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Unit 2: Lesson 3- The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Space Exploration

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1 Unit 2: Lesson 3- The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Space Exploration
Evidence Limitations/ Problems Thoughts of the group SWBAT: 1. Compare different telescopes using a graphic organizer 2. Relate the electromagnetic spectrum to devices used in space exploration. WOD: Refraction: the change in direction of a wave due to a change in its medium Initial Activity: In a small group: Talk about the Static-state theory and the article you summarized for homework. Discuss whether you thought it was a reasonable theory or if you thought it was unlikely. Make sure to talk about why and support your answer with details from the article. Complete the graphic organizer using the thoughts of your group members. You will be graded on your group work and accountable talk.

2 What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum?
The electromagnetic spectrum consists of all the different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. The only type of radiation the human eye is sensitive to is visible light.

3 What is the relationship between frequency and wave length?

4 Telescopes There are many different types of telescopes used in space exploration. Different types have been invented to detect different rays on the electromagnetic spectrum. Activity: With your partner: identify the different types of telescopes, how they work, what rays they detect, and what they are used for.

5 What does frequency have to do with energy?
The energy of a wave is directly proportional to its frequency, but inversely proportional to its wavelength. In other words, the greater the energy, the larger the frequency and the shorter (smaller) the wavelength

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