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ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Taking Application Architecture Seriously John Sadd Progress Fellow and OpenEdge Evangelist Mike Ormerod Technical.

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Presentation on theme: "ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Taking Application Architecture Seriously John Sadd Progress Fellow and OpenEdge Evangelist Mike Ormerod Technical."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Taking Application Architecture Seriously John Sadd Progress Fellow and OpenEdge Evangelist Mike Ormerod Technical Architect and OpenEdge Evangelist

2 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation2 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Agenda  Why an Architecture?  The OpenEdge® Reference Architecture  Services and the value of your application  Business Entity Example  Service Interface Example  Integration Layer Example  Presentation Layer Example  Conclusions

3 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation3 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All It’s not such a small world anymore…

4 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation4 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Your current application??

5 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation5 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Your current application?

6 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation6 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Where you may wind up

7 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation7 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All This is what you really need to build

8 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation8 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Agenda  Why an Architecture?  The OpenEdge Reference Architecture  Services and the value of your application  Business Entity Example  Service Interface Example  Integration Layer Example  Presentation Layer Example  Conclusions

9 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation9 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge Reference Architecture For Service Oriented Business Applications Design for longevity, flexibility, and competitive advantage  Accommodates evolving business requirements  Anticipates trends in technology  Provides agile and flexible architecture Presentation Business Services Data Access Data Sources Common Infrastructure Enterprise Services

10 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation10 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge Reference Architecture Data Access manages the physical data storage  Isolates specifics of physical data  Manages data retrieval and update transactions  Must adapt to a variety of data sources Data Sources Database Document XML

11 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation11 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge Reference Architecture Business Services manages logical data definition  Separates logical from physical schemas  Allows business logic and UI to use logical data definition  Larger task and workflow containers for complex operations and services Business Entity Task Workflow

12 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation12 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge Reference Architecture Business Services also manages standard application services  Service interfaces provide uniform access to core services such as auditing  Also provide hooks to custom application services  Handle communication between client and server Service Interface Common Infrastructure Audit Security Translate

13 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation13 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge Reference Architecture Presentation controls the user interface and requests data and other services  Model-View-Controller Pattern separates data from UI  Model is the client side data management View is the user interface definition  Controller mediates between them and provides UI services

14 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation14 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge Reference Architecture Enterprise Services manages data input from and output to other applications and services  Web services  SonicMQ®  Sonic ESB®

15 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation15 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge® 10 Product Platform for SOBA A complete platform that delivers everything needed by competitive business applications Presentation Business Services Data Access Data Sources Common Infrastructure Enterprise Services Client Processing WebClient™ WebSpeed® OpenClient WebClient™ WebSpeed® OpenClient Integration Platform Adapter for Sonic MQ Adapter for Sonic ESB Adapter for Sonic MQ Adapter for Sonic ESB Application Servers OpenEdge® Application Server Data Management Services OpenEdge® Database OpenEdge® DataServer XML OpenEdge® Database OpenEdge® DataServer XML

16 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation16 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Agenda  Why an Architecture?  The OpenEdge Reference Architecture  Services and the value of your application  Business Entity Example  Service Interface Example  Integration Layer Example  Presentation Layer Example  Conclusions

17 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation17 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Every day there is…  Someone who wants to do something you used to do Opportunities for outsourcing services your application your business partner your core business value

18 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation18 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Every day there is…  Someone who wants you to do something they used to do Opportunities for value-added services your application your business partner your core business value new value

19 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation19 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Every day there is…  Someone who wants to share information that you previously have not dealt with Opportunities to provide integration points your application your business partner new value

20 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation20 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Every day there is…  Someone who wants information that you have not previously shared Opportunities to satisfy integration demands your application your business partner your core business value

21 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation21 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All What is that “agile and flexible” architecture really for?  UPS slogans:  “Covering More Ground Faster Than Ever”  “Helping your business move faster is part of everything we do”  “Your World Synchronized”  Dynamic Supply Chain Management “What the Guys in Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing” ??

22 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation22 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Agenda  Why an Architecture?  The OpenEdge Reference Architecture  Services and the value of your application  Business Entity Example  Service Interface Example  Integration Layer Example  Presentation Layer Example  Conclusions

23 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation23 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Business Servicing and Data Access Layers Client Dataset dsOrder run fillDataset in ghdsOrderBE (input-output dataset dsOrder by-reference). run fillDataset in ghdsOrderBE (input-output dataset dsOrder by-reference). Business Entity Client Proxy Server Service Interface Business Entity run fillDataset in ghdsOrderDAO (input-output dataset sOrder by-reference). Business Entity run fillDataset in ghdsOrderDAO (input-output dataset sOrder by-reference). Data Access Object Define queries Attach data sources Fill dataset Data Access Object Define queries Attach data sources Fill dataset DB From ARCH-12: Designing an OpenEdge Reference Architecture-compliant 3-tier framework based on the ProDataSet – Gunnar Schug

24 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation24 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Data Access Layer Server Data Access Object Define queries Attach data sources Fill dataset Data Access Object Define queries Attach data sources Fill dataset DB Transactions Physical bus. logic

25 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation25 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Server-side Business Entity Server Business Entity run fillDataset in ghdsOrderDAO (input-output dataset sOrder by-reference). Business Entity run fillDataset in ghdsOrderDAO (input-output dataset sOrder by-reference). Data Access Object Define queries Attach data sources Fill dataset Data Access Object Define queries Attach data sources Fill dataset DB Logical data definition Public API Business Logic

26 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation26 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Service Interface Server Business Entity run fillDataset in ghdsOrderDAO (input-output dataset sOrder by-reference). Business Entity run fillDataset in ghdsOrderDAO (input-output dataset sOrder by-reference). Data Access Object Define queries Attach data sources Fill dataset Data Access Object Define queries Attach data sources Fill dataset DB Service Interface Session Manager Client requests

27 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation27 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Agenda  Why an Architecture?  The OpenEdge Reference Architecture  Services and the value of your application  Business Entity Example  Service Interface Example  Integration Layer Example  Presentation Layer Example  Conclusions

28 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation28 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All La Fondiaria : RMI Class Diagram ADM2 UI Client Service Interface Server Gateway Invocation Process Generated Service Interface Existing ABL Procedures

29 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation29 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Agenda  Why an Architecture?  The OpenEdge Reference Architecture  Services and the value of your application  Business Servicing Example  Service Interface Example  Integration Layer Example  Presentation Layer Example  Conclusions

30 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation30 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Selexyz : Process improvement with RFID Shop check of goods received Received goods will be matched through RFID with the ASN Placing books in the shelves by employee Through shelve plan and RFID, the employee knows where to put the book Payment of the book Through RFID tag product and price details will be made available for the POS CB produces order RFID Tag is printed and linked to a book + check of the tag Exit check RFID tag can be used for payment check CB shipment of the goods Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) with RFID article identification will be send electronically to BGN BGNCB Order Shipment Receiving Stock Payment Security From ARCH-8: Implementing the OpenEdge Reference Architecture with OpenEdge 10.1 – Bart Schouw & Eric Debeij

31 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation31 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Centraal Boekhuis Books Tagged & Packaged Info OpenEdge “Nobis” Back Office Application OpenEdge RFID Services EasyAsk Natural Language Search ASN Processing Sonic Enterprise Service Bus OpenEdge “Atlas” Stock Tracking CaptureTech RFID Gate BGN Central Customer Self-Service Kiosk WebSpeed Customer Info Portal Shop Staff Inventory Access Apama ESP ASN Reconciliation BGN Store Advanced Shipping Notice Issued RFID Tunnel at store Customer Orders Await Pickup Store Shelves Cash Register Books Shipped to Store The Selexyz Retail Supply Chain ~ System Deployment

32 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation32 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Agenda  Why an Architecture?  The OpenEdge Reference Architecture  Services and the value of your application  Business Entity Example  Service Interface Example  Integration Layer Example  Presentation Layer Example  Conclusions

33 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation33 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All AutoEdge Architecture A2A & B2B Collaboration B2C Web Site Wireless Devices Wireless Devices Head Quarter CRM Dealer 1 CRM Inventory Dealer n CRM Inventory Car Supplier Inventory Information Kiosk Information Kiosk Back Office Application Back Office Application Enterprise Reporting Enterprise Reporting

34 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation34 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge GUI Client – Use Cases

35 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation35 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge GUI Client - Realization

36 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation36 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All High Level Architecture Progress Graphical User Interface Service Adapter Server Service Interface Business Logic

37 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation37 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Container MVC Structure  Control maincontrol.p  Model mainmodel.p  View mainview.w mainviewxp.w MVC Application Container

38 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation38 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Alternative View

39 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation39 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Agenda  Why an Architecture?  The OpenEdge Reference Architecture  Services and the value of your application  Business Entity Example  Service Interface Example  Integration Layer Example  Presentation Layer Example  Conclusions

40 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation40 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All In Summary  Consider the importance of a serious architecture for the future of your application  Learn from what we provide, but adapt and extend to your own requirements  Be prepared for the unexpected!

41 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation41 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All For More Information, go to…  PSDN  Relevant Exchange Sessions: ARCH-13:Designing an OpenEdge Reference Architecture compliant 3-Tier framework based on the ProDataSet ARCH-8:Implementing the OpenEdge Reference Architecture with OpenEdge 10.1

42 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation42 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Questions?

43 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation43 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Thank you for your time

44 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation44 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All

45 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation45 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Sample: Transition to Demo

46 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation46 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Name that article…  Web Enterprise Architecture for Integration Patterns Architects  Web Integration Architecture Patterns for Enterprise Architects  Enterprise Integration for Web Architecture Patterns Architects  Integration Architecture Patterns for Web Enterprise Architects  Architecture Architects for Web Enterprise Integration Patterns

47 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation47 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All OpenEdge® 10 Product Platform for SOBA  Designed for productivity  Architected for service-oriented applications  Proven capabilities and performance A complete platform that delivers everything needed by competitive business applications Client Processing Integration Platform Application Servers Data Management Servers

48 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation48 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All The Service-Oriented Business Application (SOBA) Integration Layer using the Enterprise Service Bus CRM Supply Chain Partner Financial Order Entry Inventory It is not the whole application that is the service, it is the business functionality within the application The application is an aggregation of individual services It is not the whole application that is the service, it is the business functionality within the application The application is an aggregation of individual services

49 © 2006 Progress Software Corporation49 ARCH-1: It’s a Tall World After All Client-side Business Entity Proxy and Service Interface Client Dataset dsOrder run fillDataset in ghdsOrderBE (input-output dataset dsOrder by-reference). run fillDataset in ghdsOrderBE (input-output dataset dsOrder by-reference). Business Entity Client Proxy Service Interface Client-side data & logic Data batching Requests to server

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