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Corporate Finance A1 Vysoká škola finanční a správní Summer Semester 2012 Jaromír R. Stemberg

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Presentation on theme: "Corporate Finance A1 Vysoká škola finanční a správní Summer Semester 2012 Jaromír R. Stemberg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Corporate Finance A1 Vysoká škola finanční a správní Summer Semester 2012 Jaromír R. Stemberg

2 Financial Reports

3 Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Current AssetsCurrent Liabilities Cash and EquivalentsShort-Term Accounts Payable Short-Term ReceivablesCurrent Tax Payable InventoryShort-Term Loans and Borrowings Accruals and Other S/T AssetsAccruals and Other S/T Liabilities Long-Term AssetsLong-Term Liabilities Intangible Fixed AssetsLong-Term Payables Tangible Fixed AssetsProvisions Long-Term Receivables Owners’ Equity Share Capital Share Premium and Capital Funds Retained Earnings Y-T-D Profit (Loss)


5 Cash Flow Statement

6 Statement of Changes in Equity

7 Profitability Ratios Profit margin Return on assets (investments) Return on equity

8 Profit Margin Net income / Sales = 200 / 4 000 = 5%

9 Return on Assets Net income / Total assets = 200 / 1 600 = 12,5%

10 Return on Equity Net income / Stockholders‘ equity = 200 / 1 000 = 20%

11 Asset Utilization Ratios Receivable turnover Average collection period Inventory turnover Fixed asset turnover Total asset turnover

12 Receivable Turnover Sales / Accounts receivable = 4 000 / 350 = 11,4 times

13 Average Collection Period Accounts receivable / (Sales / 365) = 350 / 11 = 32 days

14 Fixed Assets Turnover Sales / Fixed Assets = 4 000 / 800 = 5 times

15 Total Assets Turnover Sales / Total assets = 4 000 / 1 600 = 2,5 times

16 Inventury Turnover Sales / Fixed Assets = 4 000 / 800 = 5 times

17 Liquidity Ratios Current ratio Quick ratio

18 Current Ratio Current assets / Current liabilities = 800 / 300 = 2,67

19 Quick Ratio (Current assets - Inventory) / Current liabilities = 430 / 300 = 1,43

20 Debt utilization Ratios Debt to total assets Times interest earned

21 Debt to Total Assets Total debt / Total assets = 600 / 1 600 = 37,5%

22 Times Interest Earned EBIT / Interest = 550 / 50 = 11 times

23 Du Pont Analysis

24 Trend Analysis

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