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Chalkboard Challenge Grade 3-4 StudentsTeachers Game Board Living Things AnimalsPlantsMatterHodge-Podge 100 200 300 400 500 Lets Play Final Challenge.

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2 Chalkboard Challenge Grade 3-4

3 StudentsTeachers Game Board Living Things AnimalsPlantsMatterHodge-Podge 100 200 300 400 500 Lets Play Final Challenge

4 StudentsTeachers Game Board Which object is non-living: pelican, robin, rose, or paper 100 paper Living Things for 100

5 StudentsTeachers Game Board Living things have ___ characteristics. 200 seven Living Things for 200

6 StudentsTeachers Game Board If plants in a habitat become extinct, what is also in danger of becoming extinct? 300 animals Living Things for 300

7 StudentsTeachers Game Board Is a human a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? 400 omnivore Living Things for 400

8 StudentsTeachers Game Board Name 1 way a human can change an ecosystem. 500 Burn, excavate, hunting, pollution Living Things for 500

9 StudentsTeachers Game Board When an animal can change its appearance to blend in with the surroundings, this is called: 100 Camouflage or adaptation Animals for 100

10 StudentsTeachers Game Board When there are no more of one kind of animal, that animal is_____ 200 extinct Animals for 200

11 StudentsTeachers Game Board An animals surrounding are known as its 300 habitat Animals for 300

12 StudentsTeachers Game Board When an animal spends a long time sleeping, this is called_____ 400 hibernation Animals for 400

13 StudentsTeachers Game Board A group of fish is called a _______ 500 School Animals for 500

14 StudentsTeachers Game Board What 3 things does a plant need to survive? 100 Sunlight, water and carbon dioxide Plants for 100

15 StudentsTeachers Game Board Recycling paper helps to (conserve, develop or waste) resources. 200 conserve Plants for 200

16 StudentsTeachers Game Board The green substance that gives a plant its color is called ______ 300 chlorophyll Plants for 300

17 StudentsTeachers Game Board The process that plants use to change carbon-dioxide into oxygen is called 400 photosynthesis Plants for 400

18 StudentsTeachers Game Board Bees gather this yellow dust from plants to make honey. 500 pollen Plants for 500

19 StudentsTeachers Game Board Name the 4 states of matter. 100 Solid, liquid, gas and plasma Matter for 100

20 StudentsTeachers Game Board When a liquid changes to a gas, this process is called _____. 200 evaporation Matter for 200

21 StudentsTeachers Game Board When a substance stays the same size and shape it must be a _____. 300 solid Matter for 300

22 StudentsTeachers Game Board What state of matter is oxygen? 400 gas Matter for 400

23 StudentsTeachers Game Board What is the process of water vapor changing to a liquid? 500 condensation Matter for 500

24 StudentsTeachers Game Board Name the 9 planets. 100 Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto Hodge-Podge for 100

25 StudentsTeachers Game Board Which of the following is a trait you inherit from your parents? Swimming, eye color, riding a bike 200 Eye color Hodge-Podge for 200

26 StudentsTeachers Game Board What are the 4 layers of the Earth called? 300 Crust, Mantle, Inner Core and Outer Core Hodge-Podge for 300

27 StudentsTeachers Game Board What causes earthquakes? 400 The shifting of the plates that form the Earths crust. Hodge-Podge for 400

28 StudentsTeachers Game Board Stars that make formations or pictures are called _____. 500 constellations Hodge-Podge for 500

29 StudentsTeachers Game Board Write Your Final Challenge Wager Name the steps of the water cycle. Final Challenge End Game TIMES UP! TIMES UP! Evaporation, Condensation and Precipitation

30 Game Over Teachers Name

31 Double Score DOUBLE SCORE!

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