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Alphabet Animals In these pages you will find animals whose names begin with letters of the alphabet. Have fun!

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Presentation on theme: "Alphabet Animals In these pages you will find animals whose names begin with letters of the alphabet. Have fun!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alphabet Animals In these pages you will find animals whose names begin with letters of the alphabet. Have fun!

2 Letters A-E A alligator B birds C cat D dog E elephant

3 Letters F-J F frog G giraffe H horse I iguana J jackalope

4 Letters K-O K kangaroo L llama M monkey N newt O octopus

5 Letters P-T P penguin Q quail R raccoon S shark T tiger

6 Letters U-Z U unicorn V vampire bat W whale X xenopus Y yak Z zebra

7 Now it’s your turn Go on the net
Write down your alphabet on a piece of paper. Then search for animals whose names begin with letters of the alphabet. Write the animals’ names down and hand the paper into your teacher-you might get a prize! After this page, go on to play the “pick the animal” game. Click on the correct animal. Go on the net Lowry Park Zoo Oklahoma City Zoo Sesame Street Dr. Seuss

8 PICK THE ANIMAL Which animal begins with D ?
Which animal begins with E ?

9 Which animal begins with L ?
Which animal begins with U ?

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