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National Geospatial Data Asset Management Plan Update

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Presentation on theme: "National Geospatial Data Asset Management Plan Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 National Geospatial Data Asset Management Plan Update
Steering Committee Meeting June 26, 2014 National Geospatial Data Asset Management Plan Update Adrian Gardner, FEMA, DHS Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC OS V-2

2 NGDA Management Plan Activities Summary
Memo to Steering Committee from Anne Castle and Scott Bernard Implementation of NGDA Management Plan Continuing activities for NGDA Theme Leads and Dataset Managers Identifying additional Theme Leads Initial baseline of NGDA Datasets Registration of NGDA Datasets on Registration of NGDA Theme Leads and Dataset Managers on Baseline Dataset Assessment Survey review Theme Community Resources on Refining internal Theme Lead Community Updating public NGDA/A-16 Theme Communities – Gov’t Units and Transportation NGDA Metadata Focus Group ESRI User Conference July 14-18 Organizing working sessions

3 NGDA Management Plan Actions
Action from the NGDA Management Plan Start Date Completion Date Lead Progress Action 2C.3: Establish and Maintain Coordination Mechanism across NGDA Themes 1/1/2013 3/31/2014  Theme Lead Complete Action 1B.1: Identify Initial Baseline of NGDA Datasets 10/3/2011 6/30/2014 Theme Lead In progress. Action 1C.1: Activate Theme Lead Collaboration Community on Team In progress. Theme Leads registering. Action 1A.1: Develop a process for selecting and maintaining A-16 Leads 9/30/2014 Theme Lead Agency  Action discussed at May 22 Excom meeting. Action 1D.1: Develop NGDA Dataset Maturity Annual Assessment Survey Dataset Manager Action 1D.3: Develop NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Assessment Survey 10/1/2013 Action 2C.1: Populate A–16 Theme Public Community on 1/1/2014 Theme Leads registering. Action 1B.2: Register baseline NGDA Datasets and Services metadata 12/31/2014 Action 1D.2: Develop NGDA Dataset Report Template 4/1/2014 Not initiated Action 1E.1: Review/revise geospatial investment and budget reporting codes Steering Committee  In progress. Initial team identified. Action 1D.4: Develop Support Strategic Theme Plan Template 7/1/2014 3/31/2015 These are the actions to March 2015. Action 1A.1 Selection of missing Execution Theme Champions and Theme Leads was discussed at June 22 ExCom Meeting Action 1E.1 Discussed at June 22 Excom meeting -  Initial team was identified to begin addressing the geo budget codes/investments (Ivan, Adrian leads) Action 2C.1: Populate A–16 Theme Public Community on Action 1B.2: Register baseline NGDA Datasets and Services metadata These actions are out of sync – Theme pages are up but not all have datasets available since they are not registered. Gray: complete; Green: in progress, yellow: needs attention; red: issues

4 Action 1E.1 - Review/revise geospatial investment and budget report codes
Ex Com to develop a draft standard definition FGDC Secretariat assisting with coordination Action: Need experts from Agencies to review Description: Consistent definition of geospatial investment and reporting codes will be used in Federal geospatial investment planning, budgeting, execution and reporting Output: Standard definition of a Geospatial Investment and budget reporting codes that can be cross walked with agencies Responsibility: FGDC Steering Committee and OMB Lead: Adrian Gardner, Ivan DeLoatch Due date: December 31, 2014

5 Need to Fill Key NGDA Roles
Identify NGDA Executive Theme Champions for Biota Cadastre Geology Imagery Land Use – Land Cover Real Property Soils Utilities – Offshore and Terrestrial Water - Inlands

6 Theme Lead Changes Geology Theme Co-lead Imagery Theme Co-lead
From: George Dellagiarino, Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)  To: Kumkum Ray, of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)  Imagery Theme Co-lead From: George Lee, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey (USGS) To: Bob Pierce, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey (USGS) Water - Inland Theme   From: Steve Aichele, Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey (USGS)  To: Al Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey (USGS) Utilities-Terrestrial – Lead agency TBD or modified

7 Theme Lead Participation
8 Theme Lead meetings Oct 31, 2013 – June 10, 2014 Attended by Lead or their representative There are 19 Theme Leads and Co-Leads, 3 are vacancies Theme Number Meetings Attended Biota 8 Cadastre 1 Climate Cultural 6 Co-lead Elevation* 2 Co-lead Elevation 7 Geodetic 5 Co-lead Geology Govt Unit Co-lead Imagery Co-lead Imagery* 3 Co-lead Land Use Real Property Soils Transportation Utilities-Offshore Utilities-Terrestrial* Co-lead Waters-Inland Water-Ocean Meeting Attendance Oct 2013 17 Nov 2013 10 Jan 2014 13 Feb 2014 12 Mar 2014 Apr 2014 15 May 2014 June 2014 * Theme Lead is vacant

8 NGDA Baseline Dataset Summary
Identification of initial Baseline NGDA Datasets due June 30 Register baseline NGDA Datasets due December 31 196 (195) NGDA Datasets 113 (110) Registered in 83 (85) Need Registering in 78 (68) Tagged with: “NGDA”, and “Theme Name” 35 (37) Need Tagging Theme NGDA Listed as Official Search Return Based on Tags: "NGDA" and "Theme Name" (3) Not Registered in Biota 6 1 3 Cadastre 20 11 Climate and Weather 4 Cultural Resources 2 Elevation (2) 12 9 Geodetic Control Geology Governmental Units, and Administrative and Statistical Boundaries (4) 43 30 Imagery 8 Land Use-Land Cover 23 19 Real Property 15 14 Soils 5 Transportation 17 Utilities Water - Inland Water - Oceans & Coasts 21 7 Total 196 78 83 As of June 5 – numbers come from Jim Irvine Initial baseline Dataset list needs to be completed by June 30 and these are the dataset that need to be registered on by December 31. (Previous Months Numbers in Parenthesis) NGDA MP Action 1B.1: Identify Initial Baseline of NGDA Datasets

9 GeoPlatform Internal Theme Lead Community
Status Community online since March Being refined to include additional resources 6 (6) Theme Leads Registered 10 (1) Dataset Managers Registered (Previous Months Numbers in Parenthesis) As of June 5 – numbers come from Jim Irvine NGDA MP Action 1C.1: Activate Theme Lead Collaboration Community on

10 GeoPlatform Public Theme Communities
Status 16 Public Theme Community Pages 6 Communities have NGDA Dataset Queries Need to NGDA Metadata Registration to activate remaining Theme NGDA queries Updated Communities Gov’t Units Transportation NGDA MP Action 2C.1: Populate A–16 Theme Public Community on

11 NGDA Metadata Focus Group
Addressing issues related to NGDA Dataset metadata content Registering the NGDA Data metadata in and Activities Updating NGDA Metadata Best Practices document Documenting and tracking metadata registration issues Members Jen Carlino, Anne Ball, Edgar Pedroza, Jim Irvine, Lynda Wayne, Gita Urban-Mathieux Coordination Group, Theme Leads, and Data Managers are invited to participate NGDA MP Action 1B.2: Register baseline NGDA Datasets and Services metadata

12 Baseline Dataset Assessment Survey
Second round of comments were due June 2, 2014 Comments came from Census, NOAA, USGS, GSA Comments Summary Simplify and clarify questions Reconsider the maturity level criteria Two additional baselines provided for consideration Baseline being tested by Census All 30 NGDAs participating Lessons learned documented Alternative baseline constructed Working Group established Recommendation was to work on Theme Administrative Survey after this assessment survey is completed. Action 1D.3: Develop NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Assessment Survey NGDA MP Action 1D.1: Develop NGDA Dataset Maturity Annual Assessment Survey

13 Next Steps-Baseline Side-by-side reviews & crosswalk analysis
Work group report including Census insights Working meeting to be held at Esri UC – July 16 Continue tracking other maturity efforts (AGRC, AGU, etc.) Finalize Baseline Dataset Tool by 10/1/14 Beta testing Administrative Baseline after the dataset baseline assessment is complete Recommendation was to work on Theme Administrative Survey after this assessment survey is completed. Action 1D.3: Develop NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Assessment Survey NGDA MP Action 1D.3: Develop NGDA Theme Administrative Maturity Assessment Survey

14 Esri User Conference July 14-18
Working session Wednesday, July 16 Time:1:30-4:30 pm Location: Marriott Hotel Room: Miramar Intend to have working session Feedback on Platform Dialogues on Theme implementation issues/lessons learned Additional input on Baseline Assessment content Action: Will solicit questions for session discussion Contact: Wendy -

15 Contacts What Who NGDA Management Plan coordination
Gita Urban-Mathieux, Dataset/Service Registration on Melissa Wegner, Jim Irvine, Metadata Focus Group Jen Carlino, Registration on – Theme Lead Community page Gita Urban-Mathieux (Federal Sponsor), – Theme Community pages Managed by Theme Leads Support - Gita Urban-Mathieux and NGDA Baseline Assessment Survey Wendy Blake-Coleman, Esri User Conference

16 Questions?

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