phase of the partnership (June – September 2010).

4 4 © The New Teacher Project 2010 Key Findings from Comprehensive Analysis Conducted by TNTP HISD’s teacher appraisal and development systems do not adequately differentiate performance, identify improvement areas, or support teachers’ individual needs. Teachers want appraisal and support processes that accurately identify their individual needs and address those needs with targeted professional development. Teachers support including measures of student growth in their appraisals, but they have concerns about the ability of current tools to fairly and accurately measure a teacher’s impact on student learning. HISD has missed opportunities to improve or remove ineffective teachers. While HISD has made great strides towards rewarding its best teachers, the district must find ways to retain these teachers at higher rates than less effective teachers. 1 2 3 4 5 Findings from TNTP’s Analysis

5 5 © The New Teacher Project 2010 Between 2007 and 2009, HISD lost teacher applicants because of late hiring timelines and flawed communication processes. Some preparation programs are better than others; but all produce high- and low- performers, so increased recruitment from strong programs should be paired with rigorous selection and evaluation to ensure new hire quality. HISD’s highest poverty schools have the fewest high-performing teachers, demonstrating the need to provide those schools with incentives to attract effective teachers and better tools to remove low-performers. ASPIRE Award Program has helped HISD retain some of its best teachers, but teachers would support additional rewards for strong performance in the classroom. HISD teachers are least satisfied with aspects of working conditions that directly impact instruction and the advancement of student learning. 6 7 8 9 Additional Findings from TNTP’s Analysis 10

6 6 Agenda The Importance of Effective Teachers Analysis of HISD Human Capital Systems HISD’s Strategic Direction Quick Wins and Lessons Learned Next Steps

7 7 Effective Principal in Every School HISD’s Strategic Direction is made up of five core initiatives, the first of which is to ensure that there is an effective teacher in every classroom. Effective Teacher in Every Classroom Rigorous Instructional Standards and Supports Data-Driven Account- ability Culture of Trust through Action 12345 Board of Education goals for HISD from Declaration of Beliefs and Visions

8 8 To ensure that every HISD classroom is led by an effective teacher, the district will focus on implementing four key strategies. Strengthen recruiting and staffing policies and practices to attract top talent Establish a rigorous and fair teacher appraisal system to inform key decisions Provide effective individualized support and professional development for teachers Offer meaningful career pathways and differentiated compensation to retain and leverage the most effective teachers 3 4 2 1

9 9 © The New Teacher Project 2010 Recruitment Selection Training / Certification Hiring / Placement On- Boarding School Level Perf. Mngmt. Evaluation/ Prof.Dev Working Conditions Compensation Retention/ Dismissal An effective teacher in every classroom Strengthen recruitment and staffing policies and practices to attract top talent Establish a rigorous and fair teacher appraisal system to inform key decisions Provide effective individualized support and professional development for teachers Offer meaningful career pathways and differentiated compensation to retain and leverage the most effective teachers Each strategy is designed to address specific elements of HISD’s human capital system.

10 10 © The New Teacher Project 2010 Each of the four strategies of HISD’s core initiative responds to specific needs of HISD teachers and principals. HISD will…in response to data showing... Strengthen recruiting and staffing policies and practices to attract top talent A late hiring timeline causes applicants to withdraw High poverty schools have the fewest high- performing teachers Establish a rigorous and fair teacher appraisal system to inform key decisions, inclusive of teacher impact on student growth Only 43 percent of teachers say that PDAS helps them improve Fewer than 1 percent of teachers are dismissed for poor performance each year Provide effective individualized support and professional development for teachers tied to needs identified in the appraisal process Teachers do not receive professional development that is tailored to their individual needs or the needs of their students Offer meaningful career pathways and differentiated compensation to retain and leverage the most effective teachers High-performing teachers plan to leave HISD at similar rates as their lower performing peers 61 percent of teachers support accelerated salary schedule increases for teachers with high rates of student growth

11 11 Agenda The Importance of Effective Teachers Analysis of HISD Human Capital Systems HISD’s Strategic Direction Early Wins and Lessons Learned Next Steps

12 12 Early Wins The Board of Education took a bold step to include the use of value-added data as an additional reason for termination or non-renewal of a teacher’s contract. The district made a commitment to effective teaching which required us to make difficult decisions. For example, we created a stringent process to assess appropriate fit for teachers who were working at the district’s 9 lowest-performing schools who are participating on our Apollo 20 turn-around initiative. Through this process, more than 160 teachers were asked not to return to the school for the 2010-2011 year. Secured a grant in the amount of $6 million from the Laura and John Arnold Foundation to support the Effective Teacher Core Initiative.

13 13 Early Wins Immediately responding to teacher’s cry for individual professional development by requiring the development of Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs) for every teacher through collaborative discussions between teachers and their supervisors. Standardized and increased the rigor of the teacher selection system. Through this system, HISD created a talent pool of 1,000 teacher candidates from which principals could interview and hire. As of the first day of school, only 13 vacancies existed across nearly 300 schools and 12,700 teaching positions. Only 18% of the applicants received a teaching positions. The Staff Review Process conducted in March, 2010 yielded increased differentiation of teacher performance levels than through PDAS. Specifically, only 0.1% of teachers during the 2008-2009 appraisal process received an “Unsatisfactory” rating in at least one domain. However, through the Staff Review Process, 6% of teachers were categorized as “Low-Performing.”

14 14 Lessons Learned Despite the increase in the number of employed recruiters and rigorous selection process, the importance of communication with applicants throughout the process cannot be underscored. Have systems in place to communicate with applicants throughout the hiring process. Have direct communication systems to share information and receive feedback from teachers. Don’t rely solely on school administrators. Create a strategic communications plan and a brand for this effective teachers core initiative. We will be branding our effort as Teach HISD! While this initiative is a human resources function, include key academic leaders through out the planning, design, implementation and evaluation phases. Keep the board of education regularly informed of progress and potential areas of concerns. You will need them to support the initiative in good times and times where push-back may be received.

15 15 Agenda The Importance of Effective Teachers Analysis of HISD Human Capital Systems HISD’s Strategic Direction Early Wins and Lessons Learned Next Steps

16 16 Next Steps Implement the design process for a new teacher appraisal and development system. Complete an analysis of extensive survey data of applicants for teaching positions for the 2010-2011 school year. Monitor and track successes and lessons learned from the 2010-2011 Staff Review Process. Continue to seek additional private funds to support this important initiative. Implement a Talent Management System.

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