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Presented by Carol Vaughn Alpha Eta State (SC) Webmaster The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Carol Vaughn Alpha Eta State (SC) Webmaster The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Carol Vaughn Alpha Eta State (SC) Webmaster The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

2 Here is where I have my chapter web site information. Everything that you put on your web site must be kept in the same folder and it must be on your computer’s hard drive. This is what I have on the Alpha Chapter web site as of right now. I’ll be adding more to it so that info will then show up with all of this.

3 If you want to have more space for your chapter web site than your chapter can afford on the Delta Kappa Gamma server, you can try other free or low cost web hosting companies. GeoCities is one of those companies. If you would like to create a web site using GeoCities, here is what you should do. Go to and click on When you get the next screen, look for this on the right-hand side. Go to the step that shows Don’t have a Yahoo! ID? After you have created your Yahoo! ID and password, you are on your way to creating your GeoCities web site. As a sample, I created a Yahoo! ID named alphalphachp so you will see that ID on the following slides.

4 The following slides will show you how to create your chapter’s web page using Yahoo! GeoCities as your web host. You will need to use a program such as Microsoft FrontPage or FrontPage Express or another such web authoring tool. I use Microsoft FrontPage 2003 to create my html pages for the Alpha Eta State web site and my chapter’s web site. If you have access to Microsoft FrontPage 2003, I would be happy to let you use my web pages as a “template” of sorts to make your chapter’s web site. You can change whatever you like to suit your needs. It is simply easier to use something that is already set up rather than to create from scratch. If you have access to FrontPage 2003 but are not familiar with it, you will find it much easier to use the “template” than to try to figure out how to use it unless you have a lot of time.

5 You can choose the Geocities FREE or either of the other two choices. I use Geocities PLUS which is $4.95 per month because I get more space and do not have any advertisements on the site. The FREE Geocities has advertising, but it is probably a good choice if you don’t plan to have a lot of pictures or your chapter newsletter on it. Also, if you don’t expect many “hits” on your site, you would probably be okay with GeoCities FREE. If you click on Sign Up for GeoCities FREE, the next slide shows the screen you will get. Complete the information requested and submit it. If you want the GeoCities PLUS, just follow the directions when you click on that choice. Here is my Yahoo! ID.

6 After you have submitted this page, you will be able to start creating your web site. You will get the screen shown on the next slide.

7 Click on Build your web site now!

8 This screen will now be visible. Click on the Create & Update tab.

9 Click on File Manager

10 Click on Open File Manager

11 Click on Upload Files.

12 You now must hit Browse to locate the files you want to upload to your site. All files that you wish to include on your website must be contained in the same folder on your “C” drive. If you upload a file that is not in the folder, it will not be visible on the web site. After you have selected the file(s) you want to upload, simply click Upload Files.

13 This screen will tell you if each file you uploaded was uploaded successfully or unsuccessfully.

14 This is an example of GeoCities FREE with its advertising on the right. Every time someone opens the web site, an advertisement like this appears. All you need to do is to click on the double arrow to the left of YAHOO! and the ad will close.

15 Here is what your web site looks like once you have clicked the advertising box to close it.

16 How to Apply for Space on the ΔΚΓ Web Server This information is found on the Delta Kappa Gamma web site at Wouldn't it be cool to have the address for your state organization or chapter Web site? Let the world know without a doubt what a terrific organization you are part of! Link together with chapters, state organizations and international to communicate, collaborate and commit for an optimal future! For only US $36 per year (plus a one-time setup fee of $15), your chapter or state organization can create a 1 MB Web site on the Delta Kappa Gamma server. That doesn't sound like a lot of space, but 1 MB will give you room for up to 25 text pages or 10 pages with graphics. What can you do with that? [See next slide.]

17 A home page, of course A calendar of upcoming events and meetings A history of your chapter or state organization Online newsletter Program and project ideas Press releases and photos announcing events, projects and programs Member feedback A guestbook An email directory of officers or members Much, much more!! If 1 MB is not enough for your site, you can obtain additional megabytes of space for $24 each per year. Focus the creativity of your members on putting together the perfect site for your chapter or state organization! Your site will be named according to your state organization and/or chapter: State: Chapter: /

18 The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Policy for Use of Electronic Communications This information is found on the Delta Kappa Gamma web site at Introduction The purpose of this policy is to provide assistance and guidance in the design, implementation, and management of electronic communications affecting The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International and its constituents. Electronic communications are defined by the Society as Internet and the World Wide Web, electronic mail, facsimile, databases, CD- ROM, audio and visual recordings, photographs and digitized information. Goal of Electronic Communications All forms of electronic communications will be consistent with the Society's Purposes and Mission Statement.

19 Objectives of Electronic Communications The objectives are:  To provide information about the Society and its events to all members of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International  To encourage an exchange of ideas and information  To promote service efforts  To enhance visibility of the Society as a presence in the international educational community

20 Society Websites Information published must meet certain standards and represent the Society in an appropriate and coherent manner:  All Web sites will contain the Society Purposes and Mission Statement. Any descriptions contained in the Society Information Brochure are appropriate for use.  Information will be accurate, current and useful.  Each page will be dated as to its latest revision.  Society Web sites may not be used for political or religious purposes.  State and chapter Web sites will include no direct advertising or fundraising promotions. A one-sentence acknowledgment of donation of an electronic site may be included.

21 Privacy / Copyright Issues Members of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International are expected to act responsibly and to follow the guidelines, policies and procedures of the Society in utilizing information technology and electronic networks accessed by such technology. To protect the privacy rights of the Society and its members, the following considerations must be observed:  The Web site will not contain content that is libelous to others.  Specific written consent should be obtained and kept on file before any of the following items are posted on an electronic site:  Addresses (mailing or electronic) and telephone/fax numbers of any individual Society members  News and/or pictures of an individual or group  Copyrighted materials--e.g., artwork, music or text  Approval must be obtained from International Headquarters to post any official Society correspondence.

22 Eligibility for Web Site Link to International In order to be eligible for a Web site link to International, state organization and chapter Web sites must adhere to the standards adopted by the Society. State organization and chapter sites in compliance may apply to International Headquarters be an official link to the International Web site. Good luck getting your chapter online. Please contact me if there is any way I can help. Carol Vaughn Address: 6414 Saye Cut Road Columbia, SC 29209 Home phone: 803-783-6279 Cell phone: 803-238-4820 E-mail:

23 You may be able to create web pages in Microsoft Word or Word Perfect. You would have to go to your program’s HELP file to see how to do this. Just enter the word web and you should get pertinent pages of information of how to create documents that you can save as web pages (HTML files). Just to see how this would work, I created an HTML document in Microsoft Word 97. What I did was to:  Open my Word program.  Go to File and click on New. (Below is the box I got.)  Click on the Web Pages tab. (On next slide is the box I got.)

24  Click on Web Page Wizard. That took me to the Word Program where I could create an HTML document. See next slide…

25  Once on this page, I could select the information in the document and replace it with my information. I could change the font, the font size, the background, and anything else that you can do in Word. The next slide shows what the page I created in Word as an HTML file looks like after uploading it to the web site.


27 Unless you want to have a one page website, you will need to have links so people can navigate through your site. Highlight what you want to link (Alpha Eta State is highlighted below.) Once you have it highlighted, go to the link icon in your toolbar. You will get a dialog box like the one on the next slide.

28 You must type in the URL or the file to which you want to link. In this case, it is When selecting The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, you would link to its URL

29 You can link to things such as pictures and pdf documents like The Digest or your chapter newsletter. You can link to outside organizations as long as you follow the Delta Kappa Gamma Society’s guidelines. I have included web pages I have created for my chapter (Alpha) web site on the CD. If you have Microsoft FrontPage, you can open the html pages and edit them for your chapter’s web page. Please call me if you would like for me to help you as you create a web site for your chapter. My contact information is on slide # 19. You can’t do as much with your web pages created in Word or Word Perfect as you can with web pages you create in a program such as Microsoft FrontPage. However, you probably don’t need to do a whole lot with your chapter web site. In that case, you would probably do well using a word processing program that supports web formatting.

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