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Drive a Sedan in Japan ドリベ ァ セダン ィン にぽん James Daniel.

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Presentation on theme: "Drive a Sedan in Japan ドリベ ァ セダン ィン にぽん James Daniel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drive a Sedan in Japan ドリベ ァ セダン ィン にぽん James Daniel

2 Japanese Landmark – Tokyo Tower にぽん ランドマーク - ときょ タワー (Nippon Randomāku - Tōkyō tawā)  Year built: 1958  Tallest structure in Tokyo (1,093 ft)  Used for broadcasting through Japan’s Kanto region.  Recording/broadcasting studio at the base.

3 Japanese Holiday – Greenery Day にぽん きゅうじつ ー みどり の ひ (Nippon Kyūjitsu – Midori no hi)  Greenery day is part of the Golden Week of Japan—a collection of four Japanese holidays within one week.  This day is dedicated to plants and nature.  Greenery day falls on May 4 th in 2011.

4 Japanese Flag + Map

5 Shiguru Miyamoto  Miyamoto is a Japanese videogame producer and designer. He is known for several videogame series such as The Legend of Zelda and Mario.  Miyamoto was born on November 6 th of 1952, in Kyoto, Japan. 宮本 茂 (Miyamoto Shiguru)

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