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Jefferson County Public Schools
2011 Spring TCAP Training Jefferson County Public Schools
Test Security Law T.C.A. 49-1-607 states:
Any person found not to have followed security guidelines… immediate suspension grounds for dismissal, including tenured employees revocation of state license Listed in pages 1-4 of each Test Administration Manual.
Acknowledgement of Test Security Policy
For school/system use All personnel involved in the testing process must be trained. Training documentation should be retained for system records AER Website on Tools & Resources page
TN Test Security All test materials must be secured before and after the test administration. Test materials should be stored in a locked room that is inaccessible to unauthorized persons. Handling of test materials must be restricted to authorized personnel at all times. Return test materials immediately after each test session.
Test Audits State Test Security Measure:
Conduct random visits during testing to ensure test security and consistency of administration. Random audits may take place during any test administration. Test auditors show up unannounced. Security Procedures: 2a: School has standardized security procedures, and forms available. 2b: Secure location for materials storage location, before and after exam administration. 2c: Secure procedures for inventory management, copies of logs and other relative documentation available. 3: Building Testing Procedures: 3a: Halls and common areas are free of instructional/reference materials. 3b: Building-wide testing schedule established. 3c: Security procedures established: unused materials secured, disturbances limited as much as possible, testing sites provided with “Do Not Disturb,” “Testing in Progress,” or other appropriate signage. 4: Classroom Testing Procedures: 4a: Instructional materials removed from/concealed at testing sites. 4b: Student seating arranged to discourage cheating. 4c: Students have adequate and clean working space, with all necessary testing materials. 4d: Spiraled materials distributed in secure and appropriate manner. 4e: Testing administrator (teacher or other) is familiar with and observant of time limits and schedules. 4f: Testing materials securely managed at testing site. 4g: Proctor present to assist testing administrator.
Test Materials Quantity Verification
All test materials must be kept secure by implementing check-in, check-out and quantity verification procedures for all test materials at the system level, at the school level, and for each test session. AER Website on Tools & Resources page
TN Test Security Standard copyright laws must be maintained at all times. Test items may not be reproduced or distributed in any way, for any reason, by any person. Test content may not be paraphrased for use directly in instructional activities, study guides, or classroom resources.
TN Test Security Test materials should not be read, reviewed, or analyzed before, during, or after test administration unless indicated in test instructions or special accommodations. Discussion of test content or specific test items with students, parents, or professional colleagues is prohibited to protect the validity of the test.
TN Test Security A secure environment must be ensured during testing.
Turn off all communication devices during each test session. Maintain confidentiality of student specific accountability demographic information and test results at all times.
Secure Testing Environment
Any information regarding the content being measured on the test must be concealed during the test administration. Including but not limited to the following: Maps Charts Posters Student Work Bulletin Board Items Writing Formulas Word Lists Parts of Speech Graphic Organizers Number Lines Definitions Word Walls Displays Models
TN Test Security Carefully adhere to all test directions and accommodation instructions. Make sure all students receive the correct test materials. Follow all time limits outlined in the test directions. Follow all schedules set by the school/system. Remain with students and be observant and non-disruptive throughout the testing session.
Ensure that students respond to test without assistance from anyone.
TN Test Security Ensure that students respond to test without assistance from anyone. Test administrators must ensure appropriate monitoring that does not include coaching or illegal assistance. Test administrators must not read test items or passages to students unless indicated in instructions or accommodations.
Breach of Testing Security Report
Immediately report any test security concerns to building/system testing coordinator. Any breach must be completed as a Report of Irregularity online. It is the responsibility of school and system testing coordinators to investigate, document, and report any test security concerns.
Questions??? *Use of proctors *Please have materials back to central office as quickly as possible so that we may get them sent in on time.
ASSESSMENT VENDORS Pearson ETS SAS Reporting Logistics and Printing
PearsonAccess ETS Write custom TN items (grades 3-8) SAS TVAAS, Teacher Effect, & Percentiles
ASSESSMENT VENDORS RANDA Order Entry & Communication
Reports of Irregularity (RIs) School Group Lists (SGLs) Claiming in FSD System Contact information
New Quick Score Reports In RANDA Part of Faculty/Student Data Will be able to review after students assigned to Teacher Roster
• IPRs & Labels • System & School Summary Reports • System Student Data files
PEARSONACCESS 2010-11 SAT 10 (K-2) Achievement (3-8) Gateway EOC
PEARSONACCESS Be sure to check out these features now available: Dynamic Rostering EDvantage TN
Select Assessment
Page 1- Dynamic Rostering Page 2- Edvantage User Guide
PearsonAccess 2010-11 Help desk number: (888) 817-8658
Unlock Account & Upload Assistance Do not call the help desk to set up new users. STCs must assign users (system & school) State assigns STCs (if it can’t be done in the school system)
NEW CUT SCORES SPRING 2011 New policy decision for 2011
RCPI cut scores and number of items per Reporting Category will be available after testing New policy decision for 2011
ACHIEVEMENT LEVELS Note: Not used for Social Studies which still retains Advanced, Proficient, and Below Proficient
Achievement Test (ACH) Modified Academic Achievement Standards (MAAS) English Linguistically Simplified Assessment (ELSA)
ELSA AYP for ELL students Simplified language
T1 & T2 students cannot take ELSA Same ELL accommodations Must take all ELSA subtests Cannot mix ACH & ELSA Cannot mix ACH & MAAS
Order materials from remanding school Must be coded back to the remanding school. Send answer documents back with those from remanding school. Systems/schools will not be able to complete an SGL for Alternative School Students.
Double check your Braille and LP orders immediately!
Immediately check answer documents and TAG forms to see if quantities are sufficient. Check for: Grade level change New students- USID
From TAG Header From TAG Header Dark Headings not uploaded by state
Instructional Availability Instructional Availability Pre-ID Barcode area
PREID LABELS Do NOT bubble the following on Pre-ID Answer Documents:
+Name +DOB +Ethnicity +USID +Gender
Upload Student Demographic Data from EIS: Last name, First name Student USID number DOB Gender Ethnicity Grade
For Traditional schedules, select from among the following: 150 days or more days 74 days or fewer For Modified schedules, select from among the following: 75 days or more 38-74 days 37 days or fewer
Teachers bubble their license numbers and select the content area(s) they teach. If already uploaded, message will cover grids.
Use “new” number from the look-up site. It is not the Social Security Number!
2011 ACH TESTING WINDOW April 11-April 22, 2011
April 22, 2011 is Good Friday Systems select no more than 6 consecutive school days Systems do not have to use 6 days Spring Break can not interrupt the test window
2011 ACH TESTING WINDOW All schools within a system must follow the system testing window All students in a grade level within a school must adhere to same test schedule (EXCEPTIONS: SPED, ELL, make-up) ELL and SPED students may not be tested outside the system/state testing window
2011 ACH TESTING WINDOW White boxes MUST be in warehouse within 3 week days after testing is complete, April 27 is last possible day
2011 ACH TESTING WINDOW All students in grades 3 –8 must adhere to the following test schedule: Day 1 –Reading/Lang. Arts (Parts 1 & 2) Day 2 –Mathematics (Parts 1 & 2) Day 3 –Science (Parts 1 & 2) Day 4 –Social Studies (Parts 1 & 2) Exceptions: SPED, ELL, & make-up testing
NEW ACH LAW Beginning with , ACH testing shall begin no earlier than the first Monday occurring on or after April 22 Testing window for to April 23 –May 4, 2012 Law can be found at:
NEW ACH LAW ACH tests shall not be administered prior to the completion of one hundred fifty (150) days of instruction. LEAs with schools beginning on the second Monday in August or before shall test during the first week of the testing window.
NEW ACH LAW Each local board of education shall develop a policy by which student scores on the ACH tests (grades 3-8) comprise a percentage of the student's final grade for the spring semester in the subject areas of mathematics, reading/language arts, science, and social studies. The percentage shall be determined by the local board from a range of no less than 15% and no more than 25%. The policy shall utilize performance levels determined by the State Board of Education and be developed and implemented for the spring semester of 2011.
SGLs and RIs must be completed before release Released before SDDV clean up Will not be released if there are duplicates or other issues Will feature the achievement level Will not have score to use as grade until Spring 2012
HAND SCORE REQUESTS Hand scoring requests will only be considered for extraordinary circumstances. Must have a reason (other than a lower score than previous years) for requesting hand score.
SAT 10 (K-2) Systems must order directly from Pearson (not on RANDA)
Uploads to PearsonAccess for SAT 10 SAT 10 Reports will still be in PearsonAccess Delivery of tests and reports will come directly from Pearson Direct all questions about SAT 10 (K-2) to: Vicki Gray, Pearson SAT 10 Consultant Phone:
Secondary Diagnostic Assessments
Spring 2011 Regional Training March 7-18
Secondary Diagnostic Assessments
Enabling legislation enacted May 2007 Public Chapter No. 273: SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Section (b), is amended by deleting the existing language and by substituting instead the following: As a strategy for assessing student readiness to enter and succeed in postsecondary training, every public school student shall take a series of three (3) examinations, one (1) administered at grade eight (8), one (1) administered at grade ten (10), and one (1) at grade eleven (11). These assessments shall be approved by the Commissioner of Education and provide educators with diagnostic information to assist in developing interventions for the purpose of increasing high school graduation rates and improving student preparation for postsecondary achievement. Each year, the results of such examinations shall be analyzed and reported by the Commissioner of Education to the Select Oversight Committee on Education. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2007, the public welfare requiring it.
Diagnostic Assessment Products
ACT – EPAS ACT - 11th Grade PLAN - 10th Grade Explore - 8th Grade College Board SAT - 11th Grade PSAT – 10th Grade New Fall Readi Steps - 8th Grade
ACT Explore/Plan for Tennessee
2011 Testing Window September 19 – November 11, 2011 52 52
ACT Explore/Plan for Tennessee Testing
Testing of students does not have to be simultaneous throughout the system. Students may test at different times, by grade sections, etc. All testing must occur during the testing window. 53 53
ACT Explore/Plan for Tennessee
Future Testing Windows September 19 – November 11 September 17 – November 9 54 54
New Diagnostic Products
College Board Fall 2011 New Diagnostic Products ReadiStep is an established, valid, reliable and norm-referenced preliminary college preparation assessment instrument for eighth grade students for the purpose of diagnosing the academic strengths and deficiencies of students before entrance into high school. 55 55
Secondary Assessments
End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments
Algebra I Biology I English II ELSA* Algebra I (NEW) ELSA English II (NEW) U.S. History English I Algebra II (NEW) *English Linguistically Simplified Assessment
English III Field Test (Pilot)
Administration Date: Tuesday, May 10 (no make-up date) Administered only to students enrolled in English III at the time of the field test Materials shipped directly to public systems from Pearson Test administration manual to be included in shipment Not possible to pre-code/pre-slug the English III answer documents 12 Versions, 65 Items Available in large print but not braille Practice test and item sampler available September 2011 Operational December 2011 Braille version available Spring 2012
ELL Assessment Consultant
ELSA Eligibility The ELSA Algebra I and ELSA English II exams are appropriate for students who are eligible for English as a Second Language (ESL) services. ELSA testers must be enrolled in Algebra I or English II. Ineligible Students: T1 or T2 Students Students who have transitioned out of an ESL program ELL Contact: Steven Nixon ELL Assessment Consultant
Characteristics of ELSA Exams
Language for an ELSA test item is simplified to assist in measuring the intended knowledge or skill; however, the knowledge or skill is NOT simplified. Uses high-frequency (common) words Reduces wordiness Avoids words with multiple meanings Uses concrete words, not abstract Reduces complexity of sentence structure Uses the simplest verb forms Uses a context that is no more complex than required *EOC ELSA exams are not available in large print or Braille.
Sample ELSA Algebra I Item
Gateway or AYP/EOC? Gateway
Entered high school prior to the school year Previously earned a credit in Algebra I, Biology I, or English II AYP/EOC Enrolled in Algebra I, Biology I, or English II (Regardless of grade level or graduation requirements, a student must be administered the AYP/EOC exam if enrolled in an AYP/EOC class.) Enrolled=EOC
Transition Scenarios
AYP/EOCs AYP/EOC EOC Algebra I/ELSA English II/ELSA Biology I
(55 Operational Items, 10 Field Test Items, Untimed) EOC English I Algebra II U.S. History (50 operational Items, 10 Field Test Items, Untimed)
EOC Exam Scores The end-of-course test grade will count 20% of the second semester grade for the and school years and 25% of the second semester grade in subsequent school years.
EOC Testing for AP and IB Students
A student enrolled in an Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) section of a course with a state end-of-course (EOC) exam should be administered the state exam only if the student did NOT take the state exam while enrolled in a prerequisite course. For example, if a student did not earn a credit in a standard US History course prior to enrolling in AP US History, he or she would be required to take the state US History EOC exam upon completing the AP US History course. The purpose of this guidance is to ensure a student enrolled in an AP or IB course is not administered a corresponding state EOC exam twice. A student should only retake a state EOC exam if he or she failed a course with a state EOC exam and is re-enrolled in the course.
Alternative Performance-Based Assessment Rubric
The Alternative Performance-Based Assessment (APBA) Rubric may be used for any SPED student enrolled in an EOC class. The rubric may only be used to assist the student in passing the class; points may NOT be added to the student’s assessment score for the purpose of meeting the Gateway diploma requirement. SPED Contact: Lori Nixon Special Education Assessment Consultant
Spring 2011 Test Administration Dates
AYP/EOC and Paper-Pencil Gateway Algebra I/ELSA- May 3 English II/ELSA- May 4 Biology I- May 5 Make-up Testing- May 6 EOC U.S. History, English I, and Algebra II (last 10 instructional days) Online Gateway Window 1: February 28-March 11 Window 2: May 2-20 All schools in the system /district must follow the same AYP/EOC and EOC schedule.
Spring 2011 Scanning and SDDV
AYP/EOC Scan Window: May 6-16 EOC Scan Window: May 6-26 AYP/EOC SDDV Window: May 16-24 EOC SDDV Window: May 16-June 8 SDDV: Student Demographic Data Verification
2010-11 EOC Quick Score Reports
With the exception of U.S. History, numeric grades will be provided for all EOC assessments; raw scores will be provided for U.S. History. Performance levels for Algebra II will be reported after standard setting.
EOC Cut Scores
EOC Cut Scores
2011 Algebra II Standard Setting
The Algebra II standard setting will be held June Committees will comprise teachers, principals, supervisors, and directors of schools. Said committees will recommend cut scores. The cut scores will be submitted to the state board of education in July for approval. Algebra II reports will be mailed to public systems and private schools in September.
Fall 2010 EOC Reports Reports will be shipped to public systems and private schools in late March. Algebra II reports will be provided after standard setting. Reports, in paper and/or electronic format, include Individual Profile Reports (IPRs), labels, and CDs (school and system reports).
EOC Met/Not Met In the Diploma Requirement field of the answer document, bubble Yes for those students for whom the EOC Algebra I, Biology I, or English II assessment will be used to satisfy the students’ Gateway diploma requirement. The Yes bubble must be filled in to ensure met/not met status is reported for said students. A1 is no longer used to identify EOC testers who have a Gateway diploma requirement. U.S. History labels do not include scale scores.
SchoolHouse to PearsonAccess
Student Demographic Data Verification (SDDV) is now completed in PearsonAccess. Training Webinars were conducted last fall. An archived Webinar and a pertinent PowerPoint are available in PearsonAccess. The EOC reports currently housed in SchoolHouse are scheduled to be moved to PearsonAccess in April.
PearsonAccess SDDV Survey
PearsonAccess Customer Satisfaction Survey The Student Demographic Data Validation (SDDV) process was moved to PearsonAccess for the EOC Fall 2010 administration. The Tennessee Department of Education and Pearson would like to collect your feedback on this experience. Your input will be used to help us improve Pearson products for you and your coworkers. Your responses will be shared with the Tennessee Department of Education and the appropriate Pearson teams. However, your identity will remain anonymous unless you choose to provide us with your address. This survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Thank you for participating in this survey.
Algebra II Reference Page
Updated Reference Page Updated Reference Page
Revised EOC Answer Document
American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Pearson will not pre-ID the Spring 2011 EOC answer documents.
Unique Student Identification Numbers (USIDs)
Student Unique Identification Numbers generated by EIS (State ID) must be coded in the Unique Student ID field. If the number has fewer than nine digits, pre-fill the empty bubbles, using leading zeros. If a USID is not available, an Alternative ID number must be used. Social Security Numbers may not be used.
New EOC Resources
Gateway Exams Mathematics Language Arts Science
(Paper-Pencil and Online) Mathematics Language Arts Science 55 Operational Items 7 Field Test Items Untimed
Online Gateway Testing
Gateway assessments must be taken online. Exceptions include the following: Homebound Students Students requiring a modified format (i.e., large print or braille ) Students pre-approved by the Office of Assessment Online Gateway testing features a read-aloud function for Special Education students whose IEPs allow for the read-loud or Prompting accommodation. Before testing, students will be able to practice answering questions online either with or without the read-aloud function. Students will be able to practice as many times as needed prior to live testing.
Online Gateway Testing: Practice Items
Online Gateway Testing: Features
Online Gateway Testing: Reports
Class Reports Individual Profile Reports (IPRs) Labels Comprehensive Data Files (CDFs) [NEW] All reports for online Gateway testing are available in PearsonAccess.
Online Gateway Testing: Resources
Special Education Assessment Updates
Lori Nixon Special Education Consultant Office of Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
Portfolio 2011-2012 Looking Ahead Orders will be placed in September
Teacher’s Manual and activities will be revised Portfolio Forms will remain same Date will not change Form Number: ED-3089 (Updated 6/2010)
Accommodations Must be implemented throughout the school year on a routine basis Are based on individual need Allowable Special Education Special Accommodation codes were changed at beginning of year
Special Accommodation Chart
A. Extended Time B. Read Aloud Internal Test Instructions/Items C. Prompting Upon Request D. Interpreter Signs/Cues Test E. Manipulatives F. Assistive Technology G. Calculator H. Scribe I. Unique Accommodation
Special Accommodations
A. Extended Time Not applicable for any Secondary Assessment Not all Extended Time is the same B. Read Aloud Internal Test Instructions/Items Do NOT read aloud charts/graphs/timelines… Prompting Upon Request if student has need C. Prompting Upon Request Test Administrator reads verbatim Test Administrator may not work out problems or explain any text
Special Accommodations
H. Scribe Is only Special for Writing If used for Achievement/Secondary, student test book must travel with student answer document G. Calculator Special Accommodation for Achievement Science Code only if used for Ach. Science
Special Coding Issues Functionally Delayed Gifted Speech
Functionally Delayed and Coding
Functionally Delayed (FD) is a TN Disability category Coding depends on assessment type Assessment Type Alternate Portfolio General Achievement Secondary
Functionally Delayed Alternate Assessment-Portfolio
PRIMARY disability is Functionally Delayed code Functionally Delayed Do NOT code Special Education Hours for a student whose PRIMARY disability is FD AYP Implications Non-Participant Non-Proficient
Functionally Delayed General Assessments (Achievement/Secondary)
Consider both Primary and Secondary disability category Two Scenarios: FD primary disability w/ Secondary Disability (IDEA) Code SPED hours and special accommodations Do not code FD FD primary disability w/o Secondary Disability Code FD and special accommodations Do not code SPED hours
Online Assessment Applications
Where does the TVAAS Teacher Report data originate?
Student Takes Test, Answer Document completed (revised answer document) Group Information Sheet (now the Test Administration Group Header) Completed GIS(TAG) & Answer Documents Scanned Students Claimed on TDOE Randa Solutions Website - Faculty Student Data TVAAS Teacher Reports Delivered Electronically on The Restricted TVAAS Website
Faculty/Student TDOE strongly encourages schools/systems to have teachers do their own claiming in Faculty Student Claiming (FSD) on the TDOE Randa Solutions website Principals and STC’s will verify accuracy of claimed students on the TDOE Randa Solutions website Help Manuals and Online Training will be provided for Teacher Claiming on the Resources Tab on the TDOE Randa Solutions Website.
Draft - Under Construction
Faculty/Student Students who were pre-assigned either through Pearson Access or by bubbling the license number on the student answer document will appear in the roster. Draft - Under Construction Coded on Ans Doc
Draft - Under Construction
Faculty/Student Students who were not pre-assigned may be added to the roster by selecting them from the TAG. Schools should consider reporting & rostering when determining the organizational principle for the TAG.. Draft - Under Construction
Draft - Under Construction
Faculty/Student Students may be added by a name search… Draft - Under Construction
Faculty/Student Once a teacher has completed the roster of ALL students for whom they have been instructionally responsible at any point in the academic year, they will verify that the roster is complete and continue to claiming for teacher effect.
Draft - Under Construction
Faculty/Student Once a teacher has completed the roster of ALL students for whom they have been instructionally responsible at any point in the academic year, they will continue to “Edit the roster” for the TVAAS Teacher Report. All students on a roster will default to 100% for the portion of Instruction given by teacher(s). Exclusions for SpEd and Instructional Availability will be based on coding from the answer document. Instruction percentage and student instructional availability may be edited by the teacher. Draft - Under Construction
Draft - Under Construction
Faculty/Student A new look for Administrators – The School Level Audit Draft - Under Construction Access all reports from the Audit Page
Draft - Under Construction
Faculty/Student System Level Audit Draft - Under Construction Access all reports from the Audit Page
Draft - Under Construction
Faculty/Student Draft - Under Construction EOC Claiming will also verify the TLN at Log In
Draft - Under Construction
Need Help? New help manuals and webinars posted Draft - Under Construction
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