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Marketing Management Supporting Information Systems and the Use of Market Knowledge Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Marketing Management Supporting Information Systems and the Use of Market Knowledge Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marketing Management Supporting Information Systems and the Use of Market Knowledge Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration - Department of Marketing „OTKA” research (project number: T037857)

2 The Broader Research Topic The research „Marketing Management Supporting Information Systems and the Use of Market Knowledge” builds upon two separate research streams: Organisational management of market information Marketing decision support IT systems

3 The Two Research Stream the Project Builds Upon Management of Market Information Decision Support IT Systems Most frequently cited authors Deshpandé, Moorman, Maltz Rangaswamy, Little, Lillien, Wierenga The regarded information types Use of Market research Market intelligence Use of information from IT applications Geographical orientation of major scientific workshops Mainly the US, some European studies (e.g.:Univ. of Mannheim) US, the Netherlands (Erasmus University) Related fields O.B., Innovation literature IT management, cognitive psychology Methodological „mainstream” SurveySurvey, experiment

4 Puzzle IT expenditures to support sales and marketing would exceed other areas in the following years (the Economist - Survey of Software: The Age of Cloud; April 14th-20th, 2001) „Market Knowledge Management” is the top Marketing Science Institute Research Priority in 1998-2000 ( „Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?” T.S. Elliot : The Rock

5 The Research Questions How do managers use information in decision making deriving from: Market research In-house market intelligence IT applications What are the major underlying factors that affect the managerial use of information?

6 Broad Conceptual Framework Information Problem / Issue Personal Interpersonal Project Interfunctional Organisational Market Research Market Intelligence IT applications Environmental Groups of Underlying Factors (independent variables) Use of information (dependent variables)

7 Major Contributions of the Research The research topic „use of market knowledge” plays a crucial role in understanding the phenomena of market orientation or marketing innovation which are of interest in marketing. The research - besides it „per se” importance - is an input to other fields. The research topic traces back to two different research streams (management of market information and marketing decision making - IT systems). This is the first study that tries to integrate the two distinct but deeply related research streams.

8 Research Plan Phase I. (Spring-Autumn 2002) : Theoretical Foundation of the Research: „State-of-the-Art” Literature Review Survey of commercially available marketing management supporting IT systems Depth interviews with marketing managers, IT consultants, market researchers Phase II. (Winter 2002-2003): Execution of the Research Measurement Scale Development and Purification Survey of marketing executives of major Hungarian companies Phase III. (Spring - Summer 2003):Data evaluation Data analysis, Examination of the hypothesises Feed-back to the participant companies

9 Research Team Dr. Magdolna Hoffmann - Prof. Emeritus; BUESPA, Dept. of Marketing - Research Project Leader Dr. József Berács - Senior Associate Professor, BUESPA, Dept. of Marketing - Research Project Team Member Tamara Keszey - Ph.D. Candidate, BUESPA, Dept. of Marketing - Research Project Team Member Tamás Tóth - Ph.D. Candidate, BUESPA, Dept. of Statistics - Research Project Team Member János Kardos - Ph.D. Student, BUESPA, Dept. of Marketing - Research Project Team Member

10 Correspondence If you are interested in our research please do not hesitate to contact us: Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration Department of Marketing Budapest, Fővám tér 8.; Hungary-1093 Tel: (36)-1-217-1853 E-mail: url:

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