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1 1 Abnormal Psychology Canadian Edition Gerald C. Davison John M. Neale Kirk R. Blankstein Gordon L. Flett Gerald C. Davison John M. Neale Kirk R. Blankstein.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Abnormal Psychology Canadian Edition Gerald C. Davison John M. Neale Kirk R. Blankstein Gordon L. Flett Gerald C. Davison John M. Neale Kirk R. Blankstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Abnormal Psychology Canadian Edition Gerald C. Davison John M. Neale Kirk R. Blankstein Gordon L. Flett Gerald C. Davison John M. Neale Kirk R. Blankstein Gordon L. Flett Prepared by Richard A. Davis PowerPoint Presentations to Accompany Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.

2 2 2 chapter 2 Current Paradigms, Cultural Factors, and Canada’s Mental Health System Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.

3 3 The Role of Paradigms Paradigm –Conceptual framework or approach within which a scientist works

4 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.4 Biological Paradigm Behaviour genetics –Genes –Genotype versus phenotype –Family method –Twin method Monozygotic (MZ) twins Dizygotic (DZ) twins –Adoptees method –Linkage analysis

5 Neuron

6 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.6 Biological Paradigm Biochemistry in the nervous system –Neuron Cell body Dendrites Axon Terminal buttons

7 Synapse

8 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.8 Biological Paradigm Biochemistry in the nervous system –Synapse –Neurotransmitters –Reuptake

9 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.9 Biological Paradigm Biological approaches to treatment –Psychoactive drugs

10 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.10 Psychoanalytic Paradigm Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Structure of the mind –Id Pleasure principle Primary process thinking –Ego Reality principle Secondary thinking –Superego

11 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.11 Psychoanalytic Paradigm Stages of psychosexual development –Oral stage –Anal stage –Phallic stage –Latency period –Genital stage

12 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.12 Psychoanalytic Paradigm Fixation Oedipus complex Electra complex Neurotic anxiety –Objective (realistic) anxiety

13 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.13 Psychoanalytic Paradigm Defence mechanisms –Repression –Denial –Projection –Displacement –Reaction formation –Regression –Rationalization –Sublimation

14 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.14 Psychoanalytic Therapy Free association Resistances Dream analysis –Latent content Transference Countertransference Interpretation

15 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.15 Modifications in Psychoanalytic Therapy Ego analysis Brief psychodynamic therapy Interpersonal psychodynamic therapy (IPT)

16 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.16 Evaluating the Psychoanalytic Paradigm Childhood experiences help shape adult personality There are unconscious influences on behaviour People use defence mechanisms

17 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.17 Humanistic and Existential Paradigms Carl Rogers’s client-centred therapy –Self-actualization –Unconditional positive regard –Empathy

18 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.18 Humanistic and Existential Paradigms Existential therapy Gestalt therapy –Empty chair technique –Projection of feelings –Attending to non-verbal cues –Use of metaphor

19 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.19 Learning Paradigms Behaviourism –Focuses on the study of observable behaviour rather than on consciousness

20 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.20 Learning Paradigms Classical conditioning –Unconditioned stimulus (UCS) –Unconditioned response (UCR) –Conditioned stimulus (CS) –Conditioned response (CR)

21 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.21 Learning Paradigms

22 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.22 Learning Paradigms Operant conditioning (instrumental learning) –Law of effect –Positive reinforcement –Negative reinforcement –Shaping –Successive approximations

23 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.23 Learning Paradigms Modelling –Learning by watching and imitating others –Albert Bandura (1925- ) Social learning and cognitive self-regulation Mediational theory of learning –Mediator Internal response

24 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.24 Learning Paradigms Behaviour therapy –Behaviour modification –Counterconditioning Systematic desensitization Aversive conditioning –Operant conditioning Token economy –Modelling Role-play Behaviour rehearsal Assertion training

25 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.25 The Cognitive Paradigm Cognition –Mental processes of perceiving, recognizing, conceiving, judging, and reasoning Schema –Cognitive set

26 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.26 The Cognitive Paradigm Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) –Cognitive restructuring –Beck’s cognitive therapy –Ellis’s rational-emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) –Meichenbaum’s cognitive-behaviour modification –Behaviour therapy and CBT in groups

27 Diathesis-Stress: An Integrative Paradigm



30 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.30 Cultural Considerations Cultural diversity Multicultural counselling and therapy Social policy implications of diversity in Canada

31 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.31 Cultural Considerations Mental health implications of cultural diversity in Canada –Psychiatric problems in minority groups –Help seeking among minority groups –Diagnosis and assessment of psychiatric disorders –Psychological intervention

32 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.32 Canada’s Mental Health Care System Health care –Canada Health Act (CHA) Mental health of Canadians –What factors are associated with mental health in Canada? –What is the extent of mental health problems in the people of Canada? –Regional differences

33 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.33 Canada’s Mental Health Care System Treatment and prevention –Deinstitutionalization and other challenges to service delivery –Delivery of psychotherapy –Help seeking –Community psychology and prevention

34 Copyright 2002 by John Wiley and Sons Canada, Ltd.34 Canada’s Mental Health Care System Cost of mental health problems The future –Role of psychology –Attitudes

35 35 End of chapter 2 Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction or translation of this work beyond that permitted by CANCOPY (Canadian Reprography Collective) is unlawful. Request for further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. The purchaser may make back-up copies for his / her own use only and not for distribution or resale. The author and the publisher assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, or damages, caused by the use of these programs or from the use of the information contained herein.

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