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Air Quality - Pollution

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Presentation on theme: "Air Quality - Pollution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Air Quality - Pollution
Section 16.2

2 Greenhouse Effect GH Gases: . 2. . 3. .
Radiation from sun is “trapped” as heat in our atmosphere.

3 Greenhouse Mechanism Radiation is converted to
heat energy by __________ ________(friction in electrons).

4 Humans Impacting Greenhouse
Burning __________ Fuels (transportation/coal-burning power/manufacturing) Deforestation (less cycling)

5 Our Atmosphere ______________ (N2) = 78% ________________ (O2) = 20%
_______________(O3) = trace % protects us from harmful radiation (UV and higher frequency) ______________________(CO2) = .05 % ________________ (CH4) = trace %

6 Greenhouse Effect Heat trapped during daytime, sustains us at night
Radiation from sun enters atmosphere and is filtered so we don’t burn up. Heat trapped during daytime, sustains us at night

7 Why Greenhouse Effect is Good
________ – we would burn up _________– freeze to death Without the atmosphere: No CO2 for plants No H20 for organisms –weather No O2 for humans, animals

8 CO2 (greenhouse gas) and ___________
(direct or indirect relationship?)

9 CO2 (greenhouse gas) and temperature

10 Make a connection to ….

11 Global Warming consequences
Trend of warming climate – increase of __ – _____º F in last _____ years POSSIBLE EFFECTS: ________________ ___________________________________ Climate change (deserts-rain forests) Ecosystems destroyed Loss of species Epidemics of parasites/disease

12 Global warming consequences

13 Ozone –Earth’s Sun Block
________ –air pollution compounded by the interaction with sunlight. Gound level ozone formed when NO2 reacts with O2 To form O3 -harmful to organisms (lungs/sensitive tissues) Stratosphere O3 Protects us from _______rays.

14 Ozone Depletion __________(chlorofluorocarbons) group of chemicals.
Used as propellants and refrigerants. React and permanently disable ozone.

15 Acid Rain Causes: _______________________________
Releasing Nitrogen and Sulfur oxides (impurities). Form acid rain. _______ (Sulfuric acid) _________(nitric acid)

16 Acid Rain pH < __ pH units

17 pH scale (pH units) Change in .1 is x10 on scale…
____ is ten times more acidic than _____ Life exists in range of ______ pH units

18 Mechanism OH- = H+ H2O OH- >H+ BASE OH-<H+ ACID

19 Acid Rain Damage Bio-___________- sensitive creatures to change (aquatic insect/amphibians/trout) Reproduction in ________.

20 Pollution Producers ________ generation Population centers
_______________ Industrial ________

21 Movement of pollution

22 ______________Areas

23 Buffers: Nature’s protection
_______________(CaCO3) neutralizes the pH.

24 Strategies to stop Acid Rain…
Electrostatic Precipitators (___________) Low _________coal –have to burn more (less energy). Alternative energy Source reduction

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