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1. Balance of proliferation & apoptosis. 2. Regeneration, scar formation & ECM.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Balance of proliferation & apoptosis. 2. Regeneration, scar formation & ECM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Balance of proliferation & apoptosis

2 2. Regeneration, scar formation & ECM

3 3. Stages of cell cycle

4 4. Regulation of cell cycle (cyclins & CDKs)

5 5. Growth factors (ligands) bind to receptors & change intracellular processes

6 6. Growth factors (patterns of secretion)

7 7. Growth factor reservoir – ECM

8 8. ECM constituents

9 9. Angiogenesis (revascularization)

10 10. Granulation tissue – central to tissue repair

11 11. Cutaneous wound healing

12 12. Summary of processes of tissue repair

13 13. Metaplasia

14 14. Metaplasia & dysplasia

15 15. Cancer – major health threat

16 16. Tumor features – (a) benign, (b) malignant

17 17. Tumor properties

18 18. Pleiomorphism & anaplasia in a tumor

19 19. Tumor invasiveness - chemotactic

20 20. Malignancy – diffuse, invasive

21 21. Mechanism of metastasis

22 22. Establishment of secondary tumor

23 23. Propagation of secondary tumors

24 24. Relationship of secondary to primary site

25 25. Compression or obstruction by tumor

26 26. Adhesion due to tumor growth

27 27. Effects of tumor growth in marrow I

28 28. Effects of tumor growth in marrow II

29 29. Carcinogenic transformation

30 30. Oncogenesis

31 31. Defective genetic control of DNA damage

32 32. Multiple steps in carcinogenesis

33 33. Diversity of cells in tumor

34 34. Initiation step must precede promotion steps

35 35. Agents of initiation/promotion

36 36. Pap smear

37 37. TNM staging: (a) T 1 N 0 M 0 (b) T 2 N 1 M 0 (c) T 3 N 2 M 1

38 38. Chemotherapy

39 39. Immunotherapy I

40 40. Immunotherapy II

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