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Chibi FactandOpinion. Facts are statements that can be proven.

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Presentation on theme: "Chibi FactandOpinion. Facts are statements that can be proven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chibi FactandOpinion

2 Facts are statements that can be proven.

3 Opinions are statements that tell what someone thinks or feels.

4 Chibi A True Story from Japan

5 Chibi Vocabulary

6 avenue avenue ducklings ducklings pool poolnestsplash spring spring avenue avenue ducklings ducklings pool poolnestsplash spring spring

7 We will travel down the avenue until we get to town.

8 We will travel down the avenue until we get to town

9 The ducklings obdiently followed the mother duck.

10 . The ducklings obdiently followed the mother duck. duck.

11 The shimmering pool was the idea place to be on a summer day.


13 The ducks enjoyed the splash in the cool water of the pool.

14 .

15 Spring is my favorite season of the year.




19 avenue

20 ducklings

21 pool

22 nest

23 splash

24 spring

25 Good Job! Youre a Star! Give yourself a clap!

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