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Microcomputer Systems Project By Shriram Kunchanapalli.

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1 Microcomputer Systems Project By Shriram Kunchanapalli

2 ADSP Blackfin BF533 ADSP-BF533 Emdedded Processor Data Sheet ( Revision E )Notes on Blackfin Processor [PDF] : Belongs to the Blackfin family of products, incorporating the Analog Devices/Intel Micro Signal Architecture( MSA ). Highly integrated system-on-a-chip solutions for the next generation of digital communication and consumer multimedia applications. By combining industry-standard interfaces with a high performance signal processing core, users can develop cost-effective solutions quickly without the need for costly external components. The system peripherals include a UART port, an SPI port, two serial ports (SPORTs), four general-purpose timers (three with PWM capability), a real-time clock, a watchdog timer, and a parallel peripheral interface.

3 Configuration of PPI - DMA Engine PPI must be used with the processor's DMA engine. PPI DMA channel must be configured for either transmit or receive operation First - Configure PPI's DMA channel to use PPI interface DMA Engine generates interrupts upon completion of a row, frame, or partial-frame transfer DMA Engine coordinates the origination or destination point for the data that is transferred through the PPI Reference: Page 31/34 of PPI 11-13 of the Hard. Ref. manual

4 ITU-R 656(formerly known as CCIR-656) reference: page13-14/34 (525/60)NTSC and (625/50) PAL systems Processor supports only the Bit-parallel mode of ITU-R 656 mode - 8- and 10- bit video element widths are supported. In this mode, the Horizontal(H), Vertical(V), and Field(F) signals are sent as embedded part of video datastream in series of bytes that form a control word SAV occurs on 1-0 transition of H EAV occurs on 0-1 transition of H

5 NTSC Operations Reference:PPI Document - Page 16/34 Entire Video field = Active Video+Horizontal Blanking( the space between EAV and SAV) and Vertical Blanking(V=1) - Horizontal Blanking - The interval between the start of active video and the end of active video - In many applications, video streams like CIF, QCIF other than NTSC/PAL formats can be employed Processor interface is flexible enough to accomodate different row and field lengths. a CIF image could be formatted to be "656-compliant" - proper EAV/SAV codes and EAV,SAV values define the range of the image for each line, and the V,F codes can be used to delimit fields and frames

6 Game Design Board Design and Game Logic Representation of Images in Memory Drawing Shapes University of Calgary Library Classes NTSC Standard

7 Game Implementation Main header file o Functions  Check For Win  Drawing Shapes – Lines, Dots o Software Reusability OOP concept o Global Attributes Improvements o Header Files o Local Attributes o Working around Duplication of Code

8 Conclusion Video Utility class takes care of conversion of a 486x720 to an image of ITU_656 format and setting to default color of gray Improvements: o User Interactive o Computer Player – application of AI o 3D version of the Game

9 References Dr.Kepuska’s Slides o Image and Video Processing(HSV),Audio Processing Solution, Lab3 - Audio Interface, o Resources and Links powerpoint Video Output, Utility Library The Scientist and Engineer’s Guide to Digital Signal Processing Ch 1, 4, 14, 15, [22], [23]

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