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What makes a good interview?

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Presentation on theme: "What makes a good interview?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What makes a good interview?
1 Interviewing Skills What makes a good interview? Jacqueline Gronwald JOMC 491

2 And....What makes a good interviewer?
2 Being insanely curious with an intense desire to know things Having confidence

3 Interviewing Tips Research Plan your questions
3 Research Plan your questions Schedule your interviews in advance if possible Brief your subject Develop an interviewing style that fits you Build up to the tough subjects Avoid yes or no questions Dress to impress

4 Research Check credentials and background (check with schools/jobs)
4 Check credentials and background (check with schools/jobs) Public libraries: print/online resources Search Engines: Google/Yahoo/MSN etc. Social Websites: Facebook/Twitter/Google+ Look for reliable sources and remember .edu = educational .com = commercial .mil = military .gov = government .org = nonprofit

5 Ask Open-Ended Questions
5 Close-Ended Question: Do you get along with your boss? Who will you vote for class president? Do you live alone? Are you in favor of school uniforms? Open-Ended Question Tell me about your relationship with your boss What do you think about the two candidates for class president? Who lives with you? What do you think about the possibility of our school moving to school uniforms?

6 At the Interview 6 Try to find a meaningful background instead of putting your subject against the wall Find a quiet place to interview Test all equipment to make sure it’s working properly The interviewer should be close to the subject and off camera so the subject looks away from the camera at a slight angle Give enough headroom and noseroom Close window blinds and try to not shoot subjects with a window in the background

7 At the Interview (continued)
7 Use headphones and make sure you are picking up audio from the microphone Always hide the microphone (put wire under shirt clip to collar) ALWAYS use a tripod Always interview at eye-level; If the subject is sitting then make sure the camera is at the same level as the interviewee

8 At the Interview (continued)
8 Avoid leading questions (Don’t lead the interviewee to the response you want to hear) Listen carefully to construct other questions on the spot based on the interviewee’s answers Pause between questions Ask the interviewee if they have anything to add at the end of the interview and thank them for their time

9 The Seven Deadly Sins of Interviewing
9 1.) You make a statement without asking a question 2.) You ask two questions but the person being interviewed chooses to answer the easier question 3.) Your question is too complicated 4.) You add your own remarks which can taint the response 5.) You use words that will upset the person 6.) You use an exaggeration in your question that can affect the answer 7.) You ask a yes or no question

10 Critique These Interviews
10 David Cross Interview Charles Ramsey Pit Bull Attack Remember anything can happen

11 Assignment 11 In pairs of two interview at least 4 students on (school related issue). Take turns filming and being the interviewer. Interview Sheet

12 Works Cited 12 Barnas, Frank, and Ted White. Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, and Producing. Oxford: Focal, Print. "STN Resources." STN Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 July

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