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NHS NW Leadership Academy An update. Deborah Arnot Deputy Director.

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Presentation on theme: "NHS NW Leadership Academy An update. Deborah Arnot Deputy Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 NHS NW Leadership Academy An update

2 Deborah Arnot Deputy Director

3 Overview NHS ‘National’ Leadership Academy Northern Cluster working NW Leadership Academy Emerging Leader Survey Talent Management Survey ‘World Class’ Leadership Development Key priorities 2012/2013 Q and A

4 Northern Cluster Working North West/North East/Yorks and Humber National Leadership Academy liaises with each of the 4 clusters National funding for key areas: –Support embedding of the ‘new’ leadership framework –Investment in BME middle/senior leaders and E and D Leads –Support to Emerging Leader activity –Media training for CCGs Governance and oversight of cluster activity

5 NHS NW Leadership Academy Awaiting confirmation of future funding streams Continue to deliver today whilst designing tomorrow Responsive to changing and evolving context Member focused

6 Benefits The NW Leadership Academy…. Offers value for money Is flexible Believes there can be no initiative about you without you Offers local, regional, national and international expertise Is not for profit and has no commercial bias Delivers a great return on investment Offers specialist, shared services

7 Suggested key priorities 2012/2013

8 Emerging Leaders Survey Feedback Results 8 th September 2011

9 Survey responses 64 member organisations invited Total started survey = 33 Total completed survey = 29 27 organisations completed CEO = 16 ED = 8 Associate Directors = 5

10 Are you familiar with the North West Emerging Leaders Network and its work? 24 9

11 Is there a talent tracking system currently in use within your organisation that could identify emerging leaders? 1514

12 Talent tracking system? In development It does exist within certain parts but not universally Via appraisal and e-ksf but not as a formal and separate entity Developed one last year but not rolled out because of staff and managers concerns re- White Paper changes and feeling that this was an underhand method for selecting people for redundancy eg those not selected for emerging leaders To some extent and really only at a senior level. We are currently looking at a more formalised approach. I am interested in doing something more in line with how the private sector identifies and manages talent eg GE This is mainly at Directorate level and not centralised Not formally but the executive team do consider this regularly Although I think this needs keeping a check on with formation of clusters as there is a risk that talented people fall through the net

13 What criteria does your organisation use to define talented individuals? 28272218 6 55

14 Criteria to define emerging leaders? Those who challenge conventionality Done very informally Success in their current role

15 How does your organisation currently keep emerging leaders engaged? 252422211715 11 (2)

16 Keeping emerging leaders engaged? We have, over the past twelve months established a talent pool, which any member of staff can put themselves forward to Very difficult at present because of changes to SHAs In the current climate, and as an organisation in formal turnaround, there are severe limitations on financial reward arrangements and on some continuing professional development Leadership development - all the above are in place in limited amounts and inconsistently Opportunity to shadow specific projects Done very informally LEAN training for the Bolton improving care system via our academy clinical development programmes

17 How could the Regional Emerging Leaders Network support your internal talent management strategies? 26 252218

18 How could the EL network support internal strategies? All of the above would be excellent additions to what we can achieve locally Support to develop systematic approaches to talent management within the organisation Work placements outside the NHS particularly in a commercial or creative environment

19 Would it be helpful to have a regional network for those talented individuals who need development external to the organisation? 25 3 1

20 What outputs would you want a network to deliver for your own organisation? Feedback on additional performance Guidance on how skills can be best used within organisations Assistance with retention of the right staff – especially in current climate To link to organisational goals (particularly QIPP) To help an organisation be forward looking, innovative and have a ‘can do approach Bring back expertise/ideas from other areas A register/pool of individuals to draw on for projects etc Cost effective talent management system that can be used as an employer as well as at regional level Realistic assessment of emerging leader’s potential Offering opportunities that cannot be delivered in-house I wouldn’t unless it avoided the categorisation and pigeon-holing of most talent management schemes

21 What outputs would you want a network to deliver for individuals? Career enhancement Development linked to PDR Networking/sharing/cross fertilisation/mutual support Exposure to different professions, environments and leadership styles Broaden horizons Support to achieve maximum potential Stretch opportunities Recognition, motivation and stimulation

22 How do you share best practise internally? 24 2219 14

23 How do you share best practice internally? DVDs / Videos Via our Bolton Improving Care System (BICS) quality improvement processes

24 Are you committed to supporting this agenda and see the development of emerging leaders as a priority? 25 4

25 Would you like to be involved as a sponsor of the emerging leader’s network? 22 4 3

26 If you answered yes, would you be willing to be contacted in the future about this? 23 1

27 Follow on: Survey with HRDs on Talent Management Support to organisations on talent management agenda – aligning our support to your context Review of strategy Dawn Nisbet – Lead

28 ‘World Class’ Leadership Development Ivan Robertson – a survey of practices in leading organisations Individual readiness Organisational readiness Leadership Development activity/intervention Transfer and embedding

29 How do we support this together? Where do responsibilities for this lie: Nationally Cluster wide Regional – what’s the NHS NW Leadership Academy’s to own and drive? Organisational – what’s yours to own and Drive?

30 Overview NHS ‘National’ Leadership Academy Northern Cluster working NW Leadership Academy Emerging Leader Survey Talent Management Survey ‘World Class’ Leadership Development Key priorities 2012/2013 Q and A

31 Questions?

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