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Mrs. Van Gorder’s Weekly News April 27-May 1 Check out our class website! 757-2143 Math- This week learned about 2 dimensional.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Van Gorder’s Weekly News April 27-May 1 Check out our class website! 757-2143 Math- This week learned about 2 dimensional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Van Gorder’s Weekly News April 27-May 1 Check out our class website! 757-2143 Math- This week learned about 2 dimensional shapes that can be called open or closed shapes. All closed shapes have the same amount of sides and corners. We learned about circles, squares, rectangles, hexagons, rhombus, and trapezoids. We sorted and categorized shapes by their attributes. We also learned about 3 dimensional shapes: cone, rectangular prism, cube, sphere and cylinder. We learned about composite shapes and how we can put shapes together to make a new one. Please keep practicing fluency with math facts by using flash cards and Sprints continue to go home so you can see the level your child is progressing at. Reading- In reading We finished our Kevin Henkes author study by reading Chrysanthemum and made text to self connections by writing about what makes us wilt and bloom. We also read Penny and Her Song. Keep practicing those flash cards from the 100 word list. The more those words are rehearsed the more automatic they will become in your child’s reading. Please continue to read and return books in your child’s book buddy, they are at your child’s independent and instructional levels. Writing- In writing this week we began a new non fiction unit of study on informational writing. We began by charting people, places, things and animals that we know a lot about. We chose 5 things we know about on a topic chosen and began organizing them. Next week we will be putting our ideas together to create an all about book. Word Study- This week we continued learning about contractions by learning a poem and playing games to help remember that 2 words contract to make a smaller word, and an apostrophe goes where the missing letters are. We also learned about the sound of oy- boy, toy, soy, Roy, joy, destroy, royal, loyal oi- foil, noise, spoil, point, toilet, boil, oil, coin oink, choice, moist, join, voice, soil, avoid, noisy Science -This week we began our new unit of air and weather by learning that air is a form of matter and air takes up space. We explored air by pushing objects through a straw. We did another investigation forcing air in a vile underwater learning that the vial stayed dry. When tipping the vial air bubbles escaped. We made parachutes and discovered that air needs to be underneath it to float. Scholastic Orders - If you wish to purchase books from scholastic, please order online. The flyers will come home for you to browse and then you may purchase by using our class activation code NZW9J on the scholastic website: Class Meeting - This week we played games in the gym that focused on team work and cooperation with a focus on how we can apply it to other areas. Additional Notes - We welcomed Olivia to our class today. We are running low on our pencil supply in the classroom. Please ask your child how their supply is. Please continue to reference our class website for updated pictures and calendar dates. We have a case of spring fever, discussing the noise level during workstations and how they should not raise above a whisper so we can focus and concentrate on our work. Please reinforce this rule at home. Happy May!

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