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Psychosocial & Socioeconomic Perspective

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Presentation on theme: "Psychosocial & Socioeconomic Perspective"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychosocial & Socioeconomic Perspective
Fundamentalism From Secular to Sacred Psychosocial & Socioeconomic Perspective What Is To Be Done? By Tahir M. Qazi, MD

2 History & Definition Protestants Conference in Niagara Falls, NY
Scopes Trial (Monkey Trial) 1925 Theory of Natural Selection Under Fire Ideology & Use of Violent/Non-violent means

3 Fundamentalism As a Set of Values

4 Modes of Human Thinking & Corresponding Philosophic Conceptions
Dogmatic Semi-Dogmatic Rationalist Fundamentalism ?? Humanism/Secularism

5 Fundamentalism As a Set of Values
Self Righteousness Narcissism Proselytizing Dogmatic Thinking

6 An Unsocialized Horror Destructive of Property
Unable to Share Possessions Insistent & Demanding for Gratification Violent & Uninhibited in Display of Feelings Fundamentalist Militant Fundamentalist None of the Above

7 Psycho-social Models hold better promise
Personality Theories are NOT appropriate for understanding fundamentalism Psycho-social Models hold better promise For understanding Fundamentalism

8 Sociopolitical Behavior
Religious Fundamentalism Scale Individual Behavior Sociopolitical Behavior Authoritarian Submission Sanctioned Aggression Commitment to Conventions Altemeyers; Page 380

9 Proselytizing Fundamentalist Parents to a teenager:
S/he had been raised in a non-religious Family. Thinking to be religious. What would you advise? Atheist Parents to a teenager: S/he had been raised in a religious Family. Thinking to become an atheist. What would you advise?

10 Try to lead teen to their faith ________________________
98% religious parents Try to lead teen to their faith ________________________ 18% Atheist Parents Try to lead teen to their atheism 80% Atheist Parents Responded: “They would encourage the teen to search among Alternatives beliefs and decide for yourself”

11 Atheistic Fundamentalism is not a valid construct
Atheists are not insecure Atheists are open to modern changes Atheistic Fundamentalism is not a valid construct

12 Role of Social Conditions in Determination of Behavior
Fundamentalism is an Attitude Towards Belief (Ideology) Role of Social Conditions in Determination of Behavior Learned Behavior

13 Fundamentalism & Violence
Protestant fundamentalists in the US fought for their ideology in the court of law Taliban in Afghanistan resorted to violence Why?

14 Japan vs Afghanistan

15 Fundamentalist Values
vs Secular Values

16 Self Expression Gender Relations Homosexuality Civil Liberties Political Structure

17 “Cultural Values have enduring and
Cultural Theorists: Max Weber to Sam Huntington “Cultural Values have enduring and Autonomous influence on the society” Economic Theorists: Karl Marx to Daniel Bell “Socioeconomic development brings pervasive changes in the society”







24 Sequence of Human Development
Existential Security Economic Change Self-Expression Values Cultural Change Democratic Institutions Political Change Modernism, Cultural Change & Democracy: Page 134

25 Fundamentalism to Secularism?
Value Change Fundamentalism to Secularism? Existential security Economic Justice Education

26 Thank You

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