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“Multi-Purpose Missions and the Government Balancing Act” WHAT HAT DO YOU WEAR?

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Presentation on theme: "“Multi-Purpose Missions and the Government Balancing Act” WHAT HAT DO YOU WEAR?"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Multi-Purpose Missions and the Government Balancing Act” WHAT HAT DO YOU WEAR?

2 The Committee on the Marine Transportation System The “CMTS” is a Cabinet-level committee stood up in August, 2005. It receives recommendations from a “Coordinating Board” of agency-heads. It is managed by an “Executive Secretariat” or staff that is led by a “Director” with other staff currently detailed by NOAA and the Army Corps. The Executive Secretariat office was officially begun in July, 2006 but has been maintained over the past year by staff from the main MTS-related agencies.

3 Authority The authority to establish the “CMTS” derives from a directive by the President in the U.S. Ocean Action Plan, issued, December 17, 2004, “Supporting Marine Transportation.” The authority to establish the “CMTS” derives from a directive by the President in the U.S. Ocean Action Plan, issued, December 17, 2004, “Supporting Marine Transportation.”

4 PURPOSE OF THE CMTS “To create a partnership of Federal agencies with responsibility for the Marine Transportation System (MTS) - waterways, ports and their intermodal connections – to ensure the development and implementation of national MTS policies consistent with national needs.” [CMTS Charter]

5 What is the MTS? …A network of waterways, ports, and equipment for the movement of freight, military, and passengers is a vital public- private partnership that makes up an essential component of the nation's transportation network. It links water and surface transportation (rail and highway) and enables America to connect globally.

6 What is it? A network of… WaterwaysPortsEquipment

7 It is also a… A vital public – private partnership And it… Links water and surface transportation Supports a global connection

8 What does it do? It moves… Freight –Container, bulk, break-bulk, liquid, LNG Military –Sea Lift, Ready Reserve People –Ferry Boats, Dinner Boats, Cruise Boats

9 It Covers… 25,000 miles of commercially navigable channels (12,000 miles are inland/shallow draft channels) 626 shallow draft, 299 deep draft harbors 240 lock chambers @ 195 lock sites 11 locks over 100 years old, 122 over 50 years old 234 million cubic yards dredged last year (new and maintenance) at a cost of $887 million

10 And includes… 362 Great Lake Terminals 1811 Inland Terminals 1578 Ocean Terminals 299 deep draft ports 626 shallow ports

11 Inland Waterway System 240 lock chambers at 195 sites 12,000 commercially navigable miles

12 On the Ship,Tug, Boat:

13 On the Dock:

14 “Intermodal Connections”

15 What perspective do you bring? Safety?Security? Environmental Stewardship? Business Continuity? Business Planning? What enhances the MTS?

16 What the Director is tasked to do: Manage the day-to-day and long-term vision of the CMTS; Ensure liaison, coordination, collaboration, and clear communications among member agencies; among other stakeholders; and among the Coordinating Board; Present consolidated agency interests to the Coordinating Board on operational and policy issues; Provide staff support to the CMTS; Prepare a budget for implementing its responsibilities; Prepare a work plan for implementing its responsibilities; Prepare an annual performance plan for the Executive Secretariat with specific performance measures to demonstrate successful support of the CMTS and its mission, Supervise and manage the staff of the Executive Secretariat; Promote full cooperation and engagement of all relevant offices from member agencies; Provide ongoing sponsorship and advocacy for the CMTS mission within and among participating agencies; Design, promote and evaluate Coordinating Board joint program alignment and integration; Coordinate budget and staffing matters related to the CB among partner agencies; Prepare documents as directed by the CMTS and CB including strategic plans; budget documents; and action plans including milestones for implementing goals and ES responsibilities; Support Congressional interactions; Support industry interactions; Support Integrated Action Teams in achieving their objectives and facilitating interaction between team leads and other member agencies; Recommend, for approval, an inter-agency procedure for coordinating communications and initiative with third parties including US agencies not represented on the CMTS, Congress, State and Local government agencies, foreign governments, industry, and academia; Director represents the Secretary of Transportation, as appropriate, in work with the CMTS, Congress, other government agencies, the transportation industry, and the public on matters pertaining to the development and coordination of policies related to the MTS.

17 What Federal departments and agencies interest you? Department of Transportation; Department of Commerce; Department of Defense; Department of Homeland Security; Department of the Treasury; Department of State; Department of the Interior; Department of Agriculture; Department of Justice; Department of Labor; Joint Chiefs of Staff; Environmental Protection Agency; Federal Maritime Commission

18 Corps Navigation Mission Corps Navigation Mission Provide safe,reliable,efficient,effective and environmentally sustainable waterborne transportation systems for movement of commerce, for national security needs, and for recreation.

19 MARAD MTS Mission To improve and strengthen the U.S. marine transportation system - including infrastructure, industry and labor - to meet the economic and security needs of the Nation.

20 US Coast Guard mission Protect the public, the environment, and U.S. economic interests – in the nation’s ports and waterways, along the coast, on international waters, or in any maritime region as required to support national security.

21 NOAA’s Vision and Mission Vision “An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions” Mission “To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our nation’s economic, social and environmental needs” Mission “To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and conserve and manage coastal and marine resources to meet our nation’s economic, social and environmental needs”

22 FBI Maritime Security Mission To prevent, disrupt, and defeat criminal acts of terrorism directed against maritime assets, and provide counterterrorism preparedness assistance to federal, state, and local agencies responsible for maritime security. To prevent, disrupt, and defeat criminal acts of terrorism directed against maritime assets, and provide counterterrorism preparedness assistance to federal, state, and local agencies responsible for maritime security.

23 CMTS MEMBERSHIP Secretary of Transportation (Chair) Secretary of Commerce; Secretary of Defense; Secretary of Homeland Security; Secretary of the Treasury; Secretary of State; Secretary of the Interior; Secretary of Agriculture; Attorney General; Secretary of Labor; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission; and the head of any other Federal agency that the Committee Chair, with the approval of a majority of the voting members of the Committee, determines can further the purpose and activities of the Committee

24 Ex-officio members of the Committee, who can participate as non-voting members include the: Director, Office of Management and Budget; Chairman, Council on Environmental Quality; Assistant to the President for Homeland Security; Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy; and Assistant to the President for Economic Policy Consultation


26 What Policy Statement Recommendation on the MTS Would You Want the CMTS to Make to the President?

27 CMTS Support/Coordinating Board A “Coordinating Board” (CB) is made up of heads of federal agencies The CB is comprised of senior-level representatives designated by each Committee member. The CB will assist Committee members in exercising their duties and responsibilities in accordance with the Charter. The Chair of the CB will be rotated among the Commandant of the USCG, the Chief of the USACE, the Maritime Administrator and the Administrator of the NOAA. The CB will meet periodically to assist the Committee in formulating its recommendations and will report directly to the Committee. The Chairperson of the CB is currently LTGeneral A. Carl Strock.

28 If you had a room full of agency heads, what would you want them to do differently or in addition to?

29 If you had the Office of Management and Budget in the room, what would you want them to know? To do? It would have to be realistic.

30 What hat do YOU wear?

31 MTS

32 Contact Information: Committee on the Marine Transportation System 400 7 th Street, SW Room 7215 Washington, DC 20590 202-366-3612 Fx 202-366-3389 Website:

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