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Alcohol And Drug Abuse Issues Volusia And Flagler Counties Stewart-Marchman Center, Inc. July 2006.

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1 Alcohol And Drug Abuse Issues Volusia And Flagler Counties Stewart-Marchman Center, Inc. July 2006

2 SMC History Serving alcohol and drug abusing clients since 1970. Serving over 10,000 individuals annually. Leader in Florida’s addiction treatment system for over 25 years. Instrumental in developing special services for adolescents and pregnant women - with their new born infants. 1970 - founded in Daytona Beach by Rev. Hal Marchman, David Ashley, and Judge Leon Stewart.

3 SMC History in Flagler 1984 – First outpatient clinic in Flagler opened in Bunnell (leased offices). 1998 – Phase I – construction of Flagler care center (outpatient) in Bunnell. 2002 Phase II – expansion of Flagler Care Center of detoxification (16 beds). 2006 – Planning for residential treatment expansion and research institute in planning process.

4 Flagler’s Growing Fast! Flagler is projected to grow from 78,216 residents in 2005 to 190,600 in 2030, a 142% increase, largest of any Florida county. UF Bureau of Economic and Business Research, 2006

5 SMC Services in Flagler 05-06 Level of CareClients ‘05-’06Completed Treatment Outpatient45190% Detox54176% Residential7688%

6 Flagler Care Center 301 Justice Lane, Bunnell Pristine Setting Addiction Services Adults and Adolescents Screening and Referral for Specialized Services Prevention Education Detoxification Residential Outpatient





11 Current Flagler Treatment Needs Flagler Population78,000 Lifetime prevalence any illegal drug use28,860 Illegal drug use within past month4,836 Alcohol use past month31,980 Currently alcohol dependent3,200 Total Flagler population in need of treatment services is between 5,000 and 8,000 at any point in time. From this information we can project that chronic users, meeting criteria for residential treatment, number at least ten percent of this number or 500-800 individuals. Data extrapolated/projected from National Household Drug Use Survey, 2004

12 Current Flagler Residential Service Capacity SMC currently operates 8 residential substance abuse treatment beds in Flagler county. SMC currently serves 75 patients per year with an average 30-day length of stay. In addition, SMC operates 8 beds for detoxification services in Flagler County. A total of 540 patients are served in the detoxification component.

13 Potential Flagler Residential Service Capacity A 50-bed residential center providing a 60-day length of stay would serve an additional 300 patients per year.

14 SMC’s Flagler Proposal Add 50-beds for intensive treatment in two, 25-bed treatment facilities (14,000 sq. Ft.). Add multi-purpose building to include kitchen, dining facility, and a 75-seat auditorium. Capacity to increase by an additional 50-beds to meet future needs. Add a research and epidemiology center, in partnership with the university of Florida, to conduct research to solve addiction problems. Add a epidemiology component to monitor types of drug use in the area in order to prepare the system to treat future addictions.


16 Treatment Benefits Abstinence/reduced alcohol and drug use Criminal activity reduced by two-thirds Reduced hospitalizations/health care costs Increased employment stability Reduction in SSI and Medicaid enrollment Multiple studies find a treatment benefit to cost ratio of between 4:1 and 12:1 Treatment Research Institute, National Opinion Research Center

17 Treatment Outcome and Research Opportunities Which medical interventions most improve treatment outcomes - for which clients? Which clinical interventions most improve treatment outcomes - for which clients? How do we measure the cost/benefit of addiction treatment? Contribute to the Nation’s knowledge about the origins of addictions (research). Monitor new drugs coming into the county before they become epidemic.

18 Flagler County Residential Economic Impact Position#FTEAverage Annual SalaryTotal Salaries Counselors/Aides25.0$ 26,960$ 674,001 Nursing/Medical4.75$ 42,316$ 201,000 Other Staff3.0$ 33,333$ 100,000 Total32.75$ 29,771$ 975,001 Budget CategoryTotal Annual Cost Salaries (incl. Fringe)$ 1,248,001 Operating Costs$ 499,201 Total Annual Operating Budget$ 1,747,202

19 Flagler County Residential Economic Impact Construction activities will have a local economic impact of more than $20 million. New residential services will provide full time employment for 33 individuals, at an average annual salary of $30,000. Total economic impact of new residential services for community will approach $12M annually.

20 Failure to Construct Will Result in an Increase in the Following: Crime Poverty Child Abuse and Neglect Cost of Law Enforcement County Jail Population Sex Abuse Cases Decay of Community Values and Mores Cost to Businesses for absenteeism and job related injuries


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