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Demystifying data … - management planning - management plans - interviews This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

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1 Demystifying data … - management planning - management plans - interviews This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Unless otherwise noted, all images are in the Public Domain

2 Data management planning ▪ undertaken at the start of a research project; ▪ primarily the responsibility of the researcher; ▪ will usually require input from research support services such as IT, HPC, RIS, Library; ▪ will consider what data is required, how it will be processed, where it will be stored, ownership of data, access to the data, publication plans for the data… Data management planning will ideally result in a … 2 Some definitions

3 Data management plan or DMP A formal document, prepared at the start of a research project, that outlines how data will be managed during, and after the project. It generally covers: ▪ what data will be created; ▪ what policies will apply to the data; ▪ who will own and have access to the data; ▪ what data management practices will be used; ▪ what facilities and equipment will be required; ▪ who will be responsible for each of these activities. Definitions

4 Why? ▪ facilitate development of data management plans; ▪ audit data holdings and collections; ▪ collect information about data management requirements; ▪ promote data management services; ▪ create data descriptions that enable discovery of research data Who? Often a role for library staff http://www.ayurveda.hubpages.com520 Data interviews

5 You already have: 5 Why librarians? reference interview skills; experience in the provision of information and referral services; established relationships with researchers and staff; a good understanding of the university’s research priorities; a reputation for delivering highly valued resources and services; access to supporting tools and processes

6 You are not expected to be a ‘data expert’! Libraries are a key stakeholder in RDM, but in collaboration with others Supporting materials needed? aka tool-kit. eg. referral map, ‘ice-breakers’ What materials are already available? ie. adopt and adapt 6 But I don’t know ….

7 7 Learning from others … Monash University Swinburne University Edith Cowan University University of Oxford

8 8 In development … helpful?

9 9 Tips and tricks Before the interview Set the context Be prepared! During the interview Have relevant examples at hand A ‘conversation’ is preferable to Q & A approach Be prepared for FAQs (eg storage) Remember, it’s OK to take questions ‘on notice’ After the interview Follow up Demonstrate outcomes

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