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The environment, the economy, and you. Objective I can describe how humans have shaped the environment and used its natural resources as I create a budget.

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Presentation on theme: "The environment, the economy, and you. Objective I can describe how humans have shaped the environment and used its natural resources as I create a budget."— Presentation transcript:

1 The environment, the economy, and you

2 Objective I can describe how humans have shaped the environment and used its natural resources as I create a budget to travel to a National Park.

3 Essential Questions 1. What is the environment? 2. How can it be changed? 3. How can it affect human activities? 4. What is scarcity? 5. How does it affect personal financial choices?

4 Get out the white boards.  Find the index card.  Read your question.  Write your group’s answer.  Be sure everyone can give an answer.  Wait for your group’s turn to speak.

5 Now….. tell me about the terms environme nt & natural resources

6 Environment is… our surroundings

7 People affect the environment…  in different ways.  Nature and humans can change the environment.  Changes = global warming, pollution, mining, natural disasters, and the water table.

8 Natural resources are… materials that occur in nature and are essential or useful to humans  Examples???

9 The economy (the money, businesses, and jobs) is impacted by the quality of and access to natural resources. Think about how many ways we would be affected if there were no more trees in the US.

10 A budget is… money you set aside for a particular purpose

11 When you make a budget, you have different types of expenses…..  Fixed expenses are payments that happen regularly  like a house payment or a student loan.

12 When you make a budget, you have different types of expenses…..  Variable expenses are payments that can change  like groceries or gas for your car.

13 Scarcity is… the availability of money.

14 How would scarcity affect your personal financial choices? Give at least two examples.

15 Objective I can describe how humans have shaped the environment and used its natural resources as I create a budget to travel to a National Park.

16 Essential Questions 1. What is the environment? 2. How can it be changed? 3. How can it affect human activities? 4. What is scarcity? 5. How does it affect personal financial choices?

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