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WORLD OF WORK Junior Interviews Student Services Department Mr. David Glenn, Team Leader Mr. Matt Mindel, School Counselor Mrs. Bornstein, School Counselor.

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Presentation on theme: "WORLD OF WORK Junior Interviews Student Services Department Mr. David Glenn, Team Leader Mr. Matt Mindel, School Counselor Mrs. Bornstein, School Counselor."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORLD OF WORK Junior Interviews Student Services Department Mr. David Glenn, Team Leader Mr. Matt Mindel, School Counselor Mrs. Bornstein, School Counselor Mrs. Hildreth, School Counselor Mrs. Sutter, School Counselor

2 The World of Work Today we will discuss: –What is the World of Work and why it is required. –What is the Junior Interview & how to complete the requirement. What you will wear on the junior interview day. The process of the junior interview day. Good interview techniques and questions. –How your Junior Interview will be evaluated.

3 How do you Introduce Yourself to an Interviewer? What IS & IS NOT appropriate when you meet an Interviewer?

4 What is the World of Work? Complete 2 activities in career preparation. –A mock job interview –Complete a resume

5 What is the World of Work? Timeline: –Junior year students will complete Junior Interviews in April as well as a career plan and resume. This is a graduation requirement –Do not be absent during Junior Interviews! –There will not be a make-up day.

6 Why Is The W.O.W Necessary? The World of Work is a Howard County Public School System graduation requirement. Junior Interviews fulfill the World of Work requirement. Preparation for life after high school. –College –Work

7 What is the Junior Interview? The Junior Interview is an opportunity for juniors to participate in mock job interviews. Jr. Interviews will help prepare you: –Know what the appropriate attire is when interviewing –Ask questions during an interview –Learn how to present yourself throughout an interview, i.e., handshake, posture & eye contact –Learn questions that a potential interviewer may ask

8 Preparation for Junior Interviews You will need 4 items prepared for Jr. Interviews: –A typed cover letter –A typed resume –A typed or neatly printed (black or blue ink) job or college application –A typed personal statement (essay) *You will prepare these items in your English class. Resume Writing and Interviewing Skills book

9 What Should I Wear? Dressing appropriately is essential! Guys…what is appropriate and required –A dress shirt with a tie (jacket is optional) –Dress slacks –Dark colored socks & dress shoes (shoes other than sneakers) Ladies…what is appropriate and required –A skirt and blouse –Dress slacks and blouse –A dress –Wear tights, nylons and/or pantyhose

10 What Is Not Appropriate To Wear? You cannot interview if: –You are wearing jeans, sneakers, tight fitting clothing or facial piercings (including nose, lip and tongue) –Guys must remove earrings (if they are too distracting) –Ladies can only wear one, small pair of earrings. –No V-necks, spaghetti straps or backless dresses –Please do not purchase a new outfit for this event… *Time permitting you may change clothes before and after the Jr. interview.

11 What Will The Day Look Like? The Junior Interview will take place on: –Wednesday, April 13 and Thursday, April 14 –You will be given a specific interview time –How long is the interview? (10-15 minutes) Where will the interviews take place: –Media Center What should you bring? –Leave your book-bag in your locker or leave at the sign-in desk –Ladies- if you bring a purse you will carry it with you to the interview table.

12 What Will The Day Look Like continued? What will you do when you arrive at Media Center? –Check-in at the front of the Media Center You will check-in with a parent volunteer You will be given your folder with your 4 items: –Typed cover letter, typed resume, job/college application, typed personal statement You will wait for the next available interviewer Please be quiet when you enter and leave the media center…interviews are occurring

13 Your Junior Interview ~Good Interview Techniques~ What should you do when introduced to your interviewer & throughout your interview? –Make eye contact –Shake hands –Good posture –Smile –Do not cross your arms You will leave your folder with the interviewer. Your pass must be signed by a parent volunteer before you leave.

14 Your Junior Interview ~The Questions~ Answer all questions. Silence is okay while you think of your response to questions. You can ask the interviewer to repeat a question. Take time to think of your response. You can & should ask your interviewer questions. –Example: “Tell me a little more about your position at the ……company?” “Tell me a little more about the company you work for.”

15 Lets Practice!

16 How Will You Be Evaluated? There is an evaluation form that will be completed by the Interviewer. The interview is pass or fail. If you do not dress appropriately or have all of the required items - you will NOT be allowed to interview *your evaluation sheets will be returned to you a week after the interviews.

17 More information….. If you need any more information regarding the application, cover letter or resume, go to the following site: –http://worldofwork.weebly.com This powerpoint will be available on our Student Services website if you have questions:

18 Lets Review… Jr. Interview Video The Idiot’s Guide to Interviewing

19 Today we discussed: –The World of Work –The Junior Interview & how to complete the requirement. –How your Junior Interview will be evaluated.

20 Questions?

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