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Campus of Care. Step 1: Raise Awareness and Enlist Leadership and Support Step 2: Assemble a Team Step 3: Measure Organizational Culture (January 2014)

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Presentation on theme: "Campus of Care. Step 1: Raise Awareness and Enlist Leadership and Support Step 2: Assemble a Team Step 3: Measure Organizational Culture (January 2014)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Campus of Care

2 Step 1: Raise Awareness and Enlist Leadership and Support Step 2: Assemble a Team Step 3: Measure Organizational Culture (January 2014) Step 4: Develop and Implement Policies, Guidelines, Reporting Protocols, and Educational Workshops Step 5: Evaluation and Reassessment (December 2014) Step 6: Rewards and Celebration Step 7: Expand the Initiative

3 Step 3: Measure Organizational Culture (JAN 2014) Workplace Survey – 60 faculty/staff completed it Q#4: Avoid gossip and spreading rumors SELF YESNOBlank 4992 OTHERS YESNOBlank 22362

4 Step 3: Measure Organizational Culture Workplace Survey – 60 faculty/staff completed it Q#14: Speak directly to the person with whom I have an issue SELF YESNOBlank 5271 OTHERS YESNOBlank 24351

5 Q#4: Avoid gossip and spreading rumors Q#14: Speak directly to the person with whom I have an issue

6 (HD) Human Dignity: Unconditional respect for the inherent worth, uniqueness, and autonomy of individuals. (INT) Integrity: Displaying strong moral character and acting in accordance with accepted standards of behavior and an appropriate code of ethics. (INQ) Inquiry: An active process of exploration and investigation that leads to understanding and construction of knowledge throughout one's life. (SJ) Social Justice: Acting in accordance with fair treatment regardless of gender, economic status, race, religion, ethnicity, age, citizenship, disability, or sexual orientation.

7 Step 4: Develop and Implement Policies, Guidelines, Reporting Protocols, and Educational Workshops What to offer?

8 Step 4: Educational Workshops We probably personally share the MC values, internally. We probably all have days in which our external behavior does not match our internal values. I wonder why that is? Maybe do not feel capable of difficult conversations Busy (home/work) Stressed (home/work) Angry, Frustrated, Scared, Sad (home/work) Overworked (home/work)

9 Step 4: Educational Workshops/Tools Stress management using Mind-body Bridging (March/April of 2014) I Heard it Through the Grapevine Perceptions/Assuming Goodwill (August 2014 All College Meeting) Assertive Communication (September 2014) Conflict Resolution (October 2014)

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