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Summer Training Report Format and Guidelines 2010-2012 batch.

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1 Summer Training Report Format and Guidelines 2010-2012 batch

2 Format of Training Report Divided into two parts Part A Part B

3 PART-A 1. Training Completion Certificate from the concerned Organization 2. Introduction to Corporate and briefing about group companies. 3. Introduction to particular firm/division in which training was completed. 4. Organization Chart of the firm.

4 PART-A 5. Study of functioning of all departments of the company. 6. SWOT Analysis of the training unit. 7. Financial Statement Analysis of the companies 8. Trend Analysis of the company on different parameters.

5 1.Training Completion Certificate Issued by organization

6 2. Introduction to Corporate and briefing about group companies: Mission & Vision Historical background of the group Names and Location of group companies Products/Services and brands Markets (Domestic & Export) Details of top executives (MD/CEO/GM etc.) Turnover Other relevant information

7 Introduction to particular Firm/Division: Objectives, Quality Policy Detailed Operations, products and services with brands Market’s served Domestic/Foreign Turnover Other information (Such as Certifications, Awards etc.)

8 Organization Chart of the training unit Chart containing Designations, names, Hierarchy

9 Study of functioning of all the departments Production R&D Finance HR Marketing and sales Advertising/ Publicity Exports Inventory/ Stores Purchase etc

10 Study of functioning of all the departments Respective objectives of departments. Procedures followed/Detailed operations and activities. Salient features special techniques adopted. Special observations & comments

11 SWOT Analysis of the training unit S : Strengths W : Weakness O : Opportunity T : Threats

12 Financial Statement Analysis Ratios:- Liquidity Ratios Operating Ratios Leverage Ratios Profitability Ratios  With comments involving reasons and impact  Based on 3-5 years data.  Comparison with industry benchmarks.

13 (b) Trend Analysis Trend of Turnover, Net profits, Earning per share of last 5 years or since inception of the company.

14 PART -B Research Project Report

15 Report Scheme Certified certificate (photocopy) from the concerned organization Certificate 1: to be signed by major advisor from the college Certificate 1 Certificate II: to be signed by major advisor from the industry Certificate II

16 Report Scheme Acknowledgement Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures

17 Report Scheme Chapter I: Introduction of the Project Chapter II: Review of Literature Chapter III: Research Methodology Chapter IV: Data Analysis and Discussions

18 Report Scheme Chapter V: Findings, Results, Conclusions, Suggestions (applicable as per the need) Bibliography Annexure: questionnaire's, master table etc.

19 Chapter I: Introduction of the Project Introduction to the concerned sector Include the current status and data for the topic concerned Detailed explanation and definition of various aspects related to the project Introduction should be thought provoking and having direct relation with the research topic Identification of areas of research in the topic

20 Chapter II: Review of Literature Introduction to the chapter Collect the review of literature from the journals, newspapers and magazine articles and other published work Minimum 30 reviews are needed The reviews must be written in a proper format

21 GENERAL GUIDELINES The list of Works Cited must be on a new page at the end of your report Entries are arranged alphabetically by the author's last name or by the title if there is no author Titles are italicized (not underlined) and all important words should be capitalized Entries are double-spaced Each entry must include the publication medium. Examples include: Print, Web, DVD, and Television.

22 Format for Review of Literature Works cited - Book with 1 author Mumford, Lewis. The Culture of Cities. New York: Harcourt, 1938. Print. Works cited - Book with 2 or 3 authors Francis, R. Douglas, Richard Jones, and Donald B. Smith. Destinies: Canadian History since Confederation. Toronto: Harcourt, 2000. Print. Works cited - Book with 4 or more authors Baldwin, Richard et al. Economic Geography and Public Policy. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2003. Print.

23 Article retrieved in print/paper format: Ferrer, Ada. "Cuba 1898: Rethinking Race, Nation, and Empire." Radical History Review 73 (1999): 22-49. Print. Man, Glenn K. S. "The Third Man: Pulp Fiction and Art Film." Literature Film Quarterly 21.3 (1993): 171-178. Print. Author. "Title of Article." Title of Journal Volume number (Year): Page(s). Medium

24 Article retrieved on the Web: Sehmby, Dalbir S. "Wrestling and Popular Culture." CCLWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 4.1 (2002): n. pag. Web. 29 Mar. 2009 N. pag. : for no page number

25 Article retrieved in a library database on web: Brennan, Katherine Stern. "Culture in the Cities: Provincial Academies during the Early Years of Louis XIV's Reign." Canadian Journal of History 38.1 (2003): 19-42. CBCA Complete. Web. 29 Mar. 2004. Heming, Li, Paul Waley, and Phil Rees. "Reservoir Resettlement in China: Past Experience and the Three Gorges Dam." The Geographical Journal 167.3 (2001): 195-212. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Mar. 2004.

26 Works cited - Article in a newspaper or magazine Semenak, Susan. "Feeling Right at Home: Government Residence Eschews Traditional Rules." Montreal Gazette 28 Dec. 1995, Final Ed.: A4. Print. Driedger, Sharon Doyle. "After Divorce." Maclean's 20 Apr. 1998: 38-43. Print.

27 Works cited - An entire Web site Linder, Douglas O. Famous Trials. Univ. of Missouri Kansas-City Law School, 2009. Web. 29 Apr. 2009.

28 Works cited - A review Kirn, Walter. "The Wages of Righteousness." Rev. of Cloudsplitter, by Russell Banks. New York Times Book Review 22 Feb. 1998: 9. Print.

29 Review of Literature- Cont Gap in the research Objectives of research Scope of Research

30 Chapter III: Research Methodology Introduction to the chapter Research Design- Definition and research design followed Method of Sampling-Definition and method used Data Collection-Sources of primary and secondary data Limitations of study

31 Research Design Exploratory Research Descriptive Research (who, what, where, how) Causal Research (If-then)

32 Method of Sampling Non probability techniques Convenience Quota Snowball Probability techniques Simple random Complex Random Stratified Cluster Area

33 Sampling-An Introduction Sampling is a process of selecting a subsets of randomized number of members of the population of a study and collecting data about their attributes Item so selected are sample

34 Basics to be mentioned Universe : Totality of items in any field of enquiry Population : Total of items about which information is desired. The elementary units possess at least one common characteristic- real or hypothetical Elementary unit : Units possessing relevant characteristics i.e. attributes that are object of study

35 Sources of Data Collection Primary : Questionnaires, Schedule, Interviews etc Secondary : Internet, books etc

36 Limitations of study Time constraint Reach Generalization of result

37 Chapter IV: Data Analysis and Discussions Introduction to the chapter Data Analysis- Table Table No Title of table Format of Table Discussion Interpretation

38 Table no 4d.1 Title: - Annual income of respondents Discussion Interpretation Annual income ( Rs Lakh)No of Respondents Percentage Below 24 25 % 2-512 75 % 5-70 0 % Above 70 0 % Total16 100 %

39 Chapter IV: Data Analysis and Discussions Data Analysis- Figure Figure No Title of figure Type of figure Pie chart Bar diagram 2D/3D figures Discussion Interpretation

40 2D figure Figure no 4b3.1 Title: Comparison of Annual Income and Percentage saving Discussion Interpretation

41 3D figure Figure no 4.15 Title Discussion Interpretation

42 Pie Diagram Figure no 4.8.1 Title Discussion Interpretation

43 Chapter V: Findings, Results, Conclusions, Suggestions (applicable as per the need) Findings Results Conclusion Suggestions

44 Bibliography Basics Your list of works cited should begin at the end of the paper on a new page with the centered title, Bibliography. Alphabetize the entries in your list by the author's last name, using the letter-by-letter system (ignore spaces and other punctuation.) For dates, spell out the names of months in the text of your paper, but abbreviate them in the list of works cited, except for May, June, and July. Use either the day-month-year style (22 July 1999) or the month-day- year style (July 22, 1999) and be consistent. With the month-day-year style, be sure to add a comma after the year unless another punctuation mark goes there.

45 Hanging Indentation All MLA citations should use hanging indents, that is, the first line of an entry should be flush left, and the second and subsequent lines should be indented 1/2". projects/project_mla_format_examples.shtml?gclid=CMusuP2M4KICFcRA6wodnBKGww

46 Capitalization, Abbreviation, and Punctuation The MLA guidelines specify using title case capitalization - capitalize the first words, the last words, and all principal words, including those that follow hyphens in compound terms. Use lowercase abbreviations to identify the parts of a work (e.g., vol. for volume, ed. for editor) except when these designations follow a period. Whenever possible, use the appropriate abbreviated forms for the publisher's name (Random instead of Random House).

47 Separate author, title, and publication information with a period followed by one space. Use a colon and a space to separate a title from a subtitle. Include other kinds of punctuation only if it is part of the title. Use quotation marks to indicate the titles of short works appearing within larger works (e.g., "Memories of Childhood." American Short Stories). Also use quotation marks for titles of unpublished works and songs.

48 Books Format: Author's last name, first name. Book title. Additional information. City of publication: Publishing company, publication date. Examples: Allen, Thomas B. Vanishing Wildlife of North America. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1974. Boorstin, Daniel J. The Creators: A History of the Heroes of the Imagination. New York: Random, 1992. Hall, Donald, ed. The Oxford Book of American Literacy Anecdotes. New York: Oxford UP, 1981. Searles, Baird, and Martin Last. A Reader's Guide to Science Fiction. New York: Facts on File, Inc., 1979. Toomer, Jean. Cane. Ed. Darwin T. Turner. New York: Norton, 1988.

49 Encyclopedia & Dictionary Format: Author's last name, first name. "Title of Article." Title of Encyclopedia. Date. Note: If the dictionary or encyclopedia arranges articles alphabetically, you may omit volume and page numbers. Examples: "Azimuthal Equidistant Projection." Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 10th ed. 1993. Pettingill, Olin Sewall, Jr. "Falcon and Falconry." World Book Encyclopedia. 1980. Tobias, Richard. "Thurber, James." Encyclopedia Americana. 1991 ed.

50 Magazine & Newspaper Articles Format: Author's last name, first name. "Article title." Periodical title Volume # Date: inclusive pages. Note: If an edition is named on the masthead, add a comma after the date and specify the edition. Examples: Hall, Trish. "IQ Scores Are Up, and Psychologists Wonder Why." New York Times 24 Feb. 1998, late ed.: F1+. Kalette, Denise. "California Town Counts Down to Big Quake." USA Today 9 21 July 1986: sec. A: 1. Kanfer, Stefan. "Heard Any Good Books Lately?" Time 113 21 July 1986: 71-72. Trillin, Calvin. "Culture Shopping." New Yorker 15 Feb. 1993: 48-51

51 Website or Webpage Format: Author's last name, first name (if available). "Title of work within a project or database." Title of site, project, or database. Editor (if available). Electronic publication information (Date of publication or of the latest update, and name of any sponsoring institution or organization). Date of access and. Note: If you cannot find some of this information, cite what is available. Examples: Devitt, Terry. "Lightning injures four at music festival." The Why? Files. 2 Aug. 2001. 23 Jan. 2002. Dove, Rita. "Lady Freedom among Us." The Electronic Text Center. Ed. David Seaman. 1998. Alderman Lib., U of Virginia. 19 June 1998. Lancashire, Ian. Homepage. 28 Mar. 2002. 15 May 2002. Levy, Steven. "Great Minds, Great Ideas." Newsweek 27 May 2002. 10 June 2002.


53 Annexure: questionnaire's, master table etc

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