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PROBLEM SOLVING. PURPOSE Why are you giving the Decision Brief?

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Presentation on theme: "PROBLEM SOLVING. PURPOSE Why are you giving the Decision Brief?"— Presentation transcript:


2 PURPOSE Why are you giving the Decision Brief?

3 References What resources did you use to come up with your information?

4 Outline List the contents of your briefing

5 Objective Define the problem

6 Recommendation What is the best course of action? Example Sebring is the best vehicle to purchase

7 Background Give general information/circumstances leading up to the decision being made.

8 Course of Actions List possible solutions to your problems. Give it a short title then explain the COA Minivan : vehicle which has up to 6 Seats and four doors Compact: A four door vehicle which holds Up to four passengers Motorcycle: Holds two passengers with no security

9 Facts List all facts that relate to your problem and will help you in coming up with a solution. (funding, color, size, distance, availability, etc…

10 Assumptions List all items that you are forced to make an educated guess in order to help you solve the problem. All assumptions must relate to your problem and should be backed up from a fact.

11 FactsAssumptions Examples Don’t want to drive a foreign car Have two kids Would like ability to transport family plus parents occasionally Would like to use vehicle for ski trips Have a boat that weighs 4,500 pounds Bank has ~$16k in the rainy-day fund Trade-in value of vehicle is roughly $8k Budget will allow $500/month for 36 months Current interest rates are 8-10% Is only interested in US vehicles Must have four seats; would prefer six or more seats Look at truck or SUV Will have approximately $24k for down payment Total price should not exceed $40k Monetary information and rates will remain constant

12 Screening Criteria What will eliminate(screen) possible solutions (COAs)? Supported by facts (and/or assumptions) Screening criteria consist of... –Short, descriptive title –Definition, including “must” or “must n ot” –Example: Four doors: The vehicle must have four doors College loan: The solution must not consist of a college loan

13 Evaluation Criteria Short Title: Cost Definition: The total cost of the vehicle Unit of Measure: Dollars Benchmark: $35,700 (average) Formula: $35,700 is a disadvantage; less is better

14 Evaluation Criteria Short Title: Color Definition: The shade of the car Unit of Measure: Dark to Light on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being the darkest shade Benchmark: 3 Formula: 3 is a disadvantage; less is better

15 Evaluation Criteria Short Title: Housing Definition: Ability for freshman to live off campus Unit of Measure: Yes or No Benchmark: Yes Formula: Yes is a advantage; more is better

16 Raw Data

17 COST: Must not exceed $40K ORIGIN: Must be made in the US

18 Analysis of Tahoe (COA) Advantages –Towing -- 6,600 lbs(> 5,300 lbs) –Seating -- 6(> 6 seats) (Evaluation Criteria)(Bench Mark) Disadvantages –Cost -- $36k(< $35.7k) –Fuel Eff. -- 17(> 18 MPG) (Evaluation Criteria)(Bench Mark) Note: Will use DECMAT to determine

19 Select the Best Solution - Comparison of COAs > means better than Evaluation Criteria (Adv. Formula) Cost ( evaluation criteria) (<$35.7k) (benchmark) Fuel Economy (>18 MPG) Towing Capacity (>5,300 lbs) Explorer (COA) ($35k) (Raw Data) Explorer (20 MPG) Tahoe (17 MPG) Tahoe ($36k) Explorer (4,860 lbs) Tahoe (6,600 lbs) Durango ($36k) Durango (17 MPG) Durango (4,400 lbs) >= >= > > Seats (>6 seats) Explorer (4 seats) Tahoe (6 seats) Durango (5 seats) > > Courses of Action (Raw Data) NOTE: HIGHLIGHT YOUR RECOMMENDATION This way your boss doesn’t have to search for The answer.

20 Conclusion Restate comparison chart in word form. Example: In the area of cost the Explore was the lowest with a cost of 35K which was better that the Tahoe. The Durango was equal to the coast of the Tahoe which was 36K.

21 Recommendation Restate your recommendation. Same as the initial recommendation slide. Sebring is the best vehicle to purchase

22 DECMAT CHART More is better Evaluation Criteria CostMileageDoorsWarrantyTotal Tahoe214310 Murano32229 Sebring133411 300441110

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