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Mr. Linn. October 27, 2014 I can… Identify the class procedures. Explain how to turn in bell work and the due dates. Explain how to turn in What I learned.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Linn. October 27, 2014 I can… Identify the class procedures. Explain how to turn in bell work and the due dates. Explain how to turn in What I learned."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Linn

2 October 27, 2014 I can… Identify the class procedures. Explain how to turn in bell work and the due dates. Explain how to turn in What I learned and the due dates. Bell Work What was the most enjoyable thing you did this past six weeks? Why?

3 October 28, 2014 I can… Identify the class procedures. Explain how to turn in bell work and the due dates. Explain how to turn in What I learned and the due dates. Bell Work What is the classroom procedure for completing bell work and starting assignments?

4 October 29, 2014 I can create a resource file on my desktop. I can add favorites to Internet Explorer. I can access my email. Bell Work What are the various level voices? Explain your reasoning for each level. Assignment Resource File IC ILP Login

5 October 30, 2014 I can identify key components of an email message. Bell Work What are the key components of an email message? Assignment Email Components of an email message to Mr. Linn

6 October 31, 2014 I can create a table in word. I can access and practice various shortcuts. Bell Work What is a keyboard shortcut? Why are they helpful? Students will create a table with what they believe are the top 5 used shortcuts and write 5 multiple choice questions.

7 Bell Work and Starting Assignments Gum and candy will remain in their packaging and used in other classes. Students will login to their computers and access the daily bell work and assignment page.

8 Bell Work Continued Bell work (see class website) 20 points per day possible To be completed in first 5 minutes of class Save as bwweek 1 for week 1 Save as bwweek 2 for week 2 Save as bwweek 3 for week 3 Save as bwweek 4 for week 4 Save as bwweek 5 for week 5 Save as bwweek 6 for week 6 Assignments Can be found on the right side of the bell work for the day. Sometimes you will need to simply save the document, print or email. I will give you details on the slide.

9 Instruction and Noise Levels Students will turn their monitor sideways and log off when Mr. Linn lectures or students use the Smart Board for a lesson. Noise Levels 0=silence 1=whisper 2=quiet voice 3=loud voice 4=presenter 5=outside

10 Seeking Help… If you need assistance please try the following: Read the procedures again and start with bell work and the assignment for the day Raise your hand Ask a neighbor if talking is permitted Email Mr. Linn for assistance Use the world wide web the answer is at your finger tips…. Students are expected to stay in their seats unless otherwise directed to get up and move around. If you need to get up please raise your hand.

11 What I Learned What I Learned for the Week 100 points possible Students will type a 150 word letter to their parents twice during the six weeks. Students will print the document and return a signed copy to Mr. Linn no later than the following Tuesday of the week. Students will complete an in depth What I Learned Paper for the entire 6 weeks. 6 th Grade will type 500 words, 7 th grade 750 words, and 8 th grade 1,000 words.

12 Email and Infinite Campus Conclusion of class check email & Infinite Campus Email Infinite Campus-grades

13 Grades and Late Work Failure to turn work in on time will result in reduction of a grade of 25% per day that is late and will not be allowed after the 3 rd day. Students that are absent must turn this work in when they return. Failure to do so will result in a lowering of their grade. This is your responsibility. For example… On time 100% 1 day late 75% 2 days late 50% 3 days late 25% 4 days late and beyond 0% Students will also earn grades from quizzes, tests, projects, Individual Learning Plan, exit slips, etc…

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