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Training of civil servants on SD in Croatia Marina Gršković, Senior Advisor Directorate for International Relations and Sustainable Development Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "Training of civil servants on SD in Croatia Marina Gršković, Senior Advisor Directorate for International Relations and Sustainable Development Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training of civil servants on SD in Croatia Marina Gršković, Senior Advisor Directorate for International Relations and Sustainable Development Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction Croatia Rogaška Slatina, 10 November 2011

2 Importance of ESD Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia –umbrella document for sustainable development, adopted on 20 February 2009 –long-term orientation of the Republic of Croatia towards sustainable development, recognising ESD as a prerequisite for achieving SD in the country Action Plan on Education for sustainable development –Adopted on 8 April 2011 – the first AP for NSDS to be developed –Implementation measures for UNECE ESD Strategy for Croatia –Designed according to the SD principles, in consultation with all stakeholders, through workshops

3 Reason Why train civil servants on SD? Increasing ESD competencies of people who have to help decision makers & need to practice SD in their daily work Public administration should lead the change to more sustainable way of life by its positive example UNECE Strategy objectives: 1.Ensure that policy, regulatory and operational frameworks support ESD 2.Promote SD through formal, non-formal and informal learning

4 Development of training 1.Training of future trainers of civil servants on SD in Croatia – project with the Dutch government 2.Creating the concept of the training and the manual on SD for civil servants in Croatia 3.Starting the trainings of civil servants

5 Chronology of training TimePart of training ContentParticipants 22 - 23 April 2010 Initial training in basic skills for SD Concept of SD, techniques and skills for integrating SD in your work Future trainers from various ministries (20 part.) 14 - 18 June 2010 Study trip to the Netherlands How is SD integrated in work of civil servants there, seeing positive examples Selected 10 future trainers September & October 2010 General trainers’ training in Croatian Ministry of Administration Communication, teaching principles, planning & structuring of the lecture, dealing with problem situations 11 trainers in the first group, the rest of them in the second, later in October & November 25 – 27 October 2010. Specific trainers training for ESD Integration of teaching & SD competences, practical exercises, practice in presenting our subject, helpful practical advice 16 trainers – our final trainer group for initial trainings (will later help train the new trainers)

6 Results Results at the end of 2010: Trained trainers for SD Handbook on SD for civil servants, prepared & written by Croatian SD trainers Created course on SD for civil servants Current developments and plans for the future: Trainers educating other civil servants Croatian trainers offering other countries in the region their experiences (so far: Serbia, Montenegro) Public administration more aware of SD and working according to its principles

7 Content of the training Sustainable development in practice Introduction: international context Croatian context sustainable development matrix BackcastingStakeholders Final examples cradle-to-cradle approach examples of sustainable development

8 1. Introduction Introduction to the term sustainable development and some other terms important for this theme International context Croatian context: –Legal framework and strategic documents of SD –Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia –SD on national level –SD on local level –Application of SD in everyday life Sustainable development matrix

9 3x3 matrix of sustainable development PeopleProfit (or prosperity) Planet Earth Here & now Later Elsewhere

10 2. Backcasting Introduction to the backcasting Phases of backcasting: a)Setting the timeframe b)Analyses of current situation c)Outlining the vision d)Determining the significant areas e)Choice of the path Exercise

11 3. Stakeholders Definition of stakeholders Choice of the project Development of the project, exercise Fishing game Tragedy of the commons

12 4. Cradle-to-cradle Cradle-to-grave ≠ Cradle-to-cradle Production modes: Quality, efficiency, material management, added value Examples

13 4a. Examples of SD Ecological design Fair trade trademarks Green public procurement Ecologically grown food served in school restaurants Vukomerić recycled estate... Exercise – what will you do / change in your life to make it more sustainable?

14 Result of the training Participants begin to truly understand the term sustainable development Learn how they can apply SD principles in their professional and personal lives Become enthusiastic about SD and truly motivated to follow its principles The course - basis for specialised modules to be developed in regional cooperation

15 Inspired SD ideas

16 You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~Mahatma Ghandi

17 Thank you!

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