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Being Friends with the Perfect God! The 10 Commandments and Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Being Friends with the Perfect God! The 10 Commandments and Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Being Friends with the Perfect God! The 10 Commandments and Jesus

2 Read Exodus 19:16-19 What happened on the mountain? Draw it. Read Exodus 19:23How near could the people come? Why?

3 Read Exodus 19:1-6Fill in the blanks v6You will be a nation that __ __ __ __ __ __ __ to __ __ alone. So who do they belong to?___ ___ ___ ! v6You will be my Kingdom of __ __ __ __ __ __ __ That means they’re to show the rest of the world what God was like!

4 Think: What could people find out about God from the way you live? Think: Who do we belong to? Read Romans 6:22

5 1 Turn this into the first commandment by making it say ‘God 1 st ’: Who was to be number 1 in their lives?

6 God appears again many years later on a mountain. Read Mark 9:2-7 Who is the one we are to put first? __ __ __ __ __ How do we put Him first? ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ to Him!

7 Think: Are you friends with the perfect God through Jesus? Do you listen to Him? How long do you spend in the week listening to Jesus?

8 2 Add a head to the top and feet to the bottom to turn this into the second commandment: Why were they not to bow down to images?

9 Were the Israelites any good at keeping this command? What did they do wrong? If we guess at what God is like we’ll get it wrong. Who came to show us exactly what God is like? Read Colossians 1:15 __ __ __ __ __ Jesus is the image of God. But does the bible tell us anything about what He looks like?

10 Draw some of the things below that you might make more important than Jesus: When we make these things more important than Jesus we are worshipping created things, not the Creator!

11 3 Turn this into the third commandment by turning the top loop into an angry face saying ‘God!’ and the bottom loop into a happy face saying ‘God!’: What were they not to do?

12 Names all have meanings. What does your name mean? What was God’s name and what did it mean? What new name did Jesus give us for God? See Mark 14:36 What does Jesus mean? See Matthew 1:21 ____ ____ ____

13 Draw yourself carrying God’s name to your friends: How well are you doing this?

14 4 Turn the 4 into a Z to make this into the fourth commandment: What was to happen on a Saturday (Sabbath)?

15 Read Hebrews 4:9. When will the Sabbath day rest be? Read Matthew 11:28. Who do we go to for that rest? Graffiti some words below to describe how you feel about that rest.

16 Write a little poem or a prayer saying thank you to God for His brilliant rest:

17 5 Turn this into the fifth commandment by adding a heart into the loop: How were the Israelites to treat their family?

18 Draw the people in your family How good are you at loving and honouring them?

19 Read Mark 3:31-35. How can we be in Jesus’ family? Read 1 Timothy 5:1-2. How should you treat: Older menOlder women Younger women

20 Draw a number 6 and turn it into a gun by adding a trigger into the loop and a bullet at the end: What were the Israelites not to do?

21 What did the people do to Jesus? Did He stay dead? What does that show us about what Jesus has power over? Read John 1:4. What does Jesus have in Him?

22 Read Matthew 5:44. Instead of taking life, how should we treat people? What’s the best way in which you can be a life-giver? How good are you at being a life-giver?

23 Fill the number 7 with many wives: What were the Israelites not to do?

24 Where does Jesus say that breaking this commandment comes from? Colour it below: Read Ephesians 5:22-33. What should a husband and wife point people to?

25 A husband’s never failing love for his wife should begin to show us Jesus’ never failing love for you! When you treat something or someone else as more important that Jesus, what are you committing? Draw or write some of the things that are important to you. These things could become more important than Jesus!

26 Turn a number eight into a bagful of sweets: Why were the Israelites not to steal?

27 Read Matthew 6:19-21. Where is our inheritance? What are some of things that you can do now which will last forever? How much do you think about where you are going to be forever?

28 How long is ‘stuff’ going to last? Read Ephesians 4:28. How can you be more generous with ‘stuff’ then? Pray that you might want to give! Pray that you might work for things that last!

29 Turn this number 9 into a mouth speaking lies by adding a tongue into the lower loop: 9 What were they to show people about God?

30 Read John 14:6. What does Jesus say about himself: “I am the __ __ __, the __ __ __ __ __ and the __ __ __ __” The commandment talks about not telling lies in court. What do you call someone who gives evidence in court about what they’ve seen? A___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

31 Read Acts 1:8. What sort of witnesses are we to be? How could you play a part in being a witness to every part of the world? Why not pray that you would be a good witness to your friends?

32 Add the zero as a bag of money: 1 What were the Israelites not to long for?

33 What sort of things do you long for? Draw them below: Read Matthew 6:33. What should you long for most?

34 Look back over your sheets and summarise what the 10 commandments meant to the Israelites: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Look back over your sheets and summarise what the 10 commandments mean as we follow Jesus: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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