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Working Families Success Network November 7, 2013.

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1 Working Families Success Network November 7, 2013

2  How can we help the staff in our centers experience data as a useful resource, not just an administrative burden?  What are some of the practical strategies centers are using to address the challenges of creating a “data-driven culture”? But first…..a short video!

3  Dean Johns, Dept. Dir. for Financial Foundations- John H. Boner Community Center (Indianapolis) ◦  Ena Yasuhara Li, Director, SparkPoint Network - United Way of the Bay Area (San Francisco) ◦  Marty Miles, Consulting Associate – Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (Moderator) ◦

4 4 A SparkPoint Center integrates best-in- class services provided by multiple organizations in order to create financial stability for low- and moderate-income clients.

5  CWF model implemented Oct. 2008  3 Core Services Already Being Offered  All Were New to the Model Our Staff  1 Case Manager / Income Supports Counselor  3 Financial Coaches (1Asset Devt. Coord. /2 Financial Coaches)  3 Employment Core Staff (1 Employment Specialist / 1 Network Job Developer)  1 Data Quality Manager

6 1. Connect with staff’s passion for serving client needs 2. “Make the time” regularly for data entry 3. Create user-friendly reports to manage work and understand performance trends 4. Build buy-in and energy with cross-staff input, internal “champions” and external “experts”

7  SparkPoint Client Progress Report

8  Define Core Outcomes  Design Bundling Strategies to Specifically Impact Outcomes  Develop a Staff and Customer Tracking Tool that Highlights Customers’ Financial Baselines, Progress, and Staff Efforts Related to Specific Customers

9 John H. Boner Community Center Case Conference Tool

10  Make Data Relevant to Those Responsible for It  Build a Process  Create Reports for Multiple Audiences  Build Data Entry into the Appointment Schedule

11  Data Entry Fridays (or Data & Donuts Days)  Getting as much data up front as possible  Weekly reports, to keep the data load manageable and catch issues quickly

12 StaffIDNamePoint of Service Name Point of Service Value Contact Location/ Method Date of Contact Time Spent Date of Next Contact NotesWelcome Form Baseline Assess- ment Follow- up Assess- ment Clarifying Questions /Comment Staff name22532xxxxxxObtain Employm ent Actively searching and applying for jobs Phone (services provided over the phone) 10/24/ 2013 1010/28/ 2013 xxxxxx3/11/ 2013 9/16/ 2013 Staff name22600xxxxxxObtain Employm ent Preparing job search tools SparkPoi nt Center 10/18/ 2013 1511/1/ 2013 xxxxxx3/15/ 2013 8/22/ 2013 Staff name22704xxxxxxGeneral Engagem ent and Administ ration NoEmail (services provided via e- mail) 10/21/ 2013 5 xxxxxx3/20/ 2013 3/25/ 2013 Staff name23173xxxxxxObtain Employm ent Addressi ng barriers to employm ent Phone (services provided over the phone) 10/21/ 2013 30 xxxxxx4/9/ 2013 10/22/ 2013 SparkPoint Sample Weekly Report


14 SparkPoint Example: Follow-up assessments are the only way we can track progress from the baseline. But we aren't collecting enough follow-up assessments. Why? How can we resolve this?



17 United Way of the Bay Area Assessment Tool  Data Capacity (documenting / managing data)  Evaluation Capacity (tying outcomes & indicators to program goals / analyzing data about effectiveness)  Communicative Capacity (communicating program impact externally  Learning Capacity (implementing change / managing staff performance to improve program effectiveness)

18  Time for a few questions DISCUSSION:  What new ideas do these presentations spark?  What are other strategies that work for you?  What other challenges would you like input on?

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