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MLA citation for research  Modern Language Association  Group of people who decide how to give credit to authors.

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Presentation on theme: "MLA citation for research  Modern Language Association  Group of people who decide how to give credit to authors."— Presentation transcript:

1 MLA citation for research  Modern Language Association  Group of people who decide how to give credit to authors

2 When we create a project, or write a paper, why must we cite sources of information?  Prove where we got our ideas  To avoid plagiarism  Help readers find more information, if needed

3 How long must you continue to use Works Cited?  school  college  career

4 How can I possibly learn all of this?  You don’t have to memorize it…just learn the format and copy in your information from the book or website!!

5 Different Types of Resources Need Cited Different Ways  Single Book  General Encyclopedia  Multivolume Work  Internet

6 Works Cited Guide  Basic citation: BOOKS Where do you find the information in a book that is needed for the Works Cited?? Author or editor? Title City of publication Publishing Company Copyright Date

7 What if you have MORE THAN ONE author or editor??  The Works Cited guide shows you how to arrange the names:  (1 st author) last name, first name and (2 nd author) regular name order  Ex: Miller, Katie and Teresa Miller.

8 Encyclopedias  General Encyclopedias Have a little bit of everything in them! You find your information alphabetically – spine – Index – Top of page, like a dictionary

9 Encyclopedia, continued Some have signed articles – Article means the subject you looked up in the encyclopedia –Author who is an expert in the subject writes a mini-article for the encyclopedia …an author means the article is signed Ex: World Book Encyclopedia –Look at the book’s spine…a weevil is found in the WXYZ volume, and the information on weevil has an author named Ellis W. Huddleston. Usually if the article is signed, the author’s name is in tiny print at the bottom of the information. Some have unsigned articles

10 A set of books on just ONE subject is called a multivolume work  Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of Foods and Recipes of the World  Follows “multivolume work but only using one volume in the set” on your Works Cited guide In addition to basic information, you need the volume # that you used from the set –Ex: Vol. 4 has foods from countries Spain to Zimbabwe

11 Review of Printed Materials  BOOKS = 1 book with an author or editor  ENCYCLOPEDIAS = more than 1 book is in the set & it has a lot of general information; the subject you look up is called the article and if the article has an author, it is called a signed article  MULTIVOLUME WORKS = more than 1 book is in the set, but it pertains to only ONE SUBJECT AREA ( food, or careers, or people, etc.) You need to add the volume # to your citation

12 Pop Quiz…which category does the following book fall into…  Single Book?  General Encyclopedia?  Multivolume Work? Wade-Matthew, Max. The Encyclopedia of Music. New York: Hermes House, 2002.

13 WEB SITE Works Cited  Sometimes finding the information from a web site can be tricky. You need to understand the difference between… Title of Article and… –Title of Website and… Copyright date and… –Date you accessed the page

14 Finding information from a web site…  CIA World Fact Book

15 Title of Article? Title of Website? Copyright date? Date of access?

16 Database citations database definition: A set of data grouped together in one location in a computer. A computerized database has been likened to an electronic filing cabinet of information arranged for easy

17 Faust has Power Library databases…a great tool for all your future research projects Database citations are similar to a Website citation, except you must give credit to the name of the database, and the library and its location who is paying for the database service.

18 Database citation example: Thurman, James N. “Behind Drop in US Murder Rate: A Deadline in Gun Crime.” Christian Science Monitor 20 Oct. 1994:4. Middle Search Plus. EBSCOhost. Faust Junior High School Library, Chambersburg, PA. 10 Nov. 2006.

19 Remember…

20 Use the Works Cited guide to create your citations.

21 What is the 1 st decision you must make to determine the correct order of the information? Life In The Fast Lane New York, 2001 Robert Johnson, Lucent Books

22 Correct Citation…was a book Johnson, Robert. Life in the Fast Lane. New York: Lucent Books, 2001.

23 Let’s play…Jumbled MLA!  Work in small groups of 3  Using the laminated Works Cited guide, rearrange the citations on the graphic organizer into the correct format  Each group will have to present a corrected citation to the class

24 Haywood Ken United States. The World Book Encyclopedia 2003 Exercise #1

25 Coldsmith, Barbara and Bauer Fred. Cooking in Paris. Chicago, Greenwich Publications, 2002 Exercise #2

26 All Things Shakespeare: An Encyclopedia of Shakespeare’s World. Kirstin, Olsen. Vol. 2. Greenwood Press: Westport, 2002. 2 vols. Exercise #3

27 Andrews, John F., ed. Shakespeare’s World and Work. An Encyclopedia for Students. 2 vol. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 2001. Vol. 3. Exercise #4

28 The History Channel 1996-2005. A & E Television Networks December 1, 2005 Exercise #5

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