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CBM Constitution (By-law) Mihai Petrovici, CBM-Meeting, GSI-Darmstadt, October 5-7, 2004 - Short history - Why do we need a Constitution ? - Present draft.

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Presentation on theme: "CBM Constitution (By-law) Mihai Petrovici, CBM-Meeting, GSI-Darmstadt, October 5-7, 2004 - Short history - Why do we need a Constitution ? - Present draft."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBM Constitution (By-law) Mihai Petrovici, CBM-Meeting, GSI-Darmstadt, October 5-7, 2004 - Short history - Why do we need a Constitution ? - Present draft - main aspects - Next steps

2 Feb. 2004: CB chairperson elected Spokesperson election by e-mail in an anonymous way Constitution (by-law) elaboration ~250 participants - 39 Institutions - 12 countries  Working group: Herbert Ströbele Zbigniew Majka Walter F.J. Müller Peter Senger Mihai Petrovici Peter Senger  Ref: ALICE ATLAS CMS PHENIX STAR COMPASS Conceptual Design Report LOI

3 (RRB)    Project Leaders      Management Structure Management Functions

4 CBM Organization I. General 1. Science Mission 2. Membership of the Collaboration 3. New Members of the Collaboration 4. Suspension of Membership 5. Associate Membership 6. Non-Fulfilment of Obligations 7. Plenary Meetings 8. Milestones II. Collaboration Board 1. Role 2. Membership 3. Chairperson and Deputy 4. Meetings 5. Decision Procedures 6. Agenda and Minutes III. Management Structures 1. Management Board 2. Technical Board 3. Resources Board 4. Physics Board IV. Management Functions 1. General Rules 2. Spokesperson and Deputy 3. Coordinators 4. Project Leaders

5 I. General 1. The Science Mission of CBM The goal of the CBM Collaboration is to built a dedicated heavy-ion detector to investigate the properties of highly compressed baryonic matter as it is produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the future accelerator facility in Darmstadt. The present design of the detector is described in the Letter of Intent. The primary mission of CBM is to study key questions of QCD in the region of moderate temperature and very high baryonic densities: confinement chiral symmetry restoration nuclear equation of state 2. Membership of the Collaboration Institutions Members 7. Plenary Meetings The full collaboration has 3-4 days meetings (CBM meetings) at least 2 times a year. The general forum, the CBM Plenary Meetings, assembles at these occasions. Plenary Meetings are open to all Members of the Collaboration. All major issues concerning the physics aims of CBM, the design of CBM detectors and other important matters are presented to the Plenary Meetings prior any decision in the Collaboration Board.

6 I. General 8. Milestones On the way to a full functioning Colaboration, te following steps are foreseen: Letter of Intent Memorndum of Unerstanding Technical Design Report Physics Performance Report Memorandum of Understanding for Maintenance and Operation

7 II. Collaboration Board 1. Role The Colaboration Board (CB), is the policy and decision making body of the CBM Collaboration 2. Membership One representative of each Member Institution Each Institution has one vote 3. Chairperson and Deputy 4. Meetings 5. Decision Procedures Decisions require 2/3 majority of the Institutions represented during the vote.

8 III. Management Structures 1. Management Board Role The CBM Management Board (MB) supervises the progress of the experiment, along the lines defined by the CB and prepares decisions for and makes recomandations to the CB Membership The CB Chairperson in consultation with the Collaboration and Spokesperson nominates members of the MB which are then elected by the CB Ex officio Members of the MB are the Spokesperson and Deputy, the Coordinators, the CB Chairperson and Deputy 2. Technical Board 3. Resources Board 4. Physics Board

9 IV. Management Functions 1. General Rules All mandates and appointments are valid for a limited period of time as defined by the CB 2. Spokesperson and Deputy The Spokesperson is responsible to the CB for the execution of the CBM project He/She takes all necessary decisions in close consultation with MB and CB He/She represents the CBM Collaboration to the Darmstadt Future Facility Committee, to its management and to the outside world 3. Coordinators Technical Coordinator Engineering & Integration Coordinator Physics Coordinator Resources Coordinator Other Coordinators May be nominated by the Spokesperson such as Test Beam Coordinator 4. Project Leaders

10 (RRB) Walter F.J. Müller Volker Friese October 8, 2004, 16:00 CBM-CB Meeting · · Approval of the CBM Constitution · · Election of : - Technical Coordinator - Physics Coordinator

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