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Mapping Person Data Standards to UDEF Ron Schuldt, Chair The Open Group UDEF Project 9 May 2011 U U D D E E F F.

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping Person Data Standards to UDEF Ron Schuldt, Chair The Open Group UDEF Project 9 May 2011 U U D D E E F F."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping Person Data Standards to UDEF Ron Schuldt, Chair The Open Group UDEF Project 9 May 2011 U U D D E E F F

2 Mapping Concepts to UDEF - Six Basic Steps 1.Identify the applicable UDEF property word that characterizes the dominant attribute (property) of the data element concept. For example, Name, Identifier, Date, etc. 2.Identify the dominant UDEF object word that the dominant property (selected in step 1) is describing. For example, Person_Name, Product_Identifier, Document_Date, etc. 3.By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected property identified in step 1, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the property word term. For example, Family Name 4.By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected object identified in step 2, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the object word term. For example, Customer Person 5.Concatenate the object term and the property term to create a UDEF naming convention compliant name where it is recognized that the name may seem artificially long. For example, Customer Person_Family Name 6.Derive a structured ID based on the UDEF taxonomy that carries the UDEF inherited indexing scheme. For example

3 SEMIC-EU Core Person Concepts

4 Mapping SEMIC-EU Core Person to UDEF 1.Identify the applicable UDEF property word that characterizes the dominant attribute (property) of the data element concept. For above example = Name 2.Identify the dominant UDEF object word that the dominant property (selected in step 1) is describing. For above example = Person_Name 3.By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected property identified in step 1, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the property word term. For above example = Full Name 4.By reviewing the UDEF tree for the selected object identified in step 2, identify applicable qualifiers that are necessary to unambiguously describe the object word term. For above example = Person 5.Concatenate the object term and the property term to create a UDEF naming convention compliant name where it is recognized that the name may seem artificially long. For above example = Person Full Name 6.Derive a structured ID based on the UDEF taxonomy that carries the UDEF inherited indexing scheme. For above example

5 SEMIC-EU Core Person to UDEF Mappings UDEF ObjectUDEF PropertyUDEF ID PersonFull Name5_2.10 PersonFamily Name5_11.10 PersonGiven Name5_12.10 PersonCitizenship-Country Name5_42.10 PersonGender Code5_3.4 PersonBirth Date5_51.6 PersonBirth Country Code5_10.36.4 PersonBirth City Name5_2.10.10

6 NIEM Person Concepts Mapped to UDEF NIEM Person Full Name Sur Name Given Name Middle Name Alternate Name Maiden Name Nationality Text Sex Birth Date Birth Location Blood Type Eye Color Weight Measure UDEF ObjectUDEF PropertyUDEF ID PersonFull Name5_2.10 PersonFamily Name5_11.10 PersonGiven Name5_12.10 PersonMiddle Name5_7.10 PersonAlias Name5_40.10 PersonMaiden Name5_6.10 PersonCitizenship-Country Name5_42.10 PersonGender Code5_3.4 PersonBirth Date5_51.6 PersonBirth City Name5_2.10.10 PersonBlood Type Code5_15.33.4 PersonEye Color Code5_1.17.4 PersonWeight Measure5_8.13

7 U-Core Person Mapped to UDEF U-Core Person Full Name Family Name Given Name Middle Name Alternate Name Citizenship Sex DOB Weight Height UDEF ObjectUDEF PropertyUDEF ID PersonFull Name5_2.10 PersonFamily Name5_11.10 PersonGiven Name5_12.10 PersonMiddle Name5_7.10 PersonAlias Name5_40.10 PersonCitizenship-Country Name5_42.10 PersonGender Code5_3.4 PersonBirth Date5_51.6 PersonWeight Measure5_8.13 PersonHeight Dimension Measure5_4.1.13

8 Person Standards to UDEF Mappings – XML Files SEMIC-EU Person U-Core Person John Adam Doe Doe John USA Male 1989-04-10 USA Orlando John Adam Doe Doe John Adam Johnny USA Male 1989-04-10 150 5-11 NIEM Person John Adam Doe Doe John Adam Johnny USA Male 1989-04-10 Orlando O Negative Brown 150

9 Gap Analysis Tools Demo

10 Example Open Group Gap Analysis Reports SEMIC-EU to U-Core ComparisonU-Core to NIEM Comparison UDEF GUIDPerson-SEMIC.txtPerson-UCORE.txt 5_10.36.4{}CountryOfBirthnull 5_11.10{}FamilyName 5_12.10{}GivenName 5_2.10{}FullName 5_2.10.10{}PlaceOfBirthnull 5_3.4{}Gender{}Sex 5_40.10null{}AlternateName 5_42.10{}Citizenship 5_51.6{}DateOfBirth{}DOB 5_7.10null{}MiddleName 5_8.13null{}Height UDEF GUIDPerson-UCORE.txtPerson-NIEM.txt 5_1.17.4null{}EyeColor 5_11.10{}FamilyName{}SurName 5_12.10{}GivenName 5_15.33.4null{}BloodType 5_2.10{}FullName 5_2.10.10null{}BirthLocation 5_3.4{}Sex 5_40.10{}AlternateName 5_42.10{}Citizenship{}NationalityText 5_51.6{}DOB{}BirthDate 5_6.10null{}MaidenName 5_7.10{}MiddleName 5_8.13{}Height{}WeightMeasure

11 Example Enhanced Gap Analysis Reports SEMIC-EU to U-Core Gap Analysis U-Core to NIEM Gap Analysis

12 Person Standards to UDEF Mappings

13 Contact Information

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