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National Programme of Mid Day Meal in Schools (MDMS)

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1 National Programme of Mid Day Meal in Schools (MDMS)






7 GENERAL INFORMATION-2008-09 Staff (cook/helper/others) employed under MDM Scheme- SCSTOBCMinorityOthersTotal Boys-2096--2216124257 Girls-1905--2104522950 Total-4001--4320647207 No. of Children availing Mid-Day Meal (as on 31.12.2008)-  No staff is engaged/employed under Mid-Day Meals scheme.  Cooked Mid-Day Meal is supplied by the Women Self Help Group/DWCRAA/Co-Op Society.  As no staff is engaged/employed, no salary is paid to any.

8 Nutritional Value and contents- Primary Sl.No. Food items Quantity (in grm) (in grm) Calo ries Protein content (in grm.) 1 Food grains (wheat/Rice) 100 gr. Supplied free 2Pulses 25 gr. 450 12 to 14 3 Vegetable (in leafy) 75 gr. 4 Oil & fat 03 gr. 5 Salt & condiments OUT SOURCED (Cooked MDM’s supplied by the SHG’s) 6Fuel 7 Labour & other administrative 8 Any other itmes Total---

9 Sl.NoFooditemQuantity (in grm) (in grm) Calor ies Protein content (in grm.) 1 Food grains (wheat/Rice) 150 gr. 70020gr. 2Pulses 25 gr. 3 Vegetable (in leafy) 03 gr. 4 Oil & fat Outsourced (Cooked MDM’s supplied by the SHG’s) 5 Salt & condiments 6Fuel 7 Labour & other administrative 8 Any other items Total- -- Upper- Primary Schools-

10 Details of provisions made in the State Budget 2009-10Year Allocation in State/UT Budget Total Expenditure Central Assistance (Reimbursement)StatecontributionTotal 2006-07-397397388.01 2007-08 100.39 Lakhs 440540.39 363.06 (total Exp. from UT Fund only) 2008-0977.38162.47 (29576 x 227 x 1.58) 239.85172.65 (As on 31/12/08) P+U.P 2009-1099.63252.24351.87 Not Applicable (Rs. In lakh) Cooking Cost Primary Level- Cooking Cost Upper-Primary Level-Year Allocation in State/UT Budget Total Expenditure Central Assistance (Reimbursement)StatecontributionTotal 2007-08Nil-- Separate expenditure, details are not available. 2008-09 68.33 Lakh 84.74153.07 2009-1092.60176.39268.99

11 YearPrimary Upper primary 2006-07 @ Rs.4/- --- 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10@Rs.5.58/- @ Rs. 6.10/- Cost of meal per child per day, as per State Expenditure Norm including Central Assistance & State contribution (Unit Cost) excluding Cost of Food grains

12 Construction of Kitchen-cum-Stores ( Primary + Upper Primary) Year Provision in the State Budget Expenditure CentralAssistance(Re-imbursement) State Contribution if any including through convergence Total 2006-07NilNil-Nil 2007-08NilNilNilNil 2008-09165.60Nil165.60NIL 2009-10965.13Nil965.13NA (Rs. In lakh)

13 Procurement of Kitchen Devices( Primary+ Upper Primary) Year Provision in the State Budget Expenditure CentralAssistance(Re-imbursement) State Contribution if any including through convergence Total 2006-076.35-6.35Nil 2007-08Nil-NilNil 2008-09Nil-Nil 2009-109.05-9.05NA (Rs. In lakh)

14 No. of institutions covered- Primary S. N. Name of the District No. of Institutions No. of Institutions regularly serving MDM Differe nce Govt&LBAidedEGSAIETotalGovt&LBAidedEGSAIETotal 1 South Andaman 11623111321162311132Nil 2Nicobar47NilNilNil4747NilNilNil47Nil 3 N & M Andaman 143Nil21Nil164143Nil21Nil164Nil 4Total3062241134330622411343Nil Govt.: Government Schools LB: Local Body Schools GA: Govt. Aided Schools (As on 31 st Dec. 2008)

15 S. N. Name of the District No. of Institutions having upper primary classes WITHOUT primary classes (classes I-V) attached to them No. of Institutions having upper primary classes WITH primary classes (classes I- V) attached to them Total (col.7 +12) (Go vt+ LB) (GA)schoolEGSCentersAIECenters Total (col3+ 4+5+ 6) (Govt+ LB) school(GA)schoolEGSCentersAIECentersTotal (col.8 +9+1 0+11) 1 South Andaman 12NilNilNil12482NilNil5062 2NicobarNilNilNilNilNil25NilNilNil2525 3 N & M Andaman NilNilNilNilNil48NilNilNil4848 Total12NilNilNil121212NilNil123135 Govt.: Government Schools LB: Local Body Schools GA: Govt. Aided Schools (As on 31 st Dec. 2008) No. of institutions covered- Upper- Primary

16 Sl.No Name of the District Total Enrolment No. of children availing MDM* (Govt+LB +GA) EGSAIETotal EGSAIETotal 1 South Andaman 145035526114819145035526114819 2Nicobar2681NilNil26812681NilNil2681 3 N & Middle Andaman 10017263Nil1028010017263nil10280 Total27201318261277802720131826127780 * District wise aggregation of actual No. of children availing MDM based on school level MDM attendance register maintained Govt.: Government Schools LB: Local Body Schools GA: Govt. Aided Schools (As on 30 th Sep. 2008) 1. No. of actual school working days during 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008 -158 2. No. of days mid-day meal served during 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008- 158 Enrolment & Children availing MDM Primary Level (Class I-V)

17 Sl.No Name of District Total Enrolment No. of children availing MDM* (Govt+LB +GA) EGSAIETotal EGSAIETotal 1 South Andaman 10389----1038910389----10389 2Nicobar1798----17981798----1798 3 N & Middle Andaman 7240----72407240----7240 Total19427----1942719427----19427 Govt.: Government Schools LB: Local Body Schools GA: Govt. Aided Schools 1.No. of actual school working days during 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008 - 158 2.No. of days mid-day meal served during 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008 - 158 Enrolment & Children availing MDM Upper-Primary Level (Class VI-VIII) (As on 30 th Sep. 2008)

18 Level No of children as per Annual Plan & Budget 08-09 Average No. of children availing MDM* % of Achievement (Govt.+LB +GA schools) EGS/ AIE centres Total Govt.+LB+ GA schools EGS/ AIE centers Total Govt.+LB +GA schools EGS/ AIE centers Total Primary2895562129576272015792778093.9493.2393.92 Upper- Primary 19649--1964919427--1942798.87---98.87 Total4860462149225466285794720796.4193.2396.40 *District wise aggregation of actual no. of children availing MDM based on school level MDM attendance register maintained. Govt.: Government schools LB: Local Body Schools GA: Govt. Aided Schools Physical Target & Achievement of 2008-09 (As on 30 th Sep. 2008)

19 As on 31/12/08 Level As per AWP & B 2008-09 Performance (Actual during 2008-09) No. of Children Work ing Days No. of Meals to be Served Average No. of children availed MDM % Average No. of working days MDM served % Total no. of mealed served Effective rate of meal served (RAMS) Primary2957615846730082778093.92158100438924093.92 Upper- Primary 1964915831045421942798.87158100306946698.87 Total4922515877775504720796.40158100745870696.40 Performance against AWP&B, 2008-09

20 LevelRice Allocation for the year 2008-09 Opening Balance as on 1.4.08 Lifted Aggregate quantity Consumed at school level Balance (stock in hand ) Qty of stock phy. Avail with UT Primary425.1664.615425.16394.71495.06195.061 Upper- Primary 488.07--488.07369.368118.702118.702 Total913.2364.615913.23764.082213.763213.763 For the period 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008 Utilisation of Food grains during 2008-09

21 Allocation for the year 2008-09 opening balance Cooking Assistance received Total cooking cost Expenditure Total unspent balance Share of unspent Balance CentralState 392.9200.00392.92172.65220.27145.7174.56 For the period 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008 Stage Total cost of the Meal (excluding cost of food grains) per child per day) Central Assistance State contribution Primary@ Rs. 4/-@ Rs. 1.58/-@ Rs. 2.42 Upper- Primary@ Rs. 4/-@ Rs. 2.10/-@ Rs. 1.90/- Utilisation of Cooking Cost during 2008-09 (P + UP) (Rs. In lakh)

22 RECONCILATION OF FOOD GRAINS UTILIZATION vis-à-vis NO. OF MEALS SERVED Level No. of meals served Expected consumption of food grains in MT’s Actual Consumpti on of Food Grains MT’s Difference Difference in % Primary4389240438.924394.71444.21010.40 Upper-Primary3069466460.419369.36891.05119.77 Total7458706899.343764.082135.26115.04 For the period 1.4.2008 to 31.12.2008

23 Level No. of meals served during Expected cooking cost expenditure Actual cooking cost expenditure Difference % of Diff. Primary 4389240175.56 172.65125.6842.12 Upper- Primary 3069466122.77 Total7459706298.33172.65125.6842.12 For the period 1.042008 to 31.12.2008 RECONCILATION OF COOKING COST EXPENDITURE vis-à-vis NO. OF MEALS SERVED

24 Reconciliation of food grains Utilization vis –a vis cooking cost utilization Primary(I-V) S.No Name of District Food grains Cooking cost Allocation for the FY 2008-09 (GROSS) by MDM- PAB Actual utilizatio n of food grains MTs % Food grains utilizat ion Allocati on for 2008- 09 (note 1) Total cooking cost Expendit ure (note 2) % Cooking cost utilization Level of mismatch between utilization of As in col 3+10 of table AT-6 As in col 6+13 of table AT- 6A) (Col 4/col 3)X 100 (As in col 3 of table AT -7) As in col 6 of table AT-7A (col7/col 6)X 100 Col5-col8 123456789 1 A & N Islands 425.16394.71492.83%392.92 (Pry+ U. Pry) 172.65 (Pry+ U. Pry) 43.94 % 48.89 % 2Total425.16394.71492.83%392.92 (Pry+ U. Pry) 172.65 (Pry+ U. Pry) 43.94 % 48.89 % Bills pertaining to cooking cost are pending at PAO/SPAO offices. On clearance of the bills expenditure can be reconciled For the period 1/4/08 to 31/12/08 For the period 1/4/08 to 31/12/08 Note 1: Includes Central Assistance & State contribution, both in terms of fund and monetary value of the commodities supplied by the state/UT. Note 2: Includes monetary value of the commodities supplied by the state /UT & consumed at school level. Note 3: Reasons for mismatch as in col 9 above & nature of corrective measures taken or proposed to be taken to reconcile the food grain utilization.

25 Reconciliation of food grains Utilization vis –a vis cooking cost utilization U. Primary(VI-VIII) S. N o Name of District Food grains Cooking cost Allocation for the FY 2008-09 (GROSS) by MDM-PAB Actual utilization of food grains MTs % Food grains utilizat ion Allocati on for 2008-09 (note 1) Total cooking cost Expendit ure (note 2) % Cooking cost utilizatio n Level of mismatch between utilization of As in col 3+10 of table AT-6 As in col 6+13 of table AT- 6A) (Col 4/col 3)X 100 (As in col 3 of table AT -7) As in col 6 of table AT-7A (col7/col 6)X 100 Col5-col8 123456789 1 Andama n and Nicobar Islands 488.07369.368 75.67 % Same as on Table AT-10 2Total488.07369.368 75.67 % Bills pertaining to cooking cost are pending at PAO/SPAO offices. On clearance of the bills expenditure can be reconciled For the period 1/4/08 to 31/12/08 For the period 1/4/08 to 31/12/08 Note 1: Includes Central Assistance & State contribution, both in terms of fund and monetary value of the commodities supplied by the state/UT. Note 2: Includes monetary value of the commodities supplied by the state /UT & consumed at school level. Note 3: Reasons for mismatch as in col 9 above & nature of corrective measures taken or proposed to be taken to reconcile the food grain utilization.

26 Utilization of central Assistance towards Transportation (class I to VIII) Opening Balance as on 1.4.08 Central Assistance towards Total Transport cost received Actual Transportation on Expenditure Qty(in MTs) of food grains lifted & Transported Maximum central Assistance permissible (Qty in MT as in col.4X Rs. 750(or) Rs. 1250 as applicable Unspent balance as on 31/12/08(c ol 1+col2}- {col 3 (or) col 5} whichever is less 123456 64.615 Mts Class I-V = 3.67 Nil489.775367331 3.67 lakh Class VI-VIII= 3.66 nil488.07366052 3.66 lakh 7.33977.84733383 7.33 lakh For the period 01/4/08 to 31/12/08 Note: Grant of central Assistance towards transportation cost is based on the flat rate of Rs.750 per MT or Rs. 1250 per MT as applicable, for state/UT as whole or actual expenditure whichever is less. The utilization of this grant should be commensurate with the actual qty of food grain lifted & transported under the scheme. Requirement of transportation cost may vary from District to District within state/UT depending upon the topography & distance to be transported. State /UT may therefore, reallocate this grant amongst the district as per the requirement & as per State/UT norms.

27 Utilization of central Assistance towards MME (class I to VIII) Sl.N o. Activities Activities Allocation by GOI during 2008-09 Opening Balance as on 1.4.08 Received from GOI Expe nditu re Unspent Balance as on 31/12/08 [col (4+5)-6] 1234567 I School level expenses } 3.71 lakh Nil 3.71 lakh nil i) Form & stationary ii) Weightage machine/repair/maintenance of cooking device utensils weighing machines etc. Sub total II Management supervision training & Internal monitoring i) Staff salary ii) Transport & conveyance iii) Furniture hardware & consumable etc. Sub Total III External Monitoring & Evaluation Grand Total 3.71 lakh nil nil For the period 01/4/08 to 31/12/08

28 Utilization of central Assistance towards construction of kitchen sheds(Pry+U.Pry) S.NoS.NoS.NoS.No Name of Distri ct Total Allocation Physical Total Allocation Financial (Rs. In Lakh) Completed © In Progress (IP) Total (C+IP) Achievement Yet to be started Achievement as % of allocation 2006-07, 2007-08 & 2008-09 2006-07 2007- 082008-09 Physica l Financial (Rs.In Lakh) Physica l Fina ncial (Rs.I n Lakh ) Physic al (col.9+ 11) Finan cial (Rs.In Lakh) (col.10 +12) Phy sica l (col. 5- 13) Financi al (Rs.In Lakh) (col.8- 14) Phy sica l (% of 13 on 5) Finan cial (% of 14 on 8) 12369101112131415161718 1 A &N island s 276 Kitchen Units 165.60 lakh nilNilnilNilnilNilnilNilnilnil 2 276 Kitchen Units 165.60 lakh nilnilnilnilnilnilnilnilnilnil (As on 31.12.2007)

29 Utilization of central Assistance towards procurement of Kitchen Devices(Pry & U.Pry) As on 31.12.08 S.N o Name of Distric t Total Allocation * Physical Total Allocatio n* Financial Completed {c} In Progress(IP) Total (C+IP Achievement Yet to be Started Achievement as % of allocation 2006- 07,2007- 08&2008- 09 2006- 7,2007- 08,2008& 09 Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin.Phy.Fin. 12369101112131415161718 1 A & N Island s For 06-07 127 Units 6.35 lakh nilnilnilnilnilnilnilnilnilNil Total For 06-07 127 Units 6.35 lakh nilnilnilnilnilnilnilnilnilnil

30 Number of school working days Primary stage(classes I-V) 1. Anticipated working days for school & EGS centers between April,2009 & March, 2010 S.No Month Total No. of days in the month Deduct HolidaysAnticipated No. of working Days (3-8) Remarks Vaca tion Days Holidays outside vacation periodTotal Holidays (4+7) SundaysOther School Days Total 12345678910 1April 09 30448822 2May 09 31 Nil 310 3June 09 3029Nil 291 4July 09 31426625 5August 09 31538823 6September 09 30448822 7October 09 314913 18 8November 09 30527723 9December 09 31437724 10January 09 314610 21 11February 09 28415523 12March 09 31516625 Total 36560433578138227 II. Anticipated No. of average working days per AIE centre between April,08 and March 2009.

31 Number of school working days Upper Primary stage 1. Anticipated working days for school & EGS centers between April,2009 & March, 2010 S.No MonthTotal No. of days in the month Deduct HolidaysAnticipated No. of working Days (3-8) Remarks Vaca tion Day s Holidays outside vacation period Total Holidays (4+7) SundaysOther School Days Total 12345678910 1April 09 30448822 2May 09 31 Nil 310 3June 09 3029Nil 291 4July 09 31426625 5August 09 31538823 6September 09 30448822 7October 09 314913 18 8November 09 30527723 9December 09 31437724 10January 09 314610 21 11February 09 28415523 12March 09 31516625 Total 36560433578138227

32 S.NoS.NoS.NoS.No Name of District No. of children availing MDM * as on 30.9.08 Anticipated No. working days Requirement of food grains in MTs in MTs Requir ement of Cookin g Assista nce Requir ement of Transp ort Assista nce Classe s I-V (Govt. +LB+G A) EGS cent. AIEcent. Total (col 3+4+5) Classes I-V (Govt.+ LB+GA) EGS cent. AIECent. TotalRice Wh eat 1234567891011121314 1 South Andaman 145035526114819227 227 630.60 MTs nil 99.63 lakh 4.73 lakhs state/U T may re- allocate transpo rtation assista nce amongs t districts as per the require ment & as per state/U T norms. 2 Nicobar2681nil 2681227 227 3 N & M Andaman 10017263nil10280227 227 Total2720131826127780227 227 630.60 MTs nil 99.63 lakh Requirement of central Assistance towards food grains, cooking Assistance & Transport Assistance for 2009-10 Primary stage classes (I- V)

33 Requirement of central Assistance towards food grains, cooking Assistance & Transport Assistance for 2009-10 Upper Primary stage classes (VI-VIII) S.NoS.NoS.NoS.No Name of District No. of children availing MDM * as on 30.9.08 Anticipated No. working days Requirement of food grains in MTs in MTs Requir ement of Cookin g Assista nce Requir ement of Transp ort Assista nce Classes VI-VIII (Govt.+ LB+GA) EG S cen tres AIE cen tres Total (col 3+4+5) Classes V-VIII (Govt.+ LB+GA) EGS centre s AIE centres TotalRice Wh eat 1234567891011121314 1 South Andaman 10389-- 10398227 227661.489661.489nil 92.60 lakh 4.96 lakhs state/U T may re- allocate transpo rtation assista nce amongs t districts as per the require ment & as per state/U T norms. 2 Nicobar1798-------1798227 227 3 N & M Andaman 7240 227 227 Total19427nil 19427227 227661.489661.489nil 92.60 lakh

34 kitchen shed construction during 2009-10 in primary school & Upper Primary school (Govt. &Local Body only) State: ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS S.No Districts Total No. Govt. +Local Body Schools No. of schools requiring Kitchen shed No. of kitchen sheds sanctioned during 2006- 07,07-08 & 08-09 Balance requirement of Kitchen Sheds (Col. 4-5) Proposal for construction of Kitchen sheds during 2009-10 Out of MDMSBy Convergence with other development programme PhysicalFinancial (in Rs. In lakh) PhysicalFinancial (in Rs. In lakh) 1234 5678910 1Andaman and Nicobar Islands 308276 212Rs. 965.126 62 nil Total308276 212Rs. 965.126 62 nil Note: Rs. 165.60 lakh was released as central Assistance for construction of 276 No’s of Kitchen shed in this UT. As the cost of construction is very low, Construction worked could not be carried out, however request have been made to MHRD to increase the construction cost up to 7.5 times of Sanctioned unit cost. Number of kitchen sheds has also been decreased to 212 from 276 No’s of kitchen sheds.

35 Table – 18 Annual Work Plan and Budget 2009-10 (Mid-Day Meal Scheme) kitchen Devices construction during 2009-10 in primary school & Upper Primary school Govt. &Local Body only) State: ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS S.No Districts Total No. Govt. +Local Body Schools No. of schools requiring Kitchen devices No. of kitchen devices sanctioned during 2006- 07,07-08 & 08-09 Balance requirement of Kitchen Sheds (Col. 4-5) Proposal for procurement of Kitchen devices during 2009-10 Out of MDMSBy Convergence with other development programme PhysicalFinancial (in Rs. In lakh) PhysicalFinancial (in Rs. In lakh) 1234 5678910 1Andaman and Nicobar Islands 308 127181181 @ Rs. 5000/- 9.05 lakhnil Total308 127181181 @ Rs. 5000/- 9.05 lakhnil



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