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Personal Safety In Agricultural Mechanics. Objectives State how to create a safe place to work. Recognize hazards in agricultural mechanics Select appropriate.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Safety In Agricultural Mechanics. Objectives State how to create a safe place to work. Recognize hazards in agricultural mechanics Select appropriate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Safety In Agricultural Mechanics

2 Objectives State how to create a safe place to work. Recognize hazards in agricultural mechanics Select appropriate protective clothing and devices for personal protection.

3 Introduction Safety: freedom from accidents Accidents are not only painful they are expensive as well!

4 Common Causes of Accidents Falling Inhaling Electrical Contact Exposure to heat or cold Striking against Getting hit Getting caught in Exposure to fire

5 The Safe Place to Work Work in agricultural mechanics involves extensive contact with tools and machinery Workers need to be aware of the hazards that exist and take special precautions as needed By taking precautions we can create a safer work place!

6 Farm Accidents Farm Machinery 44% Poisoning 2% Drowning 12% Hit by Objects 9% Falls 5% Firearms 5% Animals 4% Burns 2% All Others 9% Electric Current 7%

7 The Safe Place To Work We can make our work environment by being cautious and following a few simple safety rules 1.Intstall all machinery to manufacturer’s specifications. 2.Keep all tools and equipment adjusted or fitted to specifications 3.Use tools and equipment skillfully 4.Keep work areas clean and free of tools, materials, grease and dirt. 5.Keep moving parts sheilded

8 The Safe Place to Work 6. Manage all situations to keep accidents from happening 7. Avoid the flight paths of objects that could be thrown by machines 8. Protect your eyes, face, feet, hands and other parts of the body with protective clothing and devices. 9. Move slowly enough to avoid creating hazards to yourself and others. 10. Read and Heed all precautions.

9 Protective Clothing and Devices

10 Eyes, ears, hands, feet, arms and legs are easily injuried The best protection is prevention However if you can not prevent an injury the next best approach is to protect the body where injury may occur.

11 Safety Glasses The face and eyes are the most critical part of the body to be protected. Eyes are easily damaged and the face is easily disfigured.

12 Safety Glasses and Goggles The first line of defense for the eyes Should have impact resistant lenses Shaded lenses should be worn when welding Students MUST always wear safety glasses to prevent eye injury

13 Hair Restraints Serious accidents can occur if long hair becomes tangled in drill presses, saws, or other turning equipment Long or loose hair should it should be contained by pulling it back or wearing a head band, hair net or cap.

14 Protective Clothing No part of the body is safe from injury Suitable clothing that fits properly helps to prevent or reduce injuries There should be no cuffs, strings or ties for turning machinery to catch Clothing should be fire resistant and provide protection from scrapes and abrasions Protective clothing should be easily cleaned Good protective clothing are –Coveralls –Aprons –Shop Coats

15 Footwear Leather is best! Make sure the shoes are tied and that the jeans are pulled over the top of the shoe! NO FLIP FLOPS!

16 Gloves Protect the hands from excessive abrasion, heat, chemicals, or other harmful environmental affects Leather gloves are needed for welding

17 Ear Protection Recommended when working with certain types and levels of noise Ear muffs or plugs are recommended when the intensity, frequency or duration of noise reaches certain levels Noise Intensity- refers to the energy in the sound waves Noise Duration-refers to the length of time a personis exposed to a sound Decibel (dB)-standard unit of sound –A 90-dB noise level for an 8 hour period is the maximum safe limit.

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