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Chabot College Library Facility Improvements WELCOME! I.Project Update (Marcia) II.Need for Out-of-Scope Items (Pedro) III.Review of Out-of-Scope Items.

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Presentation on theme: "Chabot College Library Facility Improvements WELCOME! I.Project Update (Marcia) II.Need for Out-of-Scope Items (Pedro) III.Review of Out-of-Scope Items."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chabot College Library Facility Improvements WELCOME! I.Project Update (Marcia) II.Need for Out-of-Scope Items (Pedro) III.Review of Out-of-Scope Items (Norman) IV.Q&A

2 What we do: “… the Chabot College Library provides all users with a safe and welcoming environment conducive to learning, collaborating, and encouraging lifelong learning.” (Library Mission Statement) Our Goals: Provide reference & instruction services supporting use of information and technologies Provide spaces where students can work collaboratively and access technologies and information (e.g., study rooms, silent study room, outdoor study area) Provide individual, quiet spaces that are separate from collaboration spaces Serve all divisions and programs at Chabot College

3 How do we get there? Smart Library Classroom (in-scope) New Reference & Circulation Desks (in-scope) Update Silent Study Room, 107A&B (in-scope) Update Staff Office Space NOT in scope: ▫Increase Electrical Outlets (107A&B and study carrels) ▫New Group Study Rooms ▫New Carpet Throughout ▫Improved Lighting (Reference & Circulation area) ▫New Library Furniture (chairs & tables)

4 Need for more Library Learning Spaces: Only 3 group study rooms and 1 small quiet study area for the entire campus (13, 484 students, Spring’13). With the conversion of 107A&B to a silent study room, we will be losing 2/3 of group study room space. Thus, the need for additional group study rooms.

5 Student Input (Fall 2013) From recent town hall meeting hosted by Chabot’s Associated Student Officers: “The library should have been remodeled or a new library built before building 400 and 700.” “The study room walls are moldy and it makes it difficult for me to breathe.” “There is not enough study space and it is hard to work in groups on tables because of the noise level.”

6 Student Library Usage: 281,534 Library Visits (Oct. 2012-Oct. 2013) 1,609 Library Visits (daily average: Aug. 19-22, 2013) 27,050 Student Transactions @ Circulation Desks (Oct. 2012-Oct. 2013) 2,612 Student Transactions @ Circulation Desks (Oct. 2013)

7 1) Increase Electrical Outlets Out-of-Scope Items:

8 2) New Group Study Rooms

9 3) New Carpet

10 4) Improved Lighting

11 5) New Furniture

12 Summary Request for additional monies ($1 million) to cover for out-of-scope items: ▫Increase Electrical Outlets (107A&B and study carrels) ▫New Group Study Rooms ▫New Carpet Throughout ▫Improved Lighting (Reference & Circulation area) ▫New Library Furniture (chairs & tables)

13 Q&A Questions??? Tour of the Library for those who are interested (out-of-scope items after Facilities Meeting)

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