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Particle Filter & Search

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1 Particle Filter & Search
Unit 3 & 4 Udacity

2 Particle Filter Show relation to Kalman. Implementation & examples.

3 Particle Filter Estimates the state of a system.
Same as Histogram filters and Kalman filters Used in localization and tracking.

4 Advantages of particle filters compared to KF and HF
Easiest to program Most flexible Can easily handle non-linear and non-gaussian systems. Multimodal

5 Remember kalman? Motion/Prediction Measurement update
Estimate of position x(t2) Corrected Optimal est x(t3) Measurement z Prediction x’(t3) Prediction x’(t3)

6 Demo Show video Initiation of multiple guesses (x,y,Ѳ)
Survival of the fittest

7 Approach (1) – Initialization
Determine robot position Initialization of multiple guesses

8 Approach(2) – Measurement/Weight
Laser sensor Measurement noise Sandsynligheden for at robotten er placeret i en position, givet målingen o. - Weights of each particle are determined by the chance of being correct.

9 Approach(3) – Likelihood
Calculate weights Normalize factor Mini Quiz 1: Sandsynligheden for at en position er korrect givet en måling. Normalized weight Mini Quiz 2:

10 Approach(4) – Resampling
Survival of the fittest Resampling wheel Resampling

11 Approach(5) – Resampling
Measurement update (Kalman) Corrected Optimal est x(t3) P(X) angiver vores priori state. P(Z|X) angiver vægtningen af hver partikel. Measurement update dannes ved at resample. Measurement z Prediction x’(t3)

12 Approach (5) – Motion

13 Approach (6) - Prediction/Motion
In the context of localization, the particles are propagated according to the motion model. Motion update D1 (Kalman) Motion Update D2 Posteriori/Estimate of position x(t2) Prediction x’(t3) Each particle is added noise -> gaussian distribution

14 Approach (7) Sandsynligheden for at robotten er placeret i en position, givet målingen o er stadigvæk den samme. Men fordi man benytter sine tidligere forudsigelser kan vi altså få et bedre estimat.



















33 Demo – Finding wally Matlab code is provide in

34 Motion Planning Find the ”shortest” path to a given goal.
Discrete planning (This lecture) World divided in grid cells Continuous planning

35 Motion Planning (Search)
Planning Problem Given Map Starting location Goal location Cost Goal Find the minimum cost path

36 The Search Problem – Path Planning
Find the shortest path from Start to Goal. Done with an expand approach. Openlist: Possible expansions. G-value: Number of expansions need to reach a given grid cell. Algorithm continues until goal is reached or openlist is empty.

37 Demo – Search Algorithm
MATLAB: MotionPlanning2DSearchStar

38 Search - A-star Minimizes the number of expansions
Prioritized search by adding heuristic function.

39 Demo: Search - A start MATLAB: MotionPlanning2DSearchStar

40 Demo: Search A-Star Quadrocopter

41 Dynamic programming Given Outputs: Best Path from ANYWHERE.
Map Goal Outputs: Best Path from ANYWHERE. Creates a Policy. Gives the optimal action for every grid cell.

42 Dynamic Programming Approach
Create a value grid

43 Cons and pros Pro: Gives the optimal path for any location.
Con: Is more computional.

44 Demo: Dynamic Programming
MATLAB: MotionPlanningDynamicProgramming.m

45 Stochastic motion Avoid robots from getting to close to an obstacle.

46 Stochastic motion Avoidance from the deterministic model.

47 Example: Forward(1)

48 Example: Falling of the grid (2)

49 Stochastic motion By updating the value function with a stochastic model. The robot will move away from obstacles.

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