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Processor Technology and Architecture By Bandhit Panchitkaew.

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1 Processor Technology and Architecture By Bandhit Panchitkaew

2 What is processor ? It is a device that performs data manipulation, executes all instructions within the computer system and other function such as: It is a device that performs data manipulation, executes all instructions within the computer system and other function such as: Computation Computation Comparison Comparison Data movement among storage devices Data movement among storage devices Etc. Etc.

3 How it works ? An instruction is a signal or command to a processor to perform its functions such as: An instruction is a signal or command to a processor to perform its functions such as: To compute the division of two numbers To compute the division of two numbers To compute the multiplication of ten numbers To compute the multiplication of ten numbers To move the data to primary storage device, etc To move the data to primary storage device, etc

4 Types of Processor 1. General-Purpose Processor It can execute many different instructions in many different sequences.It can execute many different instructions in many different sequences. It is designed to do many different tasks such as calculation, comparison, etc.It is designed to do many different tasks such as calculation, comparison, etc. A good example of processor is what we have in computer.A good example of processor is what we have in computer.

5 Types of Processor 2. Special-Purpose processor It is designed to perform only one specific task. It is designed to perform only one specific task. It is a processor with single internal program. It is a processor with single internal program. For example: For example: –Microwave Oven –Compact Disc Player –Computer Printer

6 Three main Components in CPU 1. Arithmetic Logic Unit: Responsible of executing math or logic instruction.Responsible of executing math or logic instruction. It computes both the simple arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, etc and complex arithmetic such as logarithm.It computes both the simple arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, etc and complex arithmetic such as logarithm. It also uses in comparison the numbers.It also uses in comparison the numbers.

7 Three main Components in CPU 2. Registers: Small number of internal storage locations.Small number of internal storage locations. It holds instruction of data that needed frequently or immediately by the ALU.It holds instruction of data that needed frequently or immediately by the ALU. ALU gets the input from the registers and also store the result in registers after the computation.ALU gets the input from the registers and also store the result in registers after the computation.

8 Three main Components in CPU 3. Control Unit: It controls the movement of data to and from CPU registers to other hardware.It controls the movement of data to and from CPU registers to other hardware. It gets the instruction from the registers and makes decision about the instruction.It gets the instruction from the registers and makes decision about the instruction. If the instruction is the computation and logic, it will send to ALU, but if it is the data movement instruction, it then will do by itself.If the instruction is the computation and logic, it will send to ALU, but if it is the data movement instruction, it then will do by itself.

9 First Processor Architecture John von Neumann made a report of processor architecture on EDVAC in 1945. John von Neumann made a report of processor architecture on EDVAC in 1945. The report organized computer into four main parts: The report organized computer into four main parts: – ALU – Control Units – Memory – Input\Output devices – And the processor today follow Neumann’s architecture

10 Principles of Processor 1. It takes the signals in the form of binary signals( 0 and 1). 2. It manipulates according to the set of instructions. 3. It then produces the output according to binary number.

11 Depth of Processor 1. The processor produces the output according to the decision making, which is done by logic gate. 2. The logic gate requires one transistor Transistor is a device composed of semiconductor material that amplifies a signal or opens or closes a circuit.Transistor is a device composed of semiconductor material that amplifies a signal or opens or closes a circuit.

12 Depth of Processor 1. The processor's logic gates work together to make decisions using Boolean logic such as AND, OR, NOT NAND, which is based on the algebraic system established by mathematician George Boole. 2. The processor uses the gates in combination to perform arithmetic operations.

13 More on Logic Gate 1. Logic Gates operate though hardware known as switch 2. The most common type of switch in today's computers is a transistor known as a MOSFET metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor). 3. When voltage is applied to it, it reacts by turning the circuit either on or off. Most PC microprocessors today operate at 3.3V

14 More on Logic Gate 1. The flow of electricity through each gate is controlled by that gate's transistor. 2. The large numbers of gates are manufactured from a single piece of silicon and linked together without wires or other external materials. 3. These units are called integrated circuits (ICs), and their development basically made the complexity of the microprocessor possible.

15 Processor 1. Modern day microprocessors contain tens of millions of microscopic transistors. Used in combination with resistors, capacitors and diodes, these make up logic gates. 2. Logic gates make up integrated circuits. 3. ICs make up electronic systems.

16 Generations of Intel 1.The First Generation was: 1. 4004 2. 8086 3. 8088

17 4044 Processor –It was the forerunner of today’s processor –It was not popular and not used widely

18 8086 –It used 16 bit external bus, which made it the fastest but it too was not widely used because of its cost.

19 8088 –It used 8 bit for external data bus –It was widely used and also adopted by IBM because of the cost. –These support chips were designed for eight bit processors and were in common use in the industry in those days.

20 Generations of Intel 2. Second Generation was only 80286 –The first Intel processor to allow access to more than one Meg of memory. –This processor has a 16 bit internal and external data bus and a 24 bit address bus. the 24 bit address bus means it can address up to 16 MBytes of memory.

21 Generations of Intel 3. The Third Generation included: –80886DX –80386SX

22 80386DX –The introduction of 32 bit performance with 32 bit internal and external data buses and 32 bit addresses. –DX’s chips were available I clock speeds of 25 to 40 MHz.

23 80386SX – 32-bit internal data path and 16-bit external data bus. –But the addressed bus was only 24 bits, which allowed manufacturers to cut the cost of the system board’s support circuitry.

24 Generations of Intel 4. The Fourth Generation included –80486DX –80486SX –80486DX2 –80486DX4

25 80486DX –The improvement in design made the 486DX better in both performance and memory than 286 range. –All the 486 range used 32 bits data buses. –The introduction of cache, which located right beside the processor logic helped to get information at greater speed.

26 80486DX –The innovation of “clock doubling” –This meant that the circuits inside the chip ran at twice the speed of the external electronics. Data was transferred between the processor, the internal cache and the math co-processor at twice the speed.

27 80486DX –The 486 DX4 trippled the clock speed to run internally at 75 or 100 MHz and also doubled the amount of cache to 16k.

28 80486SX –It was the same with 80486 DX but it did not included math co-processor, which helped in calculating the floating point number –486SX made available in slower clock speeds than DX: It comes in many versions such as 16, 20, 25 and 33 MHz versions.

29 80486DX2 –This was the first Intel family processor where the chip operated at a faster speed inside, than the clock signal supplied by the bus –It used used a 33-MHz bus clock and ran internally at 66 MHz.

30 80486DX4 –The speed of the clock is trippled inside the processor. –It used 33 MHz bus clock and run internally at 100 MHz.

31 Generations of Intel 5. The Fifth Generation included: –Pentium I –MMX

32 MMX –It increased 57 new integer instructions, four new data types and eight 64 bit registers, which helped to advance the CPU performance. –The MMX instructions were designed for multimedia programs

33 Pentium I –It used 64-bit data bus and 32-bit address bus –The clock speed went up high to 200 MHz.

34 Generations of Intel 6. The Sixth Generation included: –Pentium Pro –Pentium II –Pentium III

35 Pentium Pro –The Pentium Pro introduced the new technology called the multiprocessing. –The memory bus speed at 66 MHz. –It also include new technique called “superpipelining”, which - A technique used in advanced microprocessor where the microprocessor begins to execute a second instruction before the first has been completed. That is, several instructions are in the pipeline simultaneously and helped in increasing the speed.

36 Pentium II –Internal clock speed increased to 300 MHz. –It used the same structure as Pentium Pro, but it added 2 million instructions more to reach 7.5 million.

37 Pentium III –The Pentium III processor comes with a “Synchronized Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM), allowing for an extremely fast transfer of data between the microprocessor and the memory. –70 new instructions called Streaming SIMD added, which enhanced in multimedia graphic and 3D.

38 Generations of Intel The Seventh Generation was Pentium 4 The Seventh Generation was Pentium 4 –32-bit microprocessor –Hyper-pipelined technology, which a rapid execution engine and a 100-MHz system bus delivers three times the bandwidth of the Pentium III processor. –It enhances online gaming, digital video and photography, speech recognition and MP3 encoding.

39 AMD’s Processor There are many types of processors that been produced by AMD company such as: There are many types of processors that been produced by AMD company such as: –AMD K5 –AMD K6 –AMD K6-2 –AMD K6-3 –AMD K7 –AMD Athlon

40 AMD K5 –In 1996, AMD introduced K5 as the new processor to compete with Intel. –It used reduce instruction set computing (RISC). –The result is a processor capable of issuing four instructions per clock cycle­ twice as many as the Pentium

41 AMD K5 –AMD designed the AMD-K5 processor to be pin compatible with the Pentium. –Unfortunately, K5 never able to succeed because of the problem of high heat output.

42 AMD K6 –The speed is about 166 MHz to 300 MHz. –K6 was a Socket 7 compliant chip which was capable of running all PC software with the power and compatiblity of its Intel counterparts. –Another main advantage of AMD is its price, which was much cheaper than Intel.

43 AMD K6-2 –It built upon the K6’s excellent processing core with the addition of 21 new instructions called “3D Now”. –These code designed to enhance the 3D geometry capability of the chip's floating point unit. This allowed the K6-2 to overcome the handicap of the slow CPU which the K6 owned.

44 AMD K6-3 –it sees its level 2 cache memory integrated directly onto the processor core to increase the speed. –Unfortunately, K6-III loses the competition with Intel because it could not perform as good as Pentium III in floating-point math at that time.

45 AMD K7 –128 KB and level 1 cache –512 KB to 8 MB of level 2 cache running at 1/3 to full clock speed. –It now introduced the new technology of Floating Point Unit. –its high clock speeds will deliver stunning performance

46 AMD Athlon –Its speed is from 500 to 600 MHz. –The AMD Athlon XP process is designed to meet the computation-intensive requirements of cutting-edge software applications running on high-performance desktop systems

47 Consideration 1. The most important factor that we determine which computer is faster or better is to see from the speed of CPU, which is measured by Megahertz (MHz) or Gigahertz (GHz). 2. This clock inside the CPU will gives the signals to all components to do the works.

48 Comparison 1. The speed of the computer is not depending only on the speed of CPU, but also other factors such as: –The size of main memory –The bus speed –The speed of hard disk

49 Advice in buying CPU How memory affects the speed of CPU How memory affects the speed of CPU –Memory contains information that is needed by the CPU and if its capacity is small, the CPU may need to go in a longer distance to the primary storage to get the information. –So we now can see that the to increase the speed of computer, we also should be enough memory space.

50 Advice in buying CPU How do hard disk affects the speed of computer? How do hard disk affects the speed of computer? –Hard disk is a slow storage device, when CPU wants to get some data, it may take a long time to get the data. –The speed of hard disk in retrieving the data effects the overall speed.

51 Factors to consider 1. First of all consider the purpose of buying the processor: –If you mainly want to use a modem to surf the internet, the modem is going to be so slow, it won't matter if you have a fast processor and lots of memory

52 Factors to Consider –If it is about papers or application, you then need a lot of memory, but no need of fastest CPU.

53 Pentium 4 2.8 GHz 2.8 GHz Cache size is 512k Cache size is 512k The bus speed is 533 MHz The bus speed is 533 MHz

54 Why Pentium 4 It delivers great service for home computing, business solutions and all processing needs. It delivers great service for home computing, business solutions and all processing needs. It is designed to give better digital music, 3D gaming, digital imaging and video, etc. It is designed to give better digital music, 3D gaming, digital imaging and video, etc.

55 Techniques in Pentium 4 Hyper-pipelined technology Hyper-pipelined technology Rapid execution engine Rapid execution engine Execution trace cache Execution trace cache Advanced transfer cache Advanced transfer cache Advanced dynamic execution Advanced dynamic execution Enhanced floating point/multimedia Enhanced floating point/multimedia

56 Cost The cost of this processor is about at $ 259.99 The cost of this processor is about at $ 259.99

57 Athlon Athlon 2000+XP is the latest processor from AMD. Athlon 2000+XP is the latest processor from AMD. –Its processor speed is at 2.08 GHz. –Cache size is 512 KB. –Bus speed is 333 KB.

58 Athlon This is probably the best choice for those who have limited amount of money. This is probably the best choice for those who have limited amount of money. Its speed is not so difference from CPU. This is an advantage of AMD in offering good products and reasonable price. Its speed is not so difference from CPU. This is an advantage of AMD in offering good products and reasonable price. But the data will be able to transfer slower than Pentium 4. But the data will be able to transfer slower than Pentium 4.

59 Athlon Its cost is $ 184.99. Its cost is $ 184.99.

60 Tips in buying First decide how much you can afford. First decide how much you can afford. Find the best value for that amount of money. Find the best value for that amount of money. Take time in finding the information. Take time in finding the information.

61 Thank You

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