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Word Ladder Freedom…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 1 Week 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Ladder Freedom…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 1 Week 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Ladder Freedom…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 1 Week 3

2 On the bottom rung of your word ladder, write the word: freedom

3 Use the green letters from freedom and the letter g to make a word for an obsessive desire to acquire or possess. freedom

4 You should have spelled… greed

5 Trade the last letter from greed for a letter that makes a word for an expression of goodwill at the time of meeting someone. greed

6 You should have spelled… greet

7 Trade the black letter from greet for the letter h and scramble to letters to make a word for a number. greet

8 You should have spelled… three

9 Use the green letters from three to make a word for a short peg put into the ground to hold a golf ball. three

10 You should have spelled… tee

11 Add the letters s and w to the green letters from tee and scramble them in order to make a word for the taste of sugar tee

12 You should have spelled… sweet

13 Use the green letters from sweet and the letters a, e, and d to make a word for a plant growing in the sea. sweet

14 You should have spelled… seaweed

15 Drop the word weed from the compound word to make a word for the ocean. seaweed

16 You should have spelled… sea

17 Add three letters to the word sea to make a word for a period of the year marked by special events. sea

18 You should have spelled… season

19 Use the green letters from season and the letters l and t to make a word for something that is of no importance. season

20 You should have spelled… least

21 Use the blend from the word least and the ending –ing to make a word for what a bee might do. least

22 You should have spelled… sting

23 Trade the letter t for the letter r and scramble the letters to make a word for jewelry worn on the fingers. sting

24 You should have spelled… rings

25 You just went from freedom to rings in twelve words.

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