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HOW TO WRITE A BIBLIOGRAPHY Using the Harvard Method.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO WRITE A BIBLIOGRAPHY Using the Harvard Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO WRITE A BIBLIOGRAPHY Using the Harvard Method

2 What is a bibliography?  A bibliography is a list of all resources used when writing an essay, assignment, report or project.  It indicates where information has been obtained.  The Harvard System is widely used when compiling bibliographies. It is also known as the Author-Date system.

3 How is a bibliography arranged?  In alphabetical order, according to the author's last name. If an author cannot be found, then the title comes first in the entry.  A bibliography is put at the end of the assignment, essay or project. It should be given a page to itself.  Do not number entries. Leave a line between each entry. It is important that correct punctuation is used.

4 Example Bibliography  Allan, R. and Greenwood, T. Year 12 Biology 1999, Biozone, Gold Coast.  Horey, J. 2001, "Broadband blues". Australian Personal computer, Feb. p 44  Netstudy. 1997, Dell, New York.  Pledger, P. 1998, Homework Helper, Pledger Consulting, Adelaide.  Smith, M. K. 1997, "Referencing the Informal Education Homepage". [On-line], 12 June 1998

5 Books  Use the following: Author’s last name, and initials. Year of publication, Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication.  Example: Pledger, P. 1998, Homework Helper, Pledger Consulting, Adelaide.

6 Books with two or more authors  Authors' last name, and initials. Year of publication, Title of book, Publisher, Place of publication.  Example: Allan, R. and Greenwood T. 1999, Year 12 Biology 1999, Biozone, Gold Coast.

7 If the book has no author  Title of book, Year of publication, Publisher, Place of publication  Example: Netstudy, 1997, Dell, New York.

8 Encyclopaedias  Use the following: "Article title". Year of publication, Title of encyclopaedia. Volume number, Publisher, Place of publication, page numbers.  Example: "Railway". 1993, World Book Encyclopedia, vol 16, World Book, London, p97-112.  Example for Internet version: “Railway”. 1993, World Book Online,, 12 June, 2007

9 Magazine articles  Use the following: Author's last name, initial. Year of publication. "Title of the article". Title of the magazine or newspaper, volume/issue number or date, page number/s.  Example: Horey, J. 2001, "Broadband blues". Australian Personal computer, Feb. p 44.

10 Newspaper articles  Use the following: Author's last name, initial. Year of publication. "Title of the article". Title of the magazine or newspaper, volume/issue number or date, page number/s.  Example: Oakley, V. 2001, "Return journey to a town of despair", Advertiser, 3 Feb, p 5.

11 Internet  Author's name, initial. Date. "Title of the item". [On-line] http://address/filename. Date accessed.  Example: Smith, M. K. 1997, "Referencing the Informal Education Homepage". [On-line], 12 June 1998.

12 E-mail  Author of the e-mail message. Date of the message. "Subject line of the message". [Online] from  Example: Taylor, Barry. (2 June, 1998) "Hubble Space Telescope image enhancement techniques". [Online] e- mail: from

13 Non print resources – Videos/DVDs  Title, Year of publication or transmission, Publisher or Distributor or Channel, Place of publication. (Description)  Example Catering skills, 1994, Video Education Australasia. Bendigo (DVD)

14 Non print resources - Television program  Title, Year of publication or transmission, Publisher or Distributor or Channel, Place of publication. (Description)  Example Civil War, 2001, Channel 2. 2 February. (Television Program)

15 Originally produced by Syba Signs

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