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Measurement of the dimensions of the quality of employment through the Labour Force Survey in the Republic of Moldova 18-20 April 2007, Geneva.

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement of the dimensions of the quality of employment through the Labour Force Survey in the Republic of Moldova 18-20 April 2007, Geneva."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement of the dimensions of the quality of employment through the Labour Force Survey in the Republic of Moldova 18-20 April 2007, Geneva

2 The main topics  Economically active population / activity rate  Employed population / employment rate Employed population in main/ secondary activity (by economic activities, occupations, status in employment, working time and its duration, employment in the own subsidiary plot, etc.)  Unemployment / unemployment rate  Long term unemployment, youth unemployment etc.  Economically inactive population  Discouraged persons  Etc.

3 Ad-hoc modules  Decent Work (2004)  Youth on the Labour Market (2004-2006)  Work organisation and working time arrangements (2007 )

4 Additional Labour-related Statistics  Employment in the Informal Sector  Informal Employment  Time-related Underemployment / Volume of time-related Underemployment  Inadequate Employment situations: skill-related, income- related and related to excessive hours  Stability and Security of Work  Safe Work  Employment-related Income  Trade union membership  Labour Migration

5 Employment in the Informal Sector  ILO: Resolution concerning statistics of employment in the informal sector, 15 th ICLS, 1993 Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: The legal status of the unit in which the respondent is working Registration of the unit The size of the unit Kind of the work place (the placement)

6 Informal Employment  ILO: Guidelines concerning a statistical definition of informal employment, 17 th ICLS, 2003 Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: Hiring type (work contract / agreement) The employer pays social contributions for the employee The possibility to benefit from paid annual leave The possibility to benefit from paid sick leave

7 Time-related underemployment Volume of Time-related Underemployment  ILO: Resolution concerning the measurement of underemployment and inadequate employment situations,16 th ICLS, 1998 Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: Actually worked hours (main and secondary activity) Underemployment reasons Willingness to work additional hours Availability to work additional hours (number of additional hours) Modality to work additional hours

8 Inadequate employment situations  ILO: Resolution concerning the measurement of underemployment and inadequate employment situations, 16 th, 1998 1. Skill-related inadequate employment Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: Does the current occupation correspond to the qualification Respondent’s qualification / training field Willingness to change the current employment situation The main reason for which he/she wishes to change the current employment situation The search for another job

9 Inadequate employment situations (continuation) 2.Income-related inadequate employment 3.Inadequate employment related to excessive hours Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: Willingness to change the current employment situation (for 2 and 3) The main reason for which he/she wishes to change the current employment situation (for 2 and 3) The search for another job (for 2 and 3) The main reason for which the person has worked more than 40 hours (for 3)

10 Stability and Security of Work Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: Hiring based on a work contract or agreement Contract/agreement duration (of limited or unlimited duration) For unlimited duration: employment period at the current job For limited duration: a)The main reason for which the employee has work contract / agreement of limited duration b)Work contract / agreement duration

11 Safe Work Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: Exposure at workplace to some harmful factors that have negative impact on health Which are these factors

12 Employment-related Income  ILO: Resolution concerning the measurement of employment- related income, 16 th ICLS, 1998 Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: Earnings received by employees Income obtained by self-employed The estimated value of the income of agricultural producers who produce for their own consumption

13 Trade union membership Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: Is he/she member of a trade union

14 Labour migration Questions in the LFS Questionnaire: Temporarily absent person who has left abroad for less than 1 year: To work To search for a job Temporarily absent person who has left abroad for more than 1 year: To work To search for a job Country of destination

15 Projects in the future Development of the statistics: Labour migration Entry of the young people into the labour market Child labour Employment of the disabled people Time use

16 Elena VATCARAU Head of Division of Labour Market Statistics and Demography tel.: +373 22 403 099 e-mail: Elena BASARAB Deputy Head of Division of Labour Market Statistics and Demography tel.: +373 22 210 847 email:

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