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APES Food for Thought……Trophic Levels

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1 APES Food for Thought……Trophic Levels
Homework Discussion

2 Guinea Hens, Grasshoppers, Soybeans, and Cows

3 Let’s look at some energy pyramids if humans ate grasshoppers instead of hens
15 humans/yr 1 human/yr 365 hens/yr 3,330,625 gh/yr 3,330,625 gh/yr

4 Which is more efficient to eat?
Sometimes it’s better to compare kg to get a true picture of energy efficiency Which is more efficient to eat? A human needs 55g protein/day 345 humans/acre/yrs 3,600 humans/acre/yrs Soy = 200,000 g protein/acre/year 1 cow = 19,000 g protein/acre/yr.

5 Let’s take a closer look at protein supplied by cows vs. soybeans
Benefits of eating at a lower trophic level Feed more people Less arable land requires more inputs More land required to grow meat Plants convert 1-10% energy of sunlight to edible food Drawbacks of eating at a lower trophic level Supply B-12 in diet Use less arable lands (steep, rocky) to grow meat Cows convert 1-10% energy from hay/grain to meat Source of labor, leather, fertilizer, heat

6 Less arable lands can be used for grazing land

7 Eat Fish???? Top trophic level results in a 1/1,000 energy loss
Biomagnification of DDT, mercury 10 g 100 g 1000 g

8 Biomagnification vs. Bioaccumulation
Bioaccumulation refers to how pollutants enter a food chain Biomagnification refers to the tendency of pollutants to concentrate as they move from one trophic level to the next

9 water to zooplankton: 800x   zooplankton  to fish #1: 31x   fish #1  to fish #2: 1.7x   fish #2 to  gull: 4.8x   overall:   202,368x

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