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By Blake Sloane and Lucy Gallop Rain that contains a high concentration of pollutants Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide Caused by the burning of fossil.

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2 By Blake Sloane and Lucy Gallop

3 Rain that contains a high concentration of pollutants Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide Caused by the burning of fossil fuels

4 Acidity levels rise in lakes Many fish can’t live in acidic water Natural defenses of trees lowered or hindered Susceptible to disease/pests and the elements Soil nutrients removed (Calcium, Magnesium) Adds more nitrates to the environment If enters body of water, can cause algal bloom

5 Sulfur Dioxides and Nitrogen Oxides released into atmosphere Fossil fuel combustion Mix with water, oxygen and other chemicals SO2 and NO dissolve easily in water Able to be carried far distances SO2NOx

6 Alternative energy sources Natural gas, nuclear power, hydropower, wind energy, solar energy Clean your smokestacks! Use scrubbers to remove harmful substances left over by gasses Restore damaged environments Add limestone (base) to lakes to counteract acidity Obey laws restricting amount of pollutants released Title IV of the Clean Air Act

7 Want to learn more? Visit to learn more about acid rain prevention

8 tml /whatcauses.html ues/a/acidrain.htm


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