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Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC IMT Task Force Report Kohei SATOH Managing Director, ARIB Document No: GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Source:

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Presentation on theme: "Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC IMT Task Force Report Kohei SATOH Managing Director, ARIB Document No: GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Source:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC IMT Task Force Report Kohei SATOH Managing Director, ARIB Document No: GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Source: ARIB Contact: Kohei SATOH ( GSC Session: GRSC-9 Agenda Item: 7.1

2 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 2 Highlight of Current Activities GSC Task Force on IMT standardization was created under the GRSC by Resolution of GSC-12 (Resolution GSC-12/01). An objective of the Task Force is to exchange information and views on radio interface technologies for IMT-Advanced among PSOs allowing for efficient, effective and timely development of the IMT-Advanced standard. Activities would be expected to be carried out during the ITU-R WP5D, 3GPPs and other regional meetings (e.g., IMT-WG of AWG, CJK IMT WG meeting, etc.).

3 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 3 Strategic Direction The Task Force should be encouraged to actively help in the exchange of information and views with the goal of approval of the Draft New Recommendation on “Detailed radio interface specifications for IMT-Advanced [IMT.RSPEC]” in the Radiocommunication Assembly 2012 (RA-12). The Task Force should actively support that a new agenda item on IMT spectrum issues for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015/16 (WRC- 15/16) will be adopted in the WRC-12.

4 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 4 Next Steps / Actions The Task Force proposes that GSC –endorses the further continuation of the IMT Task Force to exchange information and views with goal of approval of the Draft New Recommendation [IMT.RSPEC] and adoption of a new agenda item on IMT spectrum issues for the WRC-15/16 in the WRC-12, and –requests its PSOs to review their national/regional activities and to report on their progress to the Task Force and at the next GSC meeting.

5 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 5 Proposed Modification of Resolution GSC-15/1 Considering recent activities in ITU-R WP5D, 3GPP, PSOs and others on IMT-Advanced, Resolution GSC-15/01 (Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization) should be updated and modified as follows:  To update “Recognizing part” as appropriate  To add issues on a new agenda item on IMT spectrum issues for the WRC-15/16 in “Resolves part”

6 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 6 Supplementary Slides

7 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Schedule for Development of IMT-Advanced Radio Interface in ITU-R WP5D 2008200920102011 #1#2#3 #4#5#6#7#8#9#10 WP 5D meetings Step 1 and 2 Step 3 Step 4 Steps 5,6 and 7 Steps 8 (0) (1) (2) (3) (4) (20 months) (8 months) (16 months) (20 months) (12 months) Steps in radio interface development process: 7 #11 (0): Issue an invitation to propose RITs March 2008 (1) : ITU proposed cut off for submissionOctober 2009 of candidate RIT and SRIT proposals Step 5: Review and coordination of outside evaluation activities Step 6: Review to assess compliance with minimum requirements Step 7: Consideration of evaluation results, consensus building and decision Step 8: Development of Radio Interface Recommendation(s) Step 1: Issuance of the Circular Letter Step 2: Development of candidate RITs Step 3: Reception of the submissions and issuance of an acknowledgement for RIT Step 4: Evaluation of candidate RITs by evaluation groups Critical milestones in radio interface development process: (2): Cut off for evaluation report to ITUJune 2010 (3) : WP5D decides framework and keyOctober 2010 characteristics of IMT-Advanced RIT and SRIT (4): WP5D completes development of radioFebruary 2011 interface specification Recommendations Submission of proposal ・ IEEE technology ・ 3GPP technology Correspon dence Group

8 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 ITU-ROutside ITU-R Step 1 Issuance of a Circular Letter to invite proposals for radio interface technologies and evaluations Step3 Reception of the submissions and issuance of an acknowledgement for RIT Step 5 Review and coordination of outside evaluation activities Step 6 Review to assess compliance with minimum requirements Step 7 Consideration of evaluation results, consensus building, and decision Step 8 Development of radio interface Recommendation(s) Step 2 Development of candidate radio interface technologies Descriptions of proposed radio interface technologies and evaluation reports Radio interface specifications (RSPECs), sufficiently detailed to enable worldwide compatibility Coordination between evaluation groups Submission of candidate radio interface technologies Step 4 Evaluation of candidate radio interface technologies by independent evaluation groups, grouping or compromise of the technologies through consensus building Step 9 Implementation of Recommendation(s) IMT-Advanced Radio Interface Development Process 8

9 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Preliminary Draft New Rec. ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] –Document structure of IMT.RSPEC aiming at reduction of document volume was discussed. However, no consensus was reached and this topic was left for future study after initial release of IMT.RSPEC; –Work for developing Draft New Rec. (DNR) without hyperlinks will be finalized in the 10 th meeting of WP5D. DNR with hyperlinks will be completed in its 12 th meeting; and –Process for revising IMT.RSPEC was discussed. This process will be discussed further and will be decided in the 10 th meeting of WP5D. Preliminary Draft New Report M.[IMT.RADIO] –Working document towards a Preliminary Draft Report was drafted based on the conclusions of Step 6 and 7 for IMT-Advanced radio interface development; –WP5D adopted Draft New Report M.[IMT.RADIO] and sent it to SG5 to be held in November 2010 for approval; and –During this drafting process, it was decided that ITU uses the following name as official name for each technology: “LTE-Advanced” for 3GPP Technology; and “WirelessMAN-Advanced” for IEEE Technology. Preliminary Draft New Report ITU-R M.[IMT.UPDATE]: Analysis and assessment of global broadband wireless services and marketplace for IMT –Prior to a drafting work, document type of IMT.UPDATE was discussed and it was decided that IMT.UPDATE is to be developed as ITU-R Report; –Following the above, drafting principle and section structure of the working document towards Preliminary Draft New Report (PDN Report) M.[IMT.UPDATE] were discussed and agreed; and –PDN Report is expected to be finalized in the 12 th meeting of WP5D. Standardization Activities of IMT-Advanced in the 9 th Meeting of ITU-R WP5D in Chongqing, China (1) 9

10 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Development of IMT-Advanced Radio Interface –Review to access compliance with minimum requirements (Step 6); Step 6 of IMT-Advanced development process was commenced in the 8th meeting of WP5D; Between 8 th and 9 th meetings of WP5D, there was no contribution received on intermediary conclusion reached in the 8 th meeting based on review of the all final evaluation reports with a focus on technical aspects; and Therefore, it was agreed that all six technical proposals met all minimum requirements specified by ITU and the Step 6 of IMT-Advanced development process was completed. –Consideration of evaluation results, consensus building, and decision (Step 7); As a result of the consensus building in ITU-R among the six technology proposals, the following two groupings are agreed by ITU-R: –The RITs and SRITs proposed in IMT-ADV/6(Japan), IMT- ADV/8(3GPP OPs) and IMT-ADV/9(China) are grouped into the technology identified in ITU as “LTE-Advanced”, developed by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), for Step 7 and subsequent IMT-Advanced development; and –The RITs proposed in IMT-ADV/4(IEEE), IMT-ADV/5(Japan) and IMT- ADV/7(TTA) are grouped into the technology identified in ITU as “WirelessMAN-Advanced”, developed by IEEE, for Step 7 and subsequent IMT- Advanced development. –The following conclusions have been reached in ITU-R in consideration of IMT-Advanced process for Steps 4 through 7; Both “LTE-Advanced” and “WirelessMAN-Advanced” are acknowledged to individually satisfy the requirements of Resolution ITU-R 57 for the required number of the test environments. These requirements are specified in Report ITU-R M.2133; and Consequently, both “LTE-Advanced” and “WirelessMAN- Advanced” are accepted for inclusion in the standardization phase of the IMT-Advanced process and should proceed to Step 8. –Liaison Statement was sent to RIT/SRIT Proponents on IMT-Advanced development with draft IMT.RADIO and working document for IMT.RSPEC attached. Standardization Activities of IMT-Advanced in the 9 th Meeting of ITU-R WP5D in Chongqing, China (2) 10

11 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Workshop on Future IMT –During the 9 th meeting of WP5D, the followings were agreed; The title of the workshop is “Workshop towards IMT.UPDATE”; and The workshop is to be held till October of 2011. –With regard to details of the workshop including the date/place, there were various opinions between participants. Followings are examples of opinion; Global scale workshop ? or Multiple regional workshops ? Workshop held back to back with WP5D meeting ? or Workshop held independently of WP5D meeting ? –It was agreed as a way forward to set up Correspondence Group (CG) after the 9 th meeting of WP5D and further details will be discussed and agreed in CG by E-mail; and –It was also agreed that Rapporteur from each region will be assigned for this special subject as soon as possible after the 9 th meeting of WP5D. Standardization Activities of IMT-Advanced in the 9 th Meeting of ITU-R WP5D in Chongqing, China (3) 11

12 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Preliminary Draft New Rec. ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] –Preliminary Draft New Recommendation M.[IMT.RSPEC] was finalised without hyperlinks with specifications of the transposing organizations and preliminary agreed; –The working document of the process for revising IMT.RSPEC was updated based on input contributions; and –The Liaison statement was sent to the GCS proponents and transposing organizations. Preliminary Draft New Report ITU-R M.[IMT.UPDATE]: Analysis and assessment of global broadband wireless services and marketplace for IMT –Working document for PDN Report was updated; –It was agreed that the document structure consists of main body and some Annexes of the detailed information; and –PDN Report is expected to be finalized in the 12 th meeting of WP5D. Standardization Activities of IMT-Advanced in the 10 th Meeting of ITU-R WP5D in Are, Sweden (1) 12

13 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Structure of Preliminary Draft New Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] Standardization Activities of IMT-Advanced in the 10 th Meeting of ITU-R WP5D in Are, Sweden (2) 13 Scope This recommendation identifies Related ITU-R R ecommendations, Reports and Resolutions Considerations - Technical characteristics of IMT-Advanced Peak data rate: 100Mbps for high mobility 1GHzbps for low mobility - Others Recommendations - The radio interfaces for IMT-Advanced are “LTE-Advanced” and “WirelessMAN-Advanced” - Each specifications are defined in Annex 1(LTE-Advanced) and Annex 2(WirelessMAN- Advanced ) Annex 1 Specification of the LTE-Advanced radio interface technology Background 1.1 Overview of the radio interface technology 1.2 Detailed specification of the radio interface technology(*1) Annex 2 Specification of the WirelessMAN-Advanced radio interface technology Background 2.1 Overview of the radio interface technology 2.2 Detailed specification of the radio interface technology(*1) Global Core Specifications (GCS) (*2) *1: Detailed specifications are described as hyperlink to the documents of regional SDOs. *2: GCS will be submitted from international standardizing organizations (3GPP, IEEE) and uploaded to ITU-R website.

14 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Preliminary Draft New Rec. ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] –PDNR M.[IMT.RSPEC] was updated; –Liaison statement was sent to GCS proponents on the result of meeting; and –The working document of the process for revising M.[IMT.RSPEC] was updated. Preliminary Draft New Report ITU-R M.[IMT.UPDATE]: Analysis and assessment of global broadband wireless services and marketplace for IMT –Working document was updated based on input contributions from some countries. –PDN Report is expected to be finalized in the 12 th meeting of WP5D; and –Correspondence Group was established and started to proceed the document updating works during summer vacation season. Question, Resolution and Opinion –To discuss the Question, Resolution and Opinion related to WP5D, new Adhoc group was established in WG General Aspects; –Working document for revision of Question 229-2/5 (Future development of the terrestrial component of IMT) was drafted based on input contributions and carried forward to next meeting; –Input contribution for revision of Question 77-6/5 was carried forward to next meeting; and –Working document for revision of Resolutions 17, 50, 56, 57 and Opinion 92 were drafted and carried forward. Liaison statement was sent to WP4A on the results of this meeting. Standardization Activities of IMT-Advanced in the 11 th Meeting of ITU-R WP5D in Waikoloa, Hawaii 14

15 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Schedule for Development of Draft New Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] 15 201020112012 RA SG5 WP5D Nov. SG5#5 - IMT.RADIO was approved ( New Report ITU-R M.2198) SG5#6 - Draft New Rec. IMT.RSPEC will be adopted WP5D#8 - Completion of evaluation process JuneOct.JulyOct.April WP5D#9 - PDN Report IMT.RADIO was adopted WP5D#11WP5D#12 ・ Completion of PDNR IMT.RSPEC (with hyperlinks) WP5D#10 - Finalization of PDNR IMT.RSPEC (without hyperlinks) Jan. RA-12 - New Rec. IMT.RSPEC will be approved Related organizations provide the transposition references (hyperlinks) *This slide is extracted from the document of Terrestrial Service Committee, Telecommunications Council, MIC, Japan (5 th May 2010)

16 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 The Standardization Subcommittee under the Advanced Wireless Communications Study Committee (ADWICS) is conducting technical studies on IMT-Advanced and promotes its standardization through contributions to ITU-R and other activities. ARIB has transposed the Global Core Specifications listed on Sections 1.2.1 and 2.2.1 of the Preliminary Draft New Rec. ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] to ARIB Standard ARIB new standards STD-T104 (LTE-Advanced) and STD-T105 (WirelessMAN-Advanced) were approved at the ARIB Standards Assembly held on 16 th September 2011 In accordance with the liaison statement Document 5D/973, ARIB submitted the requested information (hyperlinks to the transposed material) to complete the transposition references for incorporation into the preliminarily agreed draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] (Document 5D/1072) Recent Activities on IMT-Advanced in ARIB 16

17 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Recent Activities on IMT-Advanced in ATIS 17 ATIS WTSC along with TIA TR-45.3 submitted the Meeting X notification and the Meeting X+1 Roadmap input for TDMA-SC toward M.1457-11 to ITU-R WP5D. ATIS coordinated the Certification Form B input among the OPs for M.[IMT.RSPEC] and submitted to ITU-R WP5D on behalf of the GCS proponent ATIS provided a coordination roll to the other 5 OPs for the input to WP5D, supplying templates and examples of the required input ATIS as an LTE-Advanced Transposing Organization, submitted its transpositions along with Certification Form C for M.[IMT.RSPEC] to ITU-R WP5D. ATIS submitted a clarification contribution concerning what is the GCS for LTE- Advanced which was accepted by WP5D. ATIS submitted 3GPP request to add two additional specifications with a correction to a third to M.[IMT.RSPEC] for information and subsequently provided the specifications.

18 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 18 In order to facilitate ITU-R study on assessment of the global mobile broadband deployments and forecasts for IMT, CCSA launched project “IMT forecast in China on next decade”. The forecast results of future IMT development in China are of important reference value for the world’s trends of IMT industry. Most of the outputs are included in ITU-R Preliminary Draft New Report [IMT.UPDATE]. CCSA has provided to ITU-R the statement of transposition of the Global Core Specification LTE-Advanced, and the corresponding detailed references, for incorporation into the Preliminary Draft New Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC]. CCSA declared compliance with the ITU policy on intellectual property rights. The list of IPR declarations received by CCSA can be found in Recent Activities on IMT-Advanced in CCSA

19 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 TIA continues to actively support the ITU IMT standardization activities TIA provided input/updates on M.1801, M.1457-10 and M.1457-11 TIA also provided inputs to M.1580/M.1581, M.2039, ITU-R 250/2, F.2086, ITU-R 101-4/5 and ITU-T Q.1742 TR-45.5 continued to collaborate with other SDOs and MRPs primarily through 3GPP2. In addition, worked on LTE interworking with 3GPP and M2M with ETSI and 3GPP. Cooperated with other groups such as the Femto Forum and Broadband Forum TR-45.5 will continue to develop new technologies and services, develop standards to enhance M2M, Smart Grids, and Self- Organizing Networks and further Green Initiatives TR-45.5 will continue to work regulatory issues such as commercial alerts, emergency notifications and new frequency plans Recent Activities on IMT in TIA 19

20 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 20 Recent Activities on IMT-Advanced in TTA TTA is a GCS Proponent and a Transposing Organization for both LTE-Advanced and Transposing Organization of Wireless MAN- Advanced in IMT-Advanced standardization process of ITU-R WP5D. As a Transposing Organization, TTA adopted 3GPP specifications and IEEE 802.16 standards TTAT.3G-36.101(R10-10.3.0) etc..(same as 3GPP Rel.10 specifications (Aug 26 2011)) TTAE.IE-802.16m etc (same as IEEE 802.16 standards (16-2009, 16j, 16h, 16m) (Jun 29 2011)) TTA submitted transposition references for Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] to WP5D (Sep 21 2011) 5D/1076 : LIAISON RESPONSE ON TRANSPOSITION REFERENCES OF “LTE- ADVANCED” FOR THE NEW RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC] 5D/1077: LIAISON RESPONSE ON TRANSPOSITION REFERENCES OF “Wireless MAN-Advanced” FOR THE NEW RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.[IMT.RSPEC ]

21 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Activities of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Wireless Group (AWG) (1) A major objective of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Wireless Group (AWG) is to promote new wireless applications in the Asia-Pacific region and in this regard: Working Group on Spectrum Aspects (WG-SPEC) of the AWG identifies the spectrum requirements for new radio technologies and develops plans for harmonized spectrum usage for radiocommunication systems in the region WG-SPEC developed the “APT Common Views on the Revision of Rec. ITU-R M.1036-3: Frequency arrangements for the UHF band” WG-SPEC also develops optimum sharing methodologies between radio services and methods ensuring compatibility between systems, and investigates the impact of interference to radiocommunication services from other sources The group completed the draft new Report “Implementation Issues Associated with use of the band 698-806 MHz by Mobile Services” 21

22 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Activities of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Wireless Group (AWG) (2) Working Group on Technology Aspects (WG-TECH) of the AWG provides cost effective and timely radiocommunication solutions in technology aspects by developing Recommendations and Reports and studies advanced technologies for new wireless applications WG-TECH cooperates with relevant external research and standardization organizations, and conducts technical consultation based upon the requests of APT administrations, ensuring that the requirements and needs of the developing countries are reflected in the work and deliverables of the WG WG TECH developed a draft “APT Common Views on Regional Specific Information for ITU-R M.[IMT.UPDATE]” to explain the situation of some countries in Region 3 The 10 th and 11 th meetings of the AWG were held on 22 nd to 25 th March 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand, and on 14 th to 17 th September 2011 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, respectively. The 12 th meeting of the AWG will be held on 10 th to 13 th April 2012 in China. 22

23 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Recognizing: a)that Resolution ITU-R 56 describes a naming scheme for International Mobile Telecommunications whereby “IMT-Advanced” applies to those systems, system components, and related aspects that include new radio interface(s) that support the new capabilities of systems beyond IMT-2000; b)that Resolution ITU-R 57 outlines the essential criteria and principles that will be used in the process of developing the Recommendations and Reports for IMT-Advanced, including Recommendation(s) for the radio interface specification; c)that ITU-R Study Group 5 and ITU-T Study Group 13 are continuing studies on IMT (encompassing both IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced); d)that ITU-R Study Group 5 is completing the evaluation of candidate technologies for IMT- Advanced; e)that core network(s) are increasingly becoming access technology agnostic; f)that IMT and other rapidly emerging wireless broadband access technologies will make high- speed wireless access services available where this was not previously possible, thereby enabling access to advanced telecommunication, computing and entertainment services and capabilities, not only for urban but also for rural and other low density environments; g)that WRC-07 identified some additional spectrum for the implementation of IMT systems; h)that work on evolution of the radio technologies may converge to use similar techniques; and i)that there are related international, regional and national research activities in this area. Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization Resolution GSC-15/01 on IMT Standardization (1) 23

24 Halifax, 31 Oct – 3 Nov 2011ICT Accessibility For All GSC16-GRSC9-04r1 Resolves: 1) to encourage 3GPP, 3GPP2, IEEE, Participating Standards Organizations (PSOs) and others to continue to work on enhancing the IMT standards as an essential part of future telecommunication, computing and entertainment standards; 2) to encourage use of IMT technologies for broadband services; 3) to encourage the harmonization of candidate proposals for the radio interface technologies for IMT and related networking standards; 4) to invite 3GPP, 3GPP2, PSOs and others to take care of the evolution of the current systems and the long-term evolution for such systems taking into account copyrights, working procedures, IPR aspects etc. and report to the next meeting for review; 5) to exchange information and views on candidate radio interface technologies for IMT- Advanced among PSOs allowing for efficient, effective and timely development of the IMT-Advanced standard and to continue this exchange for the detailed specifications for IMT-Advanced; 6) to exchange information and views on the analysis and assessment of global broadband wireless services and consumer demand for IMT in line with the ITU-R ongoing work on this topic; 7) to encourage the Task Force under the GRSC to actively help in the exchange of information and views mentioned in 5) and 6), with the goal of consensus building; and 8) to review this Resolution at future GSC meetings as required. Resolution GSC-15/01 on IMT Standardization (2) Continuing Cooperation on IMT Standardization 24

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